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Recent content by Walter Hay

  1. Walter Hay

    Two cognitive punches for lifelong, durable happiness...

    Sometimes life will seem unfair, but that is really a product of a person's expectations and hopes. One of my brothers who was a rebel, during military service, was disciplined for "Being in a state of military undress, and failing to salute an officer," His punishment was to empty a 45 gallon...
  2. Walter Hay

    Two cognitive punches for lifelong, durable happiness...

    I think it was hereditary. My mother was tough, and also canny. The latter was displayed when during a time of housing shortages (WW2) and needing to house herself, 3 adult daughters, a little baby, and me, she outmaneuvered the long line of women who were already queuing down 2 flights of...
  3. Walter Hay

    Two cognitive punches for lifelong, durable happiness...

    Thank you for the sobering suggestions that should help many forum members. Having entered this world while carrying a deadly Cystic Fibrosis (CF) gene that led to pneumonia at 3 weeks of age, and the family doctor's warning to my mother that I would not live until the next morning, I have been...
  4. Walter Hay

    Think Big, and Then Think Bigger Than That.

    The ARK ENCOUNTER, like so many commentaries based upon Biblical subjects falls well outside reality for the simple reason that, as is common, it is evident that guesswork has overpowered careful thought. THE ARK DID NOT NEED A KEEL OR BOW because it had no means of propulsion - all it was...
  5. Walter Hay

    Self-Promotion: Post Your Offer, Products, or Services! (2024)

    I am currently undergoing Cardiac Rehab, involving what they refer to as "gentle exercise" and I am relieved and pleased to say that it has been working wonders for me, refreshing me to the point that I am now ready to again contribute to this great forum. The revival of this self-promotion...
  6. Walter Hay

    [AMA] Importing & wholesaling for resale on eBay.

    You seized a good opportunity and I wish you success. My specialty is product sourcing (even the impossible) and safe shipping and importing. Walter
  7. Walter Hay

    [AMA] Importing & wholesaling for resale on eBay.

    Your mention of wholesale stock already on its way rang alarm bells. I have seen too many people jump in the deep end when it comes to locating and placing orders for stock without being aware of the risks. I suggest you go back a couple of pages to Post #2190 October 28 2021 where you will...
  8. Walter Hay

    Why are sales letters selling only 1-4%?

    This thread seems to have become a catch-all for various sales, marketing, and advertising ideas, so I would like to add mine that adds the subject of Warm Calling. SEE: How I started and built my B2B importing empire WALTER
  9. Walter Hay

    Why are sales letters selling only 1-4%?

    Direct mail is not dead and in fact it is thriving. See this article: Direct Mail Marketing: Advantages and How to Use It for Your Business Walter
  10. Walter Hay

    Why are sales letters selling only 1-4%?

    I ran a successful business back in the late 60s, with advertising and marketing along these lines: Direct Mail. Conversion rate 4% +. How did it work? A killer headline that forced the recipient's brain to want to read on. In addition to that there was a PS in what looked like handwriting...
  11. Walter Hay

    The TWR Tactic: Easy, transformative, powerful...

    I don't know why you posted this quote from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, but I would like to draw attention to the fact that the Greek word translated as it appears in the KJV is Logos, which according to Greek Scholars (such as Thayer or Vine) means: "a concept or idea - a saying...
  12. Walter Hay

    Taking over business from retiring baby boomers

    See Attached File Rethink: This little appendage to my post was not there when I went back to add more information as promised, so firstly, here is that previously attached file, and following it is the more information as requested via PM. The History of Faith Chemical Industries gives more...
  13. Walter Hay

    Taking over business from retiring baby boomers

    The most important factor is the ability to think outside the box. Manufacturing problems are so wide ranging that once detected by a salesperson operating as a troubleshooter they have to be somewhat inventive to quickly come up with a solution. EXAMPLE: Multiple sheets of wood veneers are...
  14. Walter Hay

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Several years ago a member asked me to source sleep pods for rent at airports where Fly-in-Fly out workers could spend the night before returning to the mine or gas field. I found a Chinese company that made the pods at remarkably low prices. In the process I discovered that the idea originated...
  15. Walter Hay

    Package Design - Advice

    If you want to use your packaging to impress, you need to make it look impressive. If you want it to survive multiple trips at the hands of couldn't care less freight deliverers make it rugged. Retail giants in The UK, USA, Canada, and Australia changed their packaging over the years as...

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