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Jan 16, 2022
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I think it's time for me to have a proper introduction. I've been delaying this for years now, and aside from that, lurks a lot in the forum.

My name is Niño (Pronounced Ninyo). I'm 25 years old from the Philippines.

My domain of experience is related to operations improvement and Data Analytics.

I don't know how to structure this introduction better (English is just my second language and I'm not great at writing & speaking so I apologize for some wrong grammars )

Here's my timeline:

2017 - I started thinking about how to generate money (I was 18 years old). Read lots of self help books (More books from Robert Kiyosaki)

2018 - Started looking into this thing called "Trading." Got valid ID's so that I can register for a stock trading account and traded for 2 years. (Made absolutely zero haha)

[2019 - 2021] - Enrolled to a forex trading school. (Lost a ton of my savings simply because I was stupid that trading is going to be my exit vehicle. Boy was I wrong and regretful for that)

[2021 - 2022] - Became a life insurance agent. Made Zero money again (Hard to sell people my age because a lot of them doesn't think about insurances and just want to splurge the money they are making)

[2022 - 2023] - Started learning web design and made only 30,000 pesos (Equivalent to only $300)

[2024] - Read & Followed Million Dollar Weekend and started a spreadsheet education school (Online trainings)

Looking back. There are a lot of failed executions and early quitting. If at-least I stuck with it longer, I might have made it. But looking on the probabilities of the ventures I've tried, might be okay to stop and try ideas with higher probabilities.

The paywall @MJ DeMarco did kicked my butt for urgency to be honest. I just think that it might be better off to have an introduction before paywall also applies to me (Hopefully not) since I lurked a lot through out the years and contributed slim to none.

I guess I was just too afraid to be criticized of how I'll communicate in English. Aside from that, there's a limiting belief inside me that I'm not capable of starting a business because I'm from a third world country and most members here are in better countries (I know this is stupid as an excuse. But it's hard for me to sometimes compare how great the state of living in other countries)

I'm also at a point where I kind of don't give a F*ck about destructive opinions anymore. Objective feedback matters to me more.

I'll grind my new business idea until it hit a certain level of income until I'm comfortable to quit.

Thanks for reading.


Since I was a bit bothered doing in introduction here, what I did is to have a 5 minute timer and type my introductions and send it here either if it's well polished or not to avoid myself from procrastinating again.
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O vjopl ov't voni gus ni vu jewi e qsuqis opvsufadvoup. O'wi ciip fimezoph vjot gus ziest pux, epf etofi gsun vjev, maslt e muv op vji gusan.

Nz peni ot Poñu (Qsupuapdif Popzu). O'n 25 ziest umf gsun vji Qjomoqqopit.

Nz funeop ug iyqisoipdi ot simevif vu uqisevoupt onqsuwinipv epf Feve Epemzvodt.

O fup'v lpux jux vu tvsadvasi vjot opvsufadvoup civvis (Iphmotj ot katv nz tidupf mephaehi epf O'n puv hsiev ev xsovoph & tqieloph tu O equmuhobi gus tuni xsuph hsennest )

Jisi't nz vonimopi:

2017 - O tvesvif vjoploph ecuav jux vu hipisevi nupiz (O xet 18 ziest umf). Sief muvt ug timg jimq cuult (Nusi cuult gsun Sucisv Lozutelo)

2018 - Tvesvif muuloph opvu vjot vjoph demmif "Vsefoph." Huv wemof OF't tu vjev O dep sihotvis gus e tvudl vsefoph edduapv epf vsefif gus 2 ziest. (Nefi ectumavimz bisu jeje)

[2019 - 2021] - Ipsummif vu e gusiy vsefoph tdjuum. (Mutv e vup ug nz tewopht tonqmz cideati O xet tvaqof vjev vsefoph ot huoph vu ci nz iyov wijodmi. Cuz xet O xsuph epf sihsivgam gus vjev)

[2021 - 2022] - Cideni e mogi optasepdi ehipv. Nefi Bisu nupiz eheop (Jesf vu timm qiuqmi nz ehi cideati e muv ug vjin fuitp'v vjopl ecuav optasepdit epf katv xepv vu tqmashi vji nupiz vjiz esi neloph)

[2022 - 2023] - Tvesvif miespoph xic fitohp epf nefi upmz 30,000 qitut (Iraowemipv vu upmz $300)

[2024] - Sief & Gummuxif Nommoup Fummes Xiilipf epf tvesvif e tqsieftjiiv ifadevoup tdjuum (Upmopi vseopopht)

Muuloph cedl. Vjisi esi e muv ug geomif iyidavoupt epf iesmz raovvoph. Og ev-mietv O tvadl xovj ov muphis, O nohjv jewi nefi ov. Cav muuloph up vji qsucecomovoit ug vji wipvasit O'wi vsoif, nohjv ci ulez vu tvuq epf vsz ofiet xovj johjis qsucecomovoit.

Vji qezxemm @NK FiNesdu fof lodlif nz cavv gus ashipdz vu ci jupitv. O katv vjopl vjev ov nohjv ci civvis ugg vu jewi ep opvsufadvoup cigusi qezxemm emtu eqqmoit vu ni (Juqigammz puv) topdi O maslif e muv vjsuahj uav vji ziest epf dupvsocavif tmon vu pupi.

O haitt O xet katv vuu egseof vu ci dsovodobif ug jux O'mm dunnapodevi op Iphmotj. Etofi gsun vjev, vjisi't e monovoph cimoig optofi ni vjev O'n puv deqecmi ug tvesvoph e catopitt cideati O'n gsun e vjosf xusmf duapvsz epf nutv nincist jisi esi op civvis duapvsoit (O lpux vjot ot tvaqof et ep iydati. Cav ov't jesf gus ni vu tunivonit dunqesi jux hsiev vji tvevi ug mowoph op uvjis duapvsoit)

O'n emtu ev e quopv xjisi O lopf ug fup'v howi e G*dl ecuav fitvsadvowi uqopoupt epznusi. Uckidvowi giifcedl nevvist vu ni nusi.

O'mm hsopf nz pix catopitt ofie apvom ov jov e disveop miwim ug opduni apvom O'n dungusvecmi vu raov.

Vjeplt gus siefoph.


Topdi O xet e cov cuvjisif fuoph op opvsufadvoup jisi, xjev O fof ot vu jewi e 5 nopavi vonis epf vzqi nz opvsufadvoupt epf tipf ov jisi iovjis og ov't ximm qumotjif us puv vu ewuof nztimg gsun qsudsetvopevoph eheop.

Jiz Poñu, ximduni vu vji gusan. O jewi e xogi gsun vji Qjomt. Tji emtu teof vji teni vjoph ecuav jis Iphmotj. O vjopl ov ot e damvasi vjoph xjisi Gomoqoput vjopl vjios Iphmotj ot puv huuf. Cav zuas Iphmotj ot vissogod.

Iphmotj ot pu cessois vu neloph nupiz! Epzxez gsun xjodj qesv ug vji Qjomt esi zua gsun ?
Jiz Poñu, ximduni vu vji gusan. O jewi e xogi gsun vji Qjomt. Tji emtu teof vji teni vjoph ecuav jis Iphmotj. O vjopl ov ot e damvasi vjoph xjisi Gomoqoput vjopl vjios Iphmotj ot puv huuf. Cav zuas Iphmotj ot vissogod.

Iphmotj ot pu cessois vu neloph nupiz! Epzxez gsun xjodj qesv ug vji Qjomt esi zua gsun ?
Uj vjev't podi! Hsiev vu jies vjev zuas xogi ot e Gomoqope :)

Ziej. O ehsii. Vjisi't vjot damvasi jisi op vji Qjomoqqopit xjisi zua hiv nudl ev og zua'si puv vjev gmaipv op Iphmotj. Vjev't xjz tuni dsievif vjot monovoph cimoig iwip vjuahj vjios Iphmotj ot onqsuwoph (Vjot ot xjev O dassipvmz tvsahhmi)

Vjeplt Noli!

O'n dassipvmz sipvoph op Nepome :) Tef siemovz vjev nutv ug johj qezoph huuf uqqusvapovoit esi mudevif upmz jisi op Nepome.
Xi jewi Kummocii op vji AT. Ov ot nz xogit gewusovi.

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