seema sharma

This world is perhaps an expression of our imagination, which is so damn creative and expressive that it just wants to get realized this way or that way. This is what my imagination told me to express through writing. So I write anything and everything to experience solace in solitude.

This was in sophomore year when I responded to a phone call that decided my fate as a marketer because that was the first time, the person praised my communication skills. Marketing and Sales suit me. I am a hardcore marketer, willing to sell anything and everything in this world.

Due to the hot blood and adrenaline rush in my body, I ran behind jobs, entrepreneurial ventures, and boyfriends. After passing a decade, I calculated the pattern to break it. My aspirations were OK but the right path was missing in my journey till now. However, all the bad experiences miraculously pushed me on the trail to a spiritual quest and then the real story got started.

The Divine Power leads us the best way which we can't even think of finding on our own while relying on our gross knowledge about this world. It takes divine wisdom to reach there. And there surely is An Ultimate Power, working behind it. We start stumbling upon the right places based on His wish (God's wish) and then the magic begins. We are just left spellbound and full of gratitude because things start happening on their own. Eventually, we just become seers. Tough to know without feeling before entering in His dimension.
March 17
Chandigarh, India
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E-Business: Other
Head-Sales and Marketing


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