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  1. PTP

    Build a $1.2MM company at 18 y/o. AMA!

    Nice work Alex! Can you go a little bit more in depth on this. Did you have an office space, or was it a remote work station? How did you find your first 1-5 employees? What hiring mistakes did you make early on that could have been avoided?
  2. PTP

    6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum

    Hey, at least you'll be getting it at a rock bottom price! Thanks buddy:fistbump: We'll definitely meet next year!
  3. PTP

    6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum

    WOW, thank you so much!! It was amazing meeting you as well and what you're building is incredible. Looking forward to seeing more updates on your progress thread!
  4. PTP

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    Ran into the same thing here. Gotta say though, Pheonix/Scottsdale are gorgeous.
  5. PTP

    6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum

    Year 2 Update: It's time for a long overdue update. 2017 was a crazy year. Looking back at my last post in December '16 to where things are now, it's almost hard to comprehend how much has changed in such a short time. If there is one thing I want to stress in this post, it's the need to...
  6. PTP

    6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum

    Thanks for the bump! I'll be posting an update in the next few days once I get a chance to sit down and do a proper write up.
  7. PTP

    Standing Desk Recommendations

    The setup I use is this desk: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N023V8B/?tag=tff-amazonparser-20 With this table top: GERTON Table top - IKEA I highly highly recommended you move to a stand up desk sooner rather than later. I used to have terrible neck pain all through school caused from sitting...
  8. PTP

    Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce

    Yeah I logged on the yesterday and saw 50+ notifications and was like "HOLY COW WHAT DID I DO?!" :rofl: Much appreciated! The Chinese guy was the one who was trying to control my prices. Why? I have no clue! You would think he would make more money if I sold more... Maybe his other customers...
  9. PTP

    Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce

    For sure! So it really depends on a lot of different factors. I've had a channel with 80k-100k subs ask for $1400 for a 2-3 min vid. I didn't take them up on their offer but I may loop back around to them as they grow a little more. In my experience, channels with <70k subs won't charge for...
  10. PTP

    6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum

    A little closer every day ;)
  11. PTP

    Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce

    So what happened was when I ran into platform issues in June/July, it reminded me of the lack of control I had over my sales. At that time I was scared that if I began to experience other issues with different platforms I was using, my sales would drop off drastically. This really made me...
  12. PTP

    6 Figures At 18! 1 Year of The Fastlane Forum

    Thank you! I should be posting my 2 year update in the next month or so. So much has happened!
  13. PTP

    Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce

    A lot of the smaller guys do it for free. Most times they really like the product and are excited to be able to keep it. Larger channels charge a fee. The guy I worked with charged a flat rate and I sent him a few different products to try out. Right now I'm working out some sponsorships with...
  14. PTP

    Escape the Borg! - My Journey to Freedom, Ecommerce

    Talk about a crazy month! Sales spiked after the YouTuber's video and have stayed fairly consistent since then. Did more sales this month than all of last year combined - 75% increase over last month. It was also one of the most stressful to date. The reason? Inventory issues. Early in the...
  15. PTP

    Thank you to TFLF

    Let's do it!

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