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Recent content by Tiger TT

  1. Tiger TT

    Don't Waste Your Life: Optimizing Life for Fulfillment Instead of Net Worth

    Hey, great topic! 1. I pay for anything that will buy me time instead of doing it myself just like you do. 2. I almost never read or watch the news. Saves a lot of time and reduces stress. The only exception to this is a few websites about economy and a few people who stream on youtube about...
  2. Tiger TT

    Now Live: The Fastlane Forum is fully private with a paid membership.

    This made me excited about the forum again! Great news. And thanks MJ for putting in that much time and energy to this forum up until now.
  3. Tiger TT

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I've read "The Great Rat Race Escape" as soon as it came out! My favorite parts of the book are the strategy and the principle sections. Whenever I'm lost and I need insights I open the book and scan through the sections that I marked when I read the book. And I've done that a lot with this...
  4. Tiger TT

    2022: Join The Fox Web School "Legends Program"

    @Fox, thanks for answering my questions. I did the quiz and I'll PM you now.
  5. Tiger TT

    2022: Join The Fox Web School "Legends Program"

    I read all the posts on this thread and on the other one. I watched your video and 4-5 of your videos on your youtube channel. I'm considering joining, but I have some concerns. 1. I created my own sites with wordpress for my personal projects in the past. I'm also running my own website and...
  6. Tiger TT

    SEO is writing this particular post worth it?

    I wouldn't spend time writing that much for a 90 visit/month keyword. But you can find all the variations of that main keyword. Maybe then it becomes 800 people searching for those keywords and since you have many different variations of the keyword it will be easier to write the article.
  7. Tiger TT

    Dealing with depression as an entrepreneur, figuring things out as I go

    I had a lot of depression and stress last year. It was the worst year of my life. These two books helped me a lot: Full Catastrophe Living - Jon Kabat Zinn Wherever You Go, There You Are - Jon Kabat Zinn
  8. Tiger TT

    WordPress Site Speed, Perfected—Ask Me Anything

    @Nick M. What are your thoughts about Sucuri's WAF/CDN? They have their own CDN on top of WAF. I'm using their services and I see that their CDN only caches about 70% of the traffic. The rest still hits the hosting side. Do you think this is a good approach? Maybe I can install a caching...
  9. Tiger TT

    How great is your business idea from a CENTS perspective? Find out instantly...

    The tool evaluated my current business almost exactly right. The recommendations in the weaknesses section told me what to do in order to reach the full potential. Great tool. Thanks MJ.
  10. Tiger TT

    Customers not responding to emails?

    Even if they're the right people, 150 subscribers is nothing. You need at least 1000 people in order to understand what's going on.
  11. Tiger TT

    [The Path] Advanced Coaching for Entrepreneurs

    I just joined the program.
  12. Tiger TT

    Basic cybersecurity for a new website?

    1. Don't save your passwords in your FTP Client, because there're viruses which steal your FTP credentials stored in your PC and use that to hack your website. 2. Use KeyScrambler on your computer. This little program encryptes your keystrokes, so even if your anti-virus doesn't detect a...
  13. Tiger TT

    Are you successful?

    You should take a look at this thread: NOTABLE! - 28 Years old: Just bought the Lambo (not clickbait)
  14. Tiger TT

    Places for self publishing ebooks?

    Your own website. Did you even start writing your eBook?
  15. Tiger TT

    How to deal with burn out? Am I just being a b*tch?

    I sometimes tell myself "I'll write 200 words today". But I write 900 words. I set low expectations so that I sit down and write. I trick myself into writing. For me this works better than setting high expectations. I can write faster this way. Also after I write for 1 hour, I rest for 10-15...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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