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Recent content by Young-Gun

  1. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    I don't know how to explain to people who can't hear what I'm saying. 10 pages is nothing. 2 months is nothing. How big is your business? How much did you make today? I'm already in the top 5% of global income. It's more than enough for me to be happy where I'm at. (Edit, make that top .5%...
  2. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Morning Thoughts on Huge and Ambitious Projects I recognize that I have hit the "Intermediate" part of this project. The easy excitement of the beginning has worn off. I know that between "Beginner" and "Advanced" there is a long 'desert of the soul.' I anticipated it. I will pass through it...
  3. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Friday night update - another good Interview and a day of rest: - Did a long NEED Interview in Industry A (double-length, nearly half an hour). I learned a lot; it was another very friendly interview. She volunteered to let me keep interviewing for extra time, even though she had a busy day. -...
  4. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Thursday night - Did another 2 NEED interviews for SaaS Industry A, they went well - still sending cold emails - Insanely busy with Tutoring Biz and some Life stuff Sleep now (posting from bed)
  5. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Hey readers, I missed a day of posting. Just passed out at the end of the day. Sorry - I've been working myself to the bone. Probably too hard. If it makes it any better, my last thought before passing out was "shit, I forgot to post on the Fastlane Forum." I've been getting up early for...
  6. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Monday night update: Another great day. I was SO sleepy in the afternoon from excitement + lack of sleep recently. So I took a nap, lol. It was kind of an accident, I just passed out. Anyway, still got a LOT done today after the Interview this morning, and got even more Interviews scheduled...
  7. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Early morning SaaS update for Monday: It's a day off from going to Tutoring Office. I could have slept in till Noon. But I was up with the sun and a big pot of coffee (and my cat to keep me company on my desk). Why? Because I had another Customer Development Interview just a few moments ago...
  8. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Quick Update from late Sunday night: Busy day of Tutoring Biz and Life; still found several hours to devote to SaaS progress. - 317 Interview Prospects loaded into QuickMail. Using the method recently developed, I added 317 more Interview Prospects into the Cold Email funnel. - Another...
  9. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    For the rest of people reading this thread, sorry for the bad vibes. Will update and respond tonight! At tutoring biz right now.
  10. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    I suppose if that was my purpose, it would bother me.
  11. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Facepalm. Never mind dude, go find another thread. These are questions answered multiple times throughout the thread already.
  12. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    I thought about saying something snappy, but I changed my mind, because the question is interesting to me. First, here's my (blunt) advice for you: - When you jump into a conversation, wait till you know what people are talking about. Doing otherwise SUBTRACTS value, instead of adding. - Reread...
  13. Young-Gun

    Just got my first freelancing gig!

    Way to go!! It sounds like you know where you want to GET to, and you've started the journey. Super-proud of you, and I'm sure a lot of other people on this forum are, as well. Great job taking action and seeing results. Keep it up :)
  14. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Holy crap, you will be proud of my Work Ethic for today. - Added *502 Brand-New Prospects* to QuickMail. That's not a typo. Five hundred and two new Human Beings, added by hand to my Prospect / Interview Email list, in one single day of hard-a$$ work. All 502 will be Automatically Emailed (and...
  15. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Friday Night Update: Had the day off today, slept in, got a decent tutoring sale. The Tutoring Leads are actually pouring in right now. I've been tweaking my Local Adwords account on the side. And, my results have measurably improved. The way I see it, all that Tutoring Income is fuel for the...

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