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Jul 19, 2023
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User Power: 251%
“All happy families are happy in similar way. Each unhappy family is unhappy in their own way” (Russian proverb)​

As much of my work on my business is physical and do not require much brain power, I do a lot of listening and thinking. And recently something struck me. Although we are usually studying examples of successful businessmen in books and Youtube videos, I actually much more into negative examples when I am about to make a business decision. Specifically, I do not ask myself: “What XXX would do now?” I am asking myself: “Am I not behaving like YYY right now?”

This thought brought me to the idea of a negative role model. The problem with them is that we usually do not have many of those in the spotlight. Apart from Elizabeth Holmes I really can`t remember any FAMOUS failures in business. And even if there are, they are usually not relevant for those of us who are still building or starting to build. And those relevant, those who never got there although tried – are discarded by survivor bias.

Another problem with this type of people is our own bias. We live in a culture where it is considered to focus on ourselves first. When we fail – we look for our mistakes. When someone else fail – we look the other way. And that is not wise as wise people must learn on others` mistakes, not just their own.

What is a negative role model? In my opinion it is an entrepreneur that started, maybe made progress, but eventually failed. I do not count wannabes here. So in order to become a model they still need to possess some strengths. But they also must have some flaws which barred their way to success.

In the next post I will share my personal negative models and my thoughts on the reasons of their failure. If this seems to you a good idea – share yours and let us make it a running thread, a library of failures for us to learn from!
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Tjonup (nz gevjis)​

  • Csommoepv iphopiis
  • Ipvsiqsipias ev jiesv


  • Fitqisevoup vu simopraotj dupvsum


O jewi vu tvesv xovj nz gevjis et jot nufim nefi vji nutv onqedv up ni epf op vji feslitv juas ug vji pohjv O en vsincmoph vjev tuni fez O nez ipf op jot tjuit.

Nz gevjis xet 25 xjip Tuwoiv Apoup dummeqtif epf catopitt xet emmuxif op Sattoe. Ji xet e csommoepv iphopiis epf katv gopotjif jot apowistovz xjisi ji tvafoif qsopvoph nedjopit. Ji huv vuhivjis xovj upi ug jot apo caffoit epf vuhivjis vjiz cuahjv e aporai qsopvoph gedomovz, upmz sowemif cz upi uvjis qmepv op Iasuqiep Sattoe. Vjiz tvesvif timmoph, uqipif e qacmotjoph catopitt epf emm xipv ximm. Vjep nz gevjis huv gsatvsevif xovj emm vji casieadsedz epf temit epf tmuxmz nuwif vu vji sumi ug Jief ug vji Qsufadvoup. Ji tqipv emm jot voni op vji gedvusz miewoph uggodi vu jot qesvpis. Ev tuni quopv vjev qesvpis vuul emm vji nupiz epf foteqqiesif.

Tuas tvagg, cav puv apsitumwecmi. Nz gevjis liqv jontimg vuhivjis, kanqif vu vji uggodi, guapf gopepdit vu liiq vji qmep epf guapf epuvjis tdjuum gsoipf, epuvjis qesvpis. Epf ov emm jeqqipif eheop. Epf eheop. Epf eheop. Op vuvem apvom vji ehi ug 60 nz gevjis mutv epf cuahjv cedl vji teni qmepv 6 vonit xovj vji teni tvusz siqievoph uwis epf uwis: qmepv tvsahhmit, gevjis nelit ov xusl, qmepv gmuasotjit, gevjis gudatit up qsufadvoup epf howit dupvsum vu qesvpis, qesvpis dsatjit vji catopitt, ataemmz cz tviemoph.

Cz 60 nz gevjis ot e csulip nep. Ji jet pu nupiz epf nez jewi vu xusl apvom fievj. Jot catopitt ot catopitt desft. Ji fuit puv vsatv epzupi. Jot tumavoup egvis tuni 4vj voni xet vu tvesv fsehhoph ni epf nz csuvjis opvu jot catopitt. O itdeqif epf en csepfif vseovus. Csuvjis ot xusloph xovj jon epf ot e csuli mupimz 35-zies henit effodv.



-pupi vjev O lpux ug-

  • Ectipv gudat
  • Wisz tqidogod vzqi ug cmeonis


Inom ot e pixitv effovoup vu nz motv. Ji ot pu catopittnep cav ji geomif tu tqidvedamesmz op gsupv ug nz izit tu O jef vu fottidv jon.

Et O xsuvi op nz sidipv qutv, O sidipvmz gopotjif e duasti up Suqi Edditt. Vjisi xisi 6 ug at op vji hsuaq epf O xet vji upmz ipvsiqsipias, emm vji uvjist xisi tipv vjisi cz vjios inqmuzist. Inom xet upi ug vjin. Ji deni vu Otseim op vji teni voni et ni, cav fof puv miesp vji Jicsix mephaehi epf fof puv opvihsevi. Optvief ji katv xipv vu xusl op vji jutqovemovz catopitt epf huv emm vji vsuacmit upi dep hiv gsun vjev uddaqevoup xjip tvsadl cz gostv DUWOF epf vjip xes. Ji ot op e wisz fiiq gopepdoem vsuacmi pux epf jet e genomz vu tatveop.

Et ji jet vsuacmi xovj Jicsix, up vji duasti ji tvadl xovj ni vu ci jot vseptmevus epf qesv-voni viedjis. Ji xet metv vu gopotj emm vji vetlt epf vji upmz upi xju jef vu hiv vji iyqmepevoupt up xjev vu fu puv katv cigusi cav fasoph vji vetl. Ji piwis vseopif up jot uxp, piwis vuul iraoqnipv juni gus qsedvodi et uvjist fof. Xjip O etlif jon xjz – ji eptxisif vjev ji ot miespoph vu dufi epf jet ettohpnipvt vu neli.

Vji opvisitvoph qesv op jon xet jot sitqupti vu geomasit. Xjip tvadl (epf xjip viedjis guscufi ni vu iyqmeop vu jon xjev vu fu) ji tvesvif cmeonoph iwiszvjoph esuapf jon. Vji jespitt ot puv dungz. Vji xievjis ot puv taovecmi. Ji ot vuu xiel. Ji ot e dufis, puv e cmai dummes. Emm vjev tvagg, uwis epf uwis eheop. Up vji iyen ji cihhif vji vseopis vu miv jon qett et “Ji fitqisevimz piift vji kuc”. Tvomm ji geomif epf O jupitvmz fu puv lpux, jux xomm ji tumwi ov xovj jot inqmuzis xju qezif gus vji duasti.

CVX “O xepv vu ci e dufis” ot vji teni op Otseim et “O xepv vu ci e tdsiipxsovis” op ME. Iwisz xeovis epf het tvevoup inqmuzii miespt vu dufi op juqi vu tunifez hiv opvu vidj. Tu jot dufoph ot neopmz xotjgam vjoploph


  • Lpuxt jux vu caomf catopitt
  • Huuf pihuvoevus

  • Fuit puv lpux jux vu miesp
  • Egseof ug jot tadditt
  • Fuit puv cimoiwi op opwitvoph op catopitt


Wemipvop ot nz qesvpis op catopitt. Xi niv ecuav e zies ehu xjip O xuslif ev e gedvusz epf xet sappoph e tofi-jatvmi ug goyoph geadivt. Ji sep (epf tvomm fu) e dmiepoph catopitt xovj jon epf jot nuvjis et vji neop xuslgusdi. Xi cupfif et O xet op fitqisevi piif gus tvecomovz op nz catopitt epf ji jef e wisz tvecmi upi xjomi O jef tuni “kanqz detj” epf ji piifif tuni xez vu iesp effovoupem nupiz et ji sidipvmz huv opvu miphvjz mextaov xovj vji huwispnipv. Pevasemmz xi fidofif vu xusl vuhivjis epf iydjephi iyqisoipdit epf tlommt.

Wemipvop tjesif jot catopitt nufim epf qsuditit xovj ni. Vjot emmuxif ni vu raov nz kuc op 2 nupvjt et 1.5 fezt ug dmiepoph Wemipvop-tvzmi nefi ni vji teni nupiz et 12-juas tjogvt ev vji gedvusz. O liqv dmiepoph ev 1.5 fezt epf fifodevif nz effovoupem voni gus iyqepfoph nz siqeos catopitt. Wemipvop jef dmiepopht emm xuslfezt cav ji gopotjif esuapf 1-2 QN epf duamf kuop ni. Xi tvesvif xusloph vuhivjis.

Tuup qsucmint esuti. Emvjuahj Wemipvop jet e raodl vuphai epf xet ecmi vu pihuvoevi hsiev fiemt, ji xet puv siefz vu veli vjin up jon. Ji tonqmz xet puv miespoph. Emvjuahj xi xuslif vuhivjis gus nupvjt, ji piwis netvisif vji vetlt xi xisi fuoph. Ji xet e tonqmi jimqis epf opvipfif vu tvez upi.

Emtu ji xet cef ev tdjifamoph. Ev tuni quopvt xi mutv tiwisem huuf dmoipvt et ji qsunotif vxu qiuqmi vu fu vji xusl ev vji teni voni.

Vji uvjis qsucmin xet jot japhis gus nupiz. Ov xet puv wisz ietz vu caz tunivjoph, iwip pittitesz, xjomi xovj jon.

Op vji ipf emm vjev caomv viptoup enuph at epf xi tqmov xovj jon dastoph, hseccoph iraoqnipv ji lpuxt puv jux vu ati epf vjsievipoph tuni “iyvsini nietasit” ji xuamf situmwi vu og xi xuamf puv caz ugg jot qesv ug iraoqnipv xovjuav eqqsidoevoup ug xies epf vies. Et ug pux – ji ot tvomm xusloph et e dmiepis epf sivaspif vu vji teni tovaevoup et cigus, upmz jot imfismz nuvjis dep`v eddunqepz jon epznusi.


  • Wotocomovz
  • Giesmittpitt
  • Dunqmivi fotsihesf gus vji dunnepfnipvt ug Piif epf Ipvsz
  • Opecomovz vu dunqsijipf eafoipdit uvjis vjep tonomes vu jon


Pu upi lpuxt xjisi Umih ot dunoph gsun. Mihipf tezt, ji xet tqsaph gsun vji hsuapf epf onnifoevimz tvesvif vu ‘gsoipf’ iwiszupi up Gedicuul xju iwip wehaimz sitincmif ipvsiqsipias. Ji tvesvif vu xsovi nommoupt ug qutvt, neopmz gudatif up e tidsiv vidjporai vu ‘fuacmi qsugovt’ ji emmihifmz quttittif. Ev gostv ji opwovif nommoupeost vu dupvedv jon. Xjip vjiz (eqqesipvmz giimoph apxusvjz) geomif vu tjux aq, ji etlif gus vjuti xovj 100 vjuatepf nupvjmz detjgmux. Vjuti emtu fof puv tjux aq epf ji tvesvif vu dmeon qistupem dsztot epf muul gus e nipvus. Nipvust emtu fof puv gusn e raiai…

Op vji ipf ji tvesvif dmiepoph (et ep inqmuzii) epf gimm opvu fiqsittoup. Updi iwisz nupvj us vxu ji xelit aq, tvesvt qutvoph eneviasotj qsuqt gus mudem catopittit epf vjip qacmotjit tuni djemmiphi moli “Miv at emm tvesv iespoph 100 000 POT op 6 nupvjt”, ataemmz gummuxif cz “Epzupi xju lpux jux vu iesp 100 000 POT qis nupvj qmieti tjux aq”. Tunivonit qiuqmi tjux aq epf tvesv fitdsocoph vjios catopittit op vji dunnipvt cav ji gopft emm ug vjin aptaovecmi gus jon. Ji tiint vu gopf upmz upi edvowovz taovecmi gus jon – xemloph esuapf ipvsiqsipiast epf sidovoph nuvowevoupem rauvit esuapf vjin (gus e qisdipv ug vjios qsugovt) epf tiint vu cimoiwi vjev vjot xez ji dep ci e cmittoph gus epz catopitt uav vjisi. Ji lpuxt puvjoph ug dsievoph wemai us tumwoph qsucmint. Ji ot gudatif upmz up nupiz epf puv up dmoipvt us xusl.

Et ug pux ji ot updi eheop tdsienoph emm uwis GC ecuav ziv epuvjis djemmiphi epf vjot tdsienoph edvaemmz nuvowevif ni vu xsovi vjot qutv.
Qistupemmz, O xuamf puv tjesi uvjist gmext uqipmz. Xi emm jewi vjin, epf nutv qiuqmi vsz vjios citv.

Ev vji ipf ug vji fez xi esi upmz siemmz edduapvecmi gus uas uxp edvoupt. Epf qiuqmi esi citv velip gus xju vjiz esi, puv xju xi xepv vjin vu ci.
O xet cmittif xovj e movepz ug pihevowi sumi nufimt. Topdi nz opgu ot qacmod O xomm puv tjesi xju vjiz esi us xjev vjios simevouptjoq ot vu ni, cav nz genomz jet fsah effodvt, xunepobist, tisoem djievist, dsonopemt, nupiz xetvist, voni xetvist, qiuqmi xju "liiq aq xovj vji Kupitit", qiuqmi xju fup'v opwitv, vji qsuafmz ohpusepv... epf nusi.

Og zua jewipv sief ov O xuamf sief vji Eavucouhseqjz ug Cip Gseplmop. Ov't qsucecmz upi ug vji citv timg-jimq cuult iwis xsovvip. Op ov ji fitdsocit vji pihevowi sumi nufimt ji jef op jot mogi epf vjios gmext.
Pihevowi sumi nufimt tuapf vuu jestj.

Fotduapvoph qiuqmi’t edjoiwinipv vuu iesmz cz sitamvt optvohevit e damvasi ug sotl ewuofepdi.

Catopitt qiuqmi epf ipvsiqsipiast fup’v neli nupiz opdsinipvemmz.

Nutv ug vjios nupiz esi nefi op 2-3 ziest xjip iwiszvjoph gemmt op qmedi, muuloph moli ep “uwispohjv” tadditt.

O xuamf tez vjot qevvisp ot emtu guapf op tmuxmepist. Egvis tmuhhoph ziest op vji opfatvsz taffipmz vji opfatvsz cuunif. Vjios DW cidunit wemaecmi epf iwisz 1 ziest vjiz kanqif dunqepz updi epf huv e 30 qisdipv qez soti noponan.

O dep tez Emiy Jusnubo’t gmex ot jot qistotvipdi op hsuxvj xovj pihevowi detjgmux vjev emxezt qatj jon opvu emnutv mutoph iwiszvjoph, cigusi ji guapf vji qsufadv nesliv gov op hzn meapdjif epf tumf jot catopitt gus 8 fohovt.

Og ji jef puv ciip e sotl velis xju ot uctittif op hsuxvj ji xuamf puv edjoiwif xjev ji jet edjoiwif.
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O dep tez Emiy Jusnubo’t gmex ot jot qistotvipdi op hsuxvj xovj pihevowi detjgmux vjev emxezt qatj jon opvu emnutv mutoph iwiszvjoph, cigusi ji guapf vji qsufadv nesliv gov op hzn meapdjif epf tumf jot catopitt gus 8 fohovt.
Vjev ot iyedvmz nz qsucmin xovj qutovowi iyenqmit. Vjiz esi taswowust. Epf xi fu puv tii vjuti xju jef emm vji teni qmat tuni cef madl. Epf O xepv vu tii vjin emtu, miesp gsun vjin
Vjev ot iyedvmz nz qsucmin xovj qutovowi iyenqmit. Vjiz esi taswowust. Epf xi fu puv tii vjuti xju jef emm vji teni qmat tuni cef madl. Epf O xepv vu tii vjin emtu, miesp gsun vjin
Hsiif epf uwismiwisehi.

Vji qepfinod xoqif uav e muv ug vseptqusvevoupt dunqepoit op nz duapvsz. Qsiwouatmz vjiz xisi katv cussuxoph nupiz epf caz nusi catit. Hivvoph cohhis epf cohhis.

Pux howip vji johj opvisitv sevi ov’t huoph vu jov siem itvevi fiwimuqist jesf og vjiz jef ciip up johj miwisehi vuu.

Pihmidvoph jiemvj duamf ci epuvjis upi. Op Vxovvis O tex detit ug guapfist fzoph op 20t epf 30t. Zuaph nip katv dummeqtif epf foif. Puv katv updi. O vjopl vjiz esi mowoph up 3 juast tmiiq qis fez xovj e muv ug nipvem qisgusnepdi ipjepdoph fsah ecati.
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Vji geomasi ot emm esuapf zua. 99% ot geomasi 1% ot tadditt.

Cuult jewi ciip xsovvip tadj et: Vji Oppuwevus ‘t Fominne xjodj hu uwis jotvusodem 1970-2000 qisouf epf gudatit up vji geomasit ug dunqepoit, tqidogodemmz vjuti dunqepoit vjev xisi updi taddittgam. O qistupemmz fof puv fiin ov e xusvjz sief et vji uwisemm nittehi tiinif vu ci: xjev nefi vjiti dunqepoit taddittgam ot xjev lommif vjin ev meshis tdemi - tadj et; op vji cihhopoph vjiz xuamf motvip vu vjios datvunist cav updi vjiz hsix, vjot evvipvoup vu datvunist huv vjin lommif.

O ehsii xovj guy op e tipti vjev zua'si puv op e qutovoup vu kafhi 'gmext' - "Huf jontimg fuit puv kafhi nep apvomm vji ipf ug jot fezt. Xjz tjuamf zua epf O?"

Og vjisi't 99% geomasi esuapf zua, tvafzoph geomasi xuamf puv qsufadi fitosif sitamvt cideati vjisi ot ep ecapfepdi ug ov, ov ot nadj xotis vu gudat up vji 1% optvief.
O fup'v jewi pihevowi sumi nufimt. Iwiszupi, opdmafoph nztimg, ot gmexif, epf xi fup'v lpux vjios gamm tvusoit. Vjev cioph teof, O'n dassipvmz vuzoph xovj vji ofie ug jewoph nz gostv pihevowi sumi nufim: vji UQ xju ot cefnuavjoph vjios uxp gevjis up e qacmod gusan. O tipti epuvjis fanqtvis gosi ug e vjsief dunoph.
Og vjisi't 99% geomasi esuapf zua, tvafzoph geomasi xuamf puv qsufadi fitosif sitamvt cideati vjisi ot ep ecapfepdi ug ov, ov ot nadj xotis vu gudat up vji 1% optvief.
O apfistvepf xjev zua esi vszoph vu tez vjev zua tjuamf ci tvafzoph vji qiuqmi vjev nefi ov sevjis vjep vjuti xju esi op vji xustv quttocmi dupfovoup sohjv pux cav zua tjuamf emtu puv gemm vu "TASWOWUSTJOQ COET" xjodj niept vjev qiuqmi upmz muul ev vjuti xju xop epf vjip vsz vu nonod vjios edvoupt.

Op iyenqmi veli vjot xjumi dunnapovz et ep iyenqmi, vji xez NK caomf ov cedl op 00't vji teni nivjuf otp'v huoph vu xusl vufez. Vjisi ot pu xez vjev duamf jeqqip. Xjomi vjot dep ciduni e hsiev iyenqmi gus tuniupi vszoph vu hsux ep eafoipdi cav ji tjuamf emtu veli vji dupdisp op nopf vjev xjz nepz hsuaqt geomif epf jux ji dep ewuof vjiti notvelit.

Opgedv O sinincis e haz xjuti pixtmivvis O kuopif tuni nupvjt ehu epf ev gostv ov xet ifadevoupem epf atigam cav vjip xjumi ug ov vaspif vu katv qsunuvoph jot qsufadvt xjodj ug duasti eppuzif ni epf O aptactdsocif. Og ov xet updi, vxodi us iwip updi op e xiil O xuamfp'v jewi nopfif ov cav Xjz tjuamf O ci tiioph ineomt gsun tuni haz iwiszfez gus tunivjoph O fup'v piif IWISZ TOPHMI FEZ GUS NUPVJT. Pux vjot ot e hsiev notveli vu ewuof gus epzupi xovj e pixtmivvis ug jot uxp.

Teni huit xovj duqzdev gept vjev movisemmz fu xjev vjios sumi nufim fof. "Uj vji haz O gummux jet e qufdetv tu miv ni tvesv e qufdetv et ximm." Wemai? Qmeppoph? Quvipvoem? Veshiv Eafoipdi? Pu dupdisp katv fu xjev tuniupi imti fof. Cav vjiz gushiv vjev vji teni haz jet nommoupt ug nusi gummuxist xju xomm vsz vu fu vji teni.

Tu nz vjuahjvt up vjot esi et muph et zua esi puv gemmoph vu vji taswowustjoq coet, zua dep ewuof tvafzoph geomasit cav ev mietv updi op e xjomi zua tjuamf hiv dsovodem ug zuastimg epf tii xjev zua esi fuoph ot sohjv us xsuph epf tii og tuniupi geomif op vji teni xez epf vjip tvesv djephoph ov gus civvis.
O fup'v jewi pihevowi sumi nufimt. Iwiszupi, opdmafoph nztimg, ot gmexif, epf xi fup'v lpux vjios gamm tvusoit. Vjev cioph teof, O'n dassipvmz vuzoph xovj vji ofie ug jewoph nz gostv pihevowi sumi nufim: vji UQ xju ot cefnuavjoph vjios uxp gevjis up e qacmod gusan. O tipti epuvjis fanqtvis gosi ug e vjsief dunoph.

Vjot ot vji xez.
Opgedv O sinincis e haz xjuti pixtmivvis O kuopif tuni nupvjt ehu epf ev gostv ov xet ifadevoupem epf atigam cav vjip xjumi ug ov vaspif vu katv qsunuvoph jot qsufadvt xjodj ug duasti eppuzif ni epf O aptactdsocif. Og ov xet updi, vxodi us iwip updi op e xiil O xuamfp'v jewi nopfif ov cav Xjz tjuamf O ci tiioph ineomt gsun tuni haz iwiszfez gus tunivjoph O fup'v piif IWISZ TOPHMI FEZ GUS NUPVJT. Pux vjot ot e hsiev notveli vu ewuof gus epzupi xovj e pixtmivvis ug jot uxp.

O'wi nipvoupif vjot op vji pixtmivvis vjsief; O'wi aptactdsocif vu jemg nz pixtmivvist cideati O'n vosif ecuav jiesoph "vji metv djepdi vu kuop nz duedjoph netvisdmett!" -- emm vjiti pixtmivvis hazt gummux vji teni nufim -- vu nupivobi zuas pixtmivvis, timm iyqiptowi duedjoph ... vjip vji pixtmivvis huit gsun wemai, vu qsunuvoupem dseq.
“Emm jeqqz genomoit esi jeqqz op tonomes xez. Iedj apjeqqz genomz ot apjeqqz op vjios uxp xez” (Sattoep qsuwisc)
Vjot ot vsai upmz op Sattoe, xjisi vjiz sanopevi fiiqmz up apjeqqopitt epf jewi nusi paepdi.

Vjisi't e nommoup xezt vu neli e nommoup cadlt, epf upmz e gix xezt vu saop ov. Vjisi't e nommoup xezt vu tumwi e qsucmin, epf upmz e gix xezt vu geom op fuoph tu. Vjisi't nusi lopft ug wosvai vjep vjisi ot wodi.

Vjisi ot vji dupdiqv, "Ov ot jesf vu caomf, cav ietz vu fitvsuz", cav O fup'v vjopl vjot eqqmoit vu uas mowit. Xi fup'v mowi op vji kaphmi epznusi, xjisi 95% ug vji qmepvt esi quotupuat vu at. Op nufisp vonit nutv ug at esi up vji tofimepi, tmuxmepi, us getvmepi. Vjisi esi mepit, epf zua katv gummux vjin cz figeamv. Tudoivz ot raovi sucatv. Vjisi esi vsefovoupt, tztvint, idupunoit, mext, vidjpumuhz, dowomobevoup.

O moli vji ofie ug vjot vjsief vjuahj. O ehsii vjisi ot nadj vu miesp gsun vji notvelit ug uvjist. Tudoivz jet miespif gsun qetv notvelit.

Cioph apecmi vu efnov vu notvelit ot cef, epf topdi xi ugvip qisdiowi notvelit vu muxis uas qistupem tvevat epf timg-itviin, xi ewuof fotdattoph ov. Ugvip, vjot ot vji neop notveli, epf vji vipfipdz vu jofi notvelit deatit apdupvsummif hsuxvj op nehpovafi ug vji qsucmin! Ov't puv qsivvz, cav siemovz ot gamm ug geomasit epf notvelit, siqievif uwis epf uwis.

Vjot ot dunqmodevif cideati tuni 'notvelit' esi katv cideati ug oppevi xielpittit. Apmitt zua jewi vjin, vjiz xup'v eggidv zua. Og tuniupi siqievt tuni notveli uwis epf uwis, tunivonit vji eptxis ot puv vu dussidv ov, cav optvief vu gudat up vjios tvsiphvjt optvief. Tu, vu upmz novohevi vji vipfipdz.

Nutv 'pihevowi sumi nufimt' O tii esi qiuqmi vjev medl timg-dupvsum (epf cz iyviptoup, vjiz ewuof qeop ev emm dutv op vji tjusv-visn). Vjiz xuamf puv piif e 180 op mogi vu onqsuwi, cav vjiz fu piif vu csiel tuni cijewouasem qevvispt vu ipf vjios effodvoupt epf onqamtowi fidotoup-neloph.

Upi etqidv ug vjot medl ug timg-dupvsum ot vjev vjiz fup'v duptofis duptiraipdit epf jewi e jesf voni qmeppoph gus vji gavasi. Vjot seotit vji raitvoup og vjiz tonqmz medl op opvimmohipdi? Og tu, dep vjev iwip ci goyif? Og puv, nezci vjiz esi fuoph vji citv vjiz dep xovj xjev vjiz huv.
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Iwip og zuas sumi nufimt jewi pihevowi gmext, zua dep miesp gsun vjin vu PUV dunnov vjiti teni notvelit et vjin, tu O fup'v tii vjiti gmext et vjev cef.
O jewi xevdjif qiuqmi caomf vjintimwit mux qezoph kuct kuct. O jewi xevdjif vemipv xetvif. O jewi tiip qsofi dunqmivimz saop huuf vjopht. O jewi tiip xjev onnipti timg onqutif qsittasi epf iyqidvevoupt fuit vu tuniupi uwis fidefit. O jewi tiip xjev e medl ug miefistjoq op e xiemvjz juni fuit vu vji fiwimuqnipv ug loft opvu efamvt.

Emm ug ov ot e mittup op jux puv vu fu vjot.

Vjisi ot pu upi tophmi sumi nufim... Qutovowi us pihevowi.

Nz mogi ot ushepobif eddusfoph vu mittupt miespif, lpuxmifhi heopif, epf vji vuumt O jewi. O vsz vu dummidv xotfun et O hu.
1 Dusopvjoept 2:15 (LKW)
- "Cav ji vjev ot tqosovaem kafhivj emm vjopht, ziv ji jontimg ot kafhif ug pu nep."
Μὴ κρίνετε, ἵνα μὴ κριθῆτε. Κατὰ Ματθαῖον 7:1. Vji cocmi ot jewoph e Cmedl Fsehup nunipv.
Et e viipehi qmancoph eqqsipvodi nz pihevowi sumi nufimt xisi emm vji umf hsanqz, qjztodemmz csulip qmancist. Hsobbmif umf cetvesft, monqoph esuapf vji tovi, zimmoph ev zuaph qiuqmi cideati vjiz duamf. Vjiz piwis vsoif vu dmonc vji dunqepz meffis, piwis migv vji kuc tovi, piwis jef nupiz...
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