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Scheltus Croatia

Born '59. Grew up by the seaside of the Netherlands. Sailing, hiking on nearby beach, forests and dunes, a great environment to grow up. Partly. I became adult in Croatia. Appreciating what quality of life we have. Family, a great outdoors, and great guests. Now to focus on wealth, health and yes relations more directed. Together with others.
I love to cook, design and make beautiful things, hike in mountain areas, and sailing. I was a blacksmith for 15 years and we decided to move to Croatia one day, to pursue the dream of living in simple nature. Not very simple I can assure you. Now we know. It has also to do with getting to know the laws of our host country. A challenge for my temper.
I love creating small events at our table in nature. I together with my wife Barbara have some big dreams. Of creating a village on our land. And creating projects that others can enter into and lead a supportive part of rural life here at our place.
We have great guests at our camping usually. Most of whom are fun to have at our table. And we host volunteers from all over the world. From them we get all kinds of interesting stories about their countries. Sometimes we hear things that one would not pick up from media feeds. And our children speak three languages because of the hospitality side of this life.
In this way, part of what we are learning we bring from far to our home. Like learning to cook really really well. This reach out, to the fastlane forum is to learn to become financially wealthy in a healthy way. To overcome limitations I definitely have. Otherwise I would have been financially wealthy already long ago. We have a lot of hectares bot not a lot of bankaccount. We invested all in this project.
Inspiring others to this way of life, means also to be able to acquire and maintain the means to do so. To choose to pick up homesteading. To leave citylife unambiguously and create a success in the rural lifestyle. To create a club of like minded people loving this (hardworking also seasonal peaking) and multidiscipline way of life. And provide others that choose to live in the city with a place to relax in nature.
For me in the end to die, when the time comes, in natural surroundings surrounded by friends and family. If that will be Croatia, Italy or Montenegro or anywhere else I don't know. Preferably it is in nature and with friends and family.
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Trainer: Life Coach
Agro hospitality owner

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