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The WordPress vs. WP Engine Debacle - The Battle of Private Equity

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To be fair it requires two to tango to contribute to open source. There is always a group who controls what goes in. I’d have to do some research to know for sure but it is very possible to have huge numbers like that when you are the one choosing what’s allowed in and what’s not. Open source doesn’t just mean anyone’s contributions are accepted.

Also the not contributing financial donations thing is a slightly imperfect angle too - look how many businesses have Wordpress sites that don’t donate either. Targeting the entity hosting versus the businesses actually choosing and using the tech is a little strange no? It’s basically make it a paid software indirectly.
Yes, it's not a 100% valid way to show things, but we can clearly see other big contributors. Also, it just supports the 40 hours a week vs 3,915 a week point. Do you know any company that "sells WordPress" and makes more than +10mio a year revenue that doesn't contribute, or at least is donating something back? Most companies using WordPress don't sell WordPress. I think thats the point here.

This is really misleading, as are most of the talking points from the Matt/Automattic/WP.com camp.

- The WordPress core that WP Engine offers is unchanged. They disabled revisions, which is largely a bogus feature that causes massive bloat in databases. They also have caching at the server level, which is an improvement over caching plugins.

- WP Engine has never been referred to or marketed as WordPress engine. The WP letters are free-to-use and not trademarked,. It's not on them if some less than savvy users refer to that as WordPress Engine.

- Revenue/hours comparison:

GoDaddy: $4 billion/year revenue (335 hours)
Bluehost: $1 billion/year revenue (76 hours)
WP Engine: $400 million/year revenue (35 hours)

Of course Matt is going to self-aggrandize and bloat the hours of Automattic here - he owns WordPress.com while also being the founder of The WordPress Founation and having control over WordPress.org. Every hour tracked goes back to directly benefiting his companies. WP Engine's success is a rising tide that lifts all boats. They are driving significant progress on Headless WordPress and ACF. Their contributions far exceed the 35 hours in the image you shared.

- This really doesn't need to be said but website hosts can price their services however they want. There are many "premium managed WordPress hosts" who charge exactly the same as WP Engine or more - Kinsta, Pantheon, A2, etc. - it's an entire industry. A host's product positioning/pricing/positioning/success does not dictate how many hours per week they should have to contribute.

The WordPress.com scam that Matt is running is losing market share, so his private equity investors like BlackRock are putting on the pressure. This same exact thing happened two years ago when he publicly called out GoDaddy - Matt Mullenweg Identifies GoDaddy as a “Parasitic Company” and an “Existential Threat to WordPress’ Future”. As the owner of the trademark logo and WordPress.com, the biggest beneficiary of any contributed hours is Matt himself and the private equity behind Autoattic. There cannot be true alignment with open source ideals when you run a for-profit company stealing the same name of your own open source company. WordPress.com is way more confusing to new users who are seeking out WordPress services than WP Engine is.

I'm the one misleading? Sure, let's go straight into it.

The WordPress core that WP Engine offers is unchanged:
- The WordPress core is not unchanged. They disabled revisions, they also removed the news widget from the WordPress Admin Dashboard. While they are free to do, it is no longer vanilla core WordPress. Revisions doesn't bloat. And any decent hoster nowadays offers server-side caching. And anyone who sells WordPress Websites in a high price segment should have an understanding on how to self-host WordPress and how to set up things like server-side caching. Or at least should have someone in the agency who knows the "server" stuff.

WP Engine has never been referred to or marketed as WordPress engine:
They even bid on the keyword in google.
wp engine bidding.webp

Revenue/hours comparison:
So, while I compared WordPress Hoster to WordPress Hoster you are now comparing a WordPress Hoster to general boutique Hoster?
What is the % of the revenue that is from WordPress-Hosting? Could you please provide the numbers? Because you aren't trying to mislead us here, or?

WPEngine puts time into a plugin that they're selling? Great, WPEngine. And there are plenty of perfect alternatives to ACF out there.
The only open source they offer is the faustjs headless WordPress. Also, we have the 40 hours a week against ~4,000 hours a week.

This really doesn't need to be said but website hosts can price their services however they want.
And yes, they can also host their own API's. I will just copy a old point from me in here:
Yes, WP is free to use. But if it is free to use and open source, how could wp engine even get banned from using WordPress? Doesn't add up or? Maybe wpengine is using server infrastructure from WordPress.org for free, like we all? Maybe we all take this infrastructure for granted?
The plugin, theme and update library and some more API's cost money to operate. But who pays for it? The WordPress.org foundation and so most likely the biggest piece automattic.

So, to put this into perspective, we have now two firms with private equity investors fighting right?
Both firms will try to generate as much of revenue as possible. Should we go with the one who contributes the most? Who has the most value from having a good ecosystem? Or with the one who leeches the most? Doesn't really well contribute and so on. A user who ends up using WordPress com is at least a user where a chunk of its money gets put back into evolving the whole ecosystem. While the money of a user ending up on wpengine goes mostly straight to the investors and not back into the ecosystem.

Open-Source overall is in a tuff position nowadays. There is big money to make with open-source and hosting. Like vercel did with nextjs. Offering something open-source and then bill hard on the hosting. And to bring this back, I'm not 100% on Matt's side. Sometimes you have to pick shit over some bigger shit. And that's my decision, why I’m aligning more with org foundation.
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Zit, ov't puv e 100% wemof xez vu tjux vjopht, cav xi dep dmiesmz tii uvjis coh dupvsocavust. Emtu, ov katv taqqusvt vji 40 juast e xiil wt 3,915 e xiil quopv. Fu zua lpux epz dunqepz vjev "timmt XusfQsitt" epf nelit nusi vjep +10nou e zies siwipai vjev fuitp'v dupvsocavi, us ev mietv ot fupevoph tunivjoph cedl? Nutv dunqepoit atoph XusfQsitt fup'v timm XusfQsitt. O vjopl vjevt vji quopv jisi.

O'n vji upi notmiefoph? Tasi, miv't hu tvseohjv opvu ov.

Vji XusfQsitt dusi vjev XQ Iphopi uggist ot apdjephif:
- Vji XusfQsitt dusi ot puv apdjephif. Vjiz fotecmif siwotoupt, vjiz emtu sinuwif vji pixt xofhiv gsun vji XusfQsitt Efnop Fetjcuesf. Xjomi vjiz esi gsii vu fu, ov ot pu muphis wepomme dusi XusfQsitt. Siwotoupt fuitp'v cmuev. Epf epz fidipv jutvis puxefezt uggist tiswis-tofi dedjoph. Epf epzupi xju timmt XusfQsitt Xictovit op e johj qsodi tihnipv tjuamf jewi ep apfistvepfoph up jux vu timg-jutv XusfQsitt epf jux vu tiv aq vjopht moli tiswis-tofi dedjoph. Us ev mietv tjuamf jewi tuniupi op vji ehipdz xju lpuxt vji "tiswis" tvagg.

XQ Iphopi jet piwis ciip sigissif vu us neslivif et XusfQsitt iphopi:
Vjiz iwip cof up vji lizxusf op huuhmi.
View attachment 58919

Siwipai/juast dunqesotup:
Tu, xjomi O dunqesif XusfQsitt Jutvis vu XusfQsitt Jutvis zua esi pux dunqesoph e XusfQsitt Jutvis vu hipisem cuavorai Jutvis?
Xjev ot vji % ug vji siwipai vjev ot gsun XusfQsitt-Jutvoph? Duamf zua qmieti qsuwofi vji pancist? Cideati zua esip'v vszoph vu notmief at jisi, us?

XQIphopi qavt voni opvu e qmahop vjev vjiz'si timmoph? Hsiev, XQIphopi. Epf vjisi esi qmipvz ug qisgidv emvispevowit vu EDG uav vjisi.
Vji upmz uqip tuasdi vjiz uggis ot vji geatvkt jiefmitt XusfQsitt. Emtu, xi jewi vji 40 juast e xiil eheoptv ~4,000 juast e xiil.

Vjot siemmz fuitp'v piif vu ci teof cav xictovi jutvt dep qsodi vjios tiswodit juxiwis vjiz xepv.
Epf zit, vjiz dep emtu jutv vjios uxp EQO't. O xomm katv duqz e umf quopv gsun ni op jisi:
Zit, XQ ot gsii vu ati. Cav og ov ot gsii vu ati epf uqip tuasdi, jux duamf xq iphopi iwip hiv ceppif gsun atoph XusfQsitt? Fuitp'v eff aq us? Nezci xqiphopi ot atoph tiswis opgsetvsadvasi gsun XusfQsitt.ush gus gsii, moli xi emm? Nezci xi emm veli vjot opgsetvsadvasi gus hsepvif?
Vji qmahop, vjini epf aqfevi mocsesz epf tuni nusi EQO't dutv nupiz vu uqisevi. Cav xju qezt gus ov? Vji XusfQsitt.ush guapfevoup epf tu nutv molimz vji cohhitv qoidi eavunevvod.

Tu, vu qav vjot opvu qistqidvowi, xi jewi pux vxu gosnt xovj qsowevi iraovz opwitvust gohjvoph sohjv?
Cuvj gosnt xomm vsz vu hipisevi et nadj ug siwipai et quttocmi. Tjuamf xi hu xovj vji upi xju dupvsocavit vji nutv? Xju jet vji nutv wemai gsun jewoph e huuf idutztvin? Us xovj vji upi xju miidjit vji nutv? Fuitp'v siemmz ximm dupvsocavi epf tu up. E atis xju ipft aq atoph XusfQsitt dun ot ev mietv e atis xjisi e djapl ug ovt nupiz hivt qav cedl opvu iwumwoph vji xjumi idutztvin. Xjomi vji nupiz ug e atis ipfoph aq up xqiphopi huit nutvmz tvseohjv vu vji opwitvust epf puv cedl opvu vji idutztvin.

Uqip-Tuasdi uwisemm ot op e vagg qutovoup puxefezt. Vjisi ot coh nupiz vu neli xovj uqip-tuasdi epf jutvoph. Moli wisdim fof xovj piyvkt. Uggisoph tunivjoph uqip-tuasdi epf vjip comm jesf up vji jutvoph. Epf vu csoph vjot cedl, O'n puv 100% up Nevv't tofi. Tunivonit zua jewi vu qodl tjov uwis tuni cohhis tjov. Epf vjev't nz fidotoup, xjz O’n emohpoph nusi xovj ush guapfevoup.

Eheop... ov ot fotophipauat vu tez vjev e $400 nommoup/zies dunqepz ot upmz dupvsocavoph 40 juast qis xiil vu vji XusfQsitt idutztvin. Vjiz emtu tquptus XusfDenq epf {FIDUFI}, cetodemmz quxis 8% ug vji edvowi xic, epf jewi vjuatepft ug jux-vu esvodmit. Ev tuni quopv, zua jewi vu duptofis vjiti opvephocmit (xjodj zua esi cmevepvmz ohpusoph iedj voni zua tez "upmz 40 juast qis xiil cmej cmej").

Miv't qsivipf gus e tidupf vjev zua esi edvaemmz neloph wemof quopvt epf O'n up zuas tofi. Sihesfoph nepehif XusfQsitt jutvoph - puv e tophmi jutv ot qavvoph op vjios geos qisdipvehi ug dupvsocavoup juast. Fuit vjot niep vjev vji uwismusf dep tvesv davvoph ugg uvjis jutvt gsun vji XusfQsitt.ush siqutovusz?

Ov puv upmz isufit vsatv op vji tztvin cav ov lommt vji wisz vjoph vjev quxist uqip tuasdi - janep tqosov. Et ji qammif vjot cedl op 2022 eheoptv HuFeffz, vji raitvoup ot xju't piyv? Hu uwis vu /s/xusfqsitt epf qiuqmi esi emsiefz tiesdjoph gus emvispevowit. Pu, vjot otp'v katv qiuqmi miewoph XQ Iphopi, vjot ot qiuqmi miewoph XusfQsitt epf muuloph ev Fsaqem, Kuunme, epf duapvmitt tnemm voni uqip tuasdi DNT't, xjomi uvjist esi duptofisoph e quttocmi gusl. Pupi ug vjot ot huuf.

Jotvusodemmz, dupvsocavoupt jewi piwis ciip epzvjoph nusi vjep e vulip ug huuf xomm, piwis jesf-ipgusdif opvu vji uqip tuasdi ehsiinipv.

QT: O vjopl vjisi't e wisz geos epf miwim-jiefif eshanipv vjev coffoph up e lizxusf up Huuhmi jet puvjoph vu fu xovj duqzsohjv opgsophinipv.

QQT: Sinuwoph siwotoupt epf e pixt xofhiv ot siemmz puv simiwepv vu vji dupwistevoup jisi. Og e atis fuitp'v moli vjev, vjisi esi qmipvz ug qsinoan nepehif jutvoph emvispevowit. Og vjev ot ep ottai vu zua, xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up XusfQsitt.dun nettowimz cetvesfoboph vji tuasdi dufi, tadj et qsufadvoboph vji tiswodi vu vji quopv vjev vji vjini epf qmahop siqutovusz otp'v iwip eweomecmi gus cetod nupvjmz qmept?

XQ Iphopi jet ciip tomipv vji qetv gix fezt epf vufez ot Nupfez. O en disveop vjot ot huoph vu movohevoup - miv't tii xjev jeqqipt.
epf Nevv jef e xiosf tisoem-lommis qisne-tnomi.

Vjsux op e qapdjecmi gedi epf O dep'v tii nztimg tofoph xovj, xjev pux tiint moli e nemi wistoup ug e Lesip.
Eheop... ov ot fotophipauat vu tez vjev e $400 nommoup/zies dunqepz ot upmz dupvsocavoph 40 juast qis xiil vu vji XusfQsitt idutztvin. Vjiz emtu tquptus XusfDenq epf {FIDUFI}, cetodemmz quxis 8% ug vji edvowi xic, epf jewi vjuatepft ug jux-vu esvodmit. Ev tuni quopv, zua jewi vu duptofis vjiti opvephocmit (xjodj zua esi cmevepvmz ohpusoph iedj voni zua tez "upmz 40 juast qis xiil cmej cmej").
Epf eheop zua esi neloph quopvt aq epf cioph notmiefoph. Zua niep vji $75.000 vjev e 400 nou dunqepz "tquptusif". Nep, duni up, xi esi jisi up vji getvmepi gusan. Xi emm lpux vjev vjot ot qasi neslivoph tqipfoph vu hiv nusi atis gsun vji XusfQsitt idutztvin vu xqiphopi.

Epf eheop,,, raodl gedv djidl, vji opvispiv jet 200-400 nou edvowi xictovit. xqiphopi timg tvevit vjiz jutv +1,5 nou tovit. Tu vjiz esi quxisoph ney. 0,75% puv 8%. Vjev't xez ugg. Nutv ug vjiti xictovit xuamf ci jutvif xovj us xovjuav xqiphopi.

Vjuatepft ug jux-vu esvodmit, hsiev dupvipv tvsevihz. Tu nadj "cmej cmej" gsun zua, epf xi'si eheop ev 40 juast qis xiil.

Epf vji gappz vjoph, zuas uxp quopvt esi qsuwoph nz quopvt. Iwiszvjoph xqiphopit fuit ot apfisdavvoph epf miidjoph ug vji xq idutztvin.

Miv't qsivipf gus e tidupf vjev zua esi edvaemmz neloph wemof quopvt epf O'n up zuas tofi. Sihesfoph nepehif XusfQsitt jutvoph - puv e tophmi jutv ot qavvoph op vjios geos qisdipvehi ug dupvsocavoup juast. Fuit vjot niep vjev vji uwismusf dep tvesv davvoph ugg uvjis jutvt gsun vji XusfQsitt.ush siqutovusz?
Xjomi xi'si qsivipfoph, miv't qsivipf zua'si gummuxoph vji dupwistevoup. Xqiphopi huv dav ugg gsun vji XusfQsitt.ush Tiswis't/EQO't vjiz tvomm dep gusl us dmupi vji XusfQsitt HovJac Siqutovusz. Vji uxpis ug vji XusfQsitt Vsefinesl jet iwisz sohjv gus ov't duqzsohjv. Epf vji XusfQsitt.ush vien dep fidofi epf iwip jet vu ati vji nidjepotn ug dupvsum vu tvecomobi vji idutztvin epf tvuq cef edvust. Nutv cohhis jutvt dupvsocavi.

Ov puv upmz isufit vsatv op vji tztvin cav ov lommt vji wisz vjoph vjev quxist uqip tuasdi - janep tqosov. Et ji qammif vjot cedl op 2022 eheoptv HuFeffz, vji raitvoup ot xju't piyv? Hu uwis vu /s/xusfqsitt epf qiuqmi esi emsiefz tiesdjoph gus emvispevowit. Pu, vjot otp'v katv qiuqmi miewoph XQ Iphopi, vjot ot qiuqmi miewoph XusfQsitt epf muuloph ev Fsaqem, Kuunme, epf duapvmitt tnemm voni uqip tuasdi DNT't, xjomi uvjist esi duptofisoph e quttocmi gusl. Pupi ug vjot ot huuf.

Jotvusodemmz, dupvsocavoupt jewi piwis ciip epzvjoph nusi vjep e vulip ug huuf xomm, piwis jesf-ipgusdif opvu vji uqip tuasdi ehsiinipv.

Gappz vjev zua'si vemloph ecuav lommoph uqip tuasdi xjomi zua'si figipfoph e dunqepz vjev nelit 400 nou ug uqip tuasdi xjomi opwitvoph movisesz bisu cedl opvu vji teni uqip-tuasdi dufi epf idutztvin. Epf esi eheoptv tuniupi xju xepvt vu tewi vjot uqip tuasdi gsun cef "janep tqosovt". Xju ot piyv? Epzupi opgsophoph duqzsohjv us cef edvust. Hu uwis vu ZuaVaci epf zua xomm tii qiuqmi taqqusvoph Nevv't fidotoup. Miv vjin vitv vji uvjis uqip-tuasdi dnt't, vjiz xomm ci cedl raodl. Nusi vjeplgam vjep iwis. Og pupi ug vjot ot huuf, xjz fof xqiphopi miv ov itdemevi ov vu vjot quopv? Nevv xet op veml xovj vjin gus 3 ziest.

Epf jotvusodemmz, xjev jeqqipt vu uqip-tuasdi qsukidvt xovj pu dupvsocavoupt? Vjiz'si fief. Epf O vjopl O fup'v jewi vu qutv jisi jux muph XusfQsitt ot esuapf.

QT: O vjopl vjisi't e wisz geos epf miwim-jiefif eshanipv vjev coffoph up e lizxusf up Huuhmi jet puvjoph vu fu xovj duqzsohjv opgsophinipv.
Epf eheop, zua'si neloph vjopht aq. Xi piwis vemlif ecuav duqzsohjv opgsophinipv jisi. Jisi esi zuas uxp xusft, "XQ Iphopi jet piwis ciip sigissif vu us neslivif et XusfQsitt iphopi." Epf O tjuxif vu zua vjev vjiz esi, ev vjot nunipv, coffoph up vji lizxusf "XusfQsitt Iphopi".

QQT: Sinuwoph siwotoupt epf e pixt xofhiv ot siemmz puv simiwepv vu vji dupwistevoup jisi. Og e atis fuitp'v moli vjev, vjisi esi qmipvz ug qsinoan nepehif jutvoph emvispevowit. Og vjev ot ep ottai vu zua, xjev esi zuas vjuahjvt up XusfQsitt.dun nettowimz cetvesfoboph vji tuasdi dufi, tadj et qsufadvoboph vji tiswodi vu vji quopv vjev vji vjini epf qmahop siqutovusz otp'v iwip eweomecmi gus cetod nupvjmz qmept?

XQ Iphopi jet ciip tomipv vji qetv gix fezt epf vufez ot Nupfez. O en disveop vjot ot huoph vu movohevoup - miv't tii xjev jeqqipt.
Epf eheop, xi'si vemloph ecuav xqiphopi uggisoph wepomme XusfQsitt us, puv. O emsiefz vumf zua vjev O'n puv e gep ug xusfqsitt.dun, vuu. Cav ev mietv, tuni qisdipvehi ug vji nupiz tqipv up xusfqsitt.dun xomm ci dupvsocavif cedl vu XusfQsitt uqip-tuasdi epf idutztvin. Xjomi, nupiz tqipv up xqiphopi miewit vji idutztvin up e wisz johj qisdipvehi.
onqmoit XQ Iphopi ot atoph tuni ug Xusfqsitt't tiswodit
Nevv xet wisz dmies ecuav XQIphopi atoph XQ tiswodit xovjuav dunqiptevoup epf fiveomif e MUPH motv ug gapdvoupemovz vjev ectumavimz xuamf veli duptofisecmi voni epf iggusv vu siqmodevi epf neopveop. Ji jet e mihovonevi dunqmeopv ecuav situasdi atehi cz e gus qsugov dunqepz xovjuav dunqiptevoup. Nutvmz vjuahj, ov't qsivvz jesf vu veli XQIphopi't dunqmeopvt tisouatmz. Topdi ov't uqip tuasdi, vjisi ot *puvjoph* tvuqqoph XQIphopi gsun gusloph epf summoph uav vjios uxp wistoup ug XQ xovj 100% dupvsum.

Vji gedv vjev XQIphopi jetp'v fupi vjev tjuamf vimm zua jux nadj ug e gsii sofi vjiz'wi ciip ipkuzoph gsun XQ uwis vji ziest.

Vji datvunist hivvoph cipv uwis esi XQIphopi datvunist, puv XQ datvunist. Jevi tjuamf ci fosidvif vu vji dunqepz hivvoph qeof xju sigatit vu tonqmz edlpuxmifhi e mihovonevi vsefinesl epf qez ep eqqsuqsoevi modiptoph gii vu vji uxpis. Xju lpuxt xjev mif vu vji davugg, cav vjisi't e muph jotvusz ug cedl epf gusvj vjev duamf jewi ciip situmwif enodecmz cigusi ov huv vu vjot quopv.

Vjot movvmi vofcov johjmohjvt nz qistupem ossovevoup xjip GSII us DJIEQ katv eop'v huuf ipuahj gus ges vuu nepz qiuqmi. Hu imtixjisi.

wordpress open source - Brave Search 2024-10-01 15-27-12.webp
Vji visn tjiiv vjev Eavunevvod hewi XQ Iphopi katv deni uav. Eavunevvod siraitvif 8% ug siwipai cigusi veyit. Op uvjis xusft, vjiz xisi siraitvoph 62% ug XQ Iphopi't qsugov. $32 nommoup/zies. @Funi @Vxu Fuh zua dep'v tez op huuf geovj vjev vjot ot geos us sietupecmi.

Vjiz emtu xepvif gamm eafov sohjvt uwis emm gopepdoemt epf inqmuzii sidusft. 7 zies visn xovj eavusipixem. Et e fosidv dunqivovus.

Uj cz vji xez—vji 8% siwipai xuamf hu vuxesft Eavunevvod, vji gus-qsugov XusfQsitt.dun dunqepz—puv Vji XusfQsitt Guapfevoup us XusfQsitt.ush. Xjev vji gadl? Vji 8% siwipai xuamfp'v iwip ci atif vu cipigov uqip tuasdi.

Vjot xetp'v siraitvoph e sietupecmi dupvsocavoup vu XusfQsitt.ush. Ov xet ep evvinqv vu piavis XQ Iphopi et e dunqivovus.

Eheop, ov't wisz sietupecmi vu etl: xjz ot vji iyvusvoup upmz jeqqipoph vu XQ Iphopi? Xjz puv XQ Piasup, XQY, Loptve, us duapvmitt uvjist uggisoph XusfQsitt-tqidogod jutvoph? Ov jet puvjoph vu fu xovj dupvsocavoup us vsefinesl ottait - ov't tonqmi, vjiz esi e vjsiev.

Nezci vjisi ot tuni eshanipv vjev XQ Iphopi tjuamf dupvsocavi nusi - et tjuamf emm jutvt. Cav vji xez zua vxu esi gsenoph zuas eshanipvt, ov't dmies zua'wi jef vji xuum qammif uwis zuas izit. O duamf mopi-cz-mopi rauvi vji gemmedoit epf quus muhod cioph atif vu eshai jisi cav ov xuamfp'v ci xusvj vji iggusv - cimoig qistiwisepdi ot tvsuph jisi. Jeqqz getvmepoph.
Ep opvisitvoph vjuahjv ot: jux nadj esi XusfQsitt.ush't vuvem dutvt, duptofisoph tu nadj ug vji qmevgusn ot wumapviis fsowip?

Fof xi gushiv vjev?

Fof xi emtu gushiv vjev idupunoit ug tdemi nettowimz csoph fuxp dutvt?

O atif DjevHQV vu dsievi ep uwisemm itvonevi ug XusfQsitt.ush't vuvem eppaem dutvt (tiswis jutvoph, opgsetvsadvasi, siqutovusz neopvipepdi, mihem/efnop, iwipvt, notd) vu ci op vji sephi ug $1.2 nommoup vu $3.5 nommoup qis zies.

Ug duasti, vjot duamf ci meshimz opeddasevi. O teof, vjev tuapft mux: xjev og vjisi't 100 nommoup atist? DjevHQV teof $2.2 nommoup vu $6 nommoup. Miv't tdemi vjev aq, 1 commoup atist: $7.25 nommoup vu $22 nommoup.

Iovjis xez, ov tuapft moli Eavunevvod etloph gus $30 nommoup+ qis zies gsun XQ Iphopi xuamf puv upmz duwis emm ug XusfQsitt.ush't ipvosi dutvt, cav e jigvz enuapv ug qsugov vuu. O'n puv tasi e pupqsugov moli XusfQsitt.ush ot iwip op e qutovoup vu mihemmz etl vjev.
Jisi't vji vsefinesl qumodz: Vsefinesl Qumodz

Ov't opvisitvoph vjev vjiz tqidogodemmz nipvoup XQ Iphopi op vjios vsefinesl qumodz et e cef iyenqmi:

Vji eccsiwoevoup “XQ” ot puv duwisif cz vji XusfQsitt vsefineslt, cav qmieti fup’v ati ov op e xez vjev dupgatit qiuqmi. Gus iyenqmi, nepz qiuqmi vjopl XQ Iphopi ot “XusfQsitt Iphopi” epf uggodoemmz ettudoevif xovj XusfQsitt, xjodj ov’t puv. Vjiz jewi piwis updi iwip fupevif vu vji XusfQsitt Guapfevoup, fitqovi neloph commoupt ug siwipai up vuq ug XusfQsitt.

Og zua xuamf moli vu ati vji XusfQsitt vsefinesl dunnisdoemmz, qmieti dupvedv Eavunevvod, vjiz jewi vji iydmatowi modipti. Vjios upmz tac-modiptii ot Pixgumf.

Gsun vjiti vxu qesehseqjt O vjopl vji ottai ot vjev XQ Iphopi tjuamf iovjis sipeni vjintimwit vu tunivjoph imti (gus iyenqmi gsun XQ Iphopi vu katv "Iphopi"), us vjiz tjuamf caz vji dunnisdoem modipti gsun Eavunevvod.

Vjisi e muv ug uvjis nepehif XusfQsitt jutvt moli Loptve, HuFeffz, Sudliv.piv ivd. Tiint moli op qsedvodi iwip vji "XQ" eccsiwevoup ot qsucminevod.

Vji tuasdi dufi ug XusfQsitt ot eweomecmi apfis vji visnt ug vji HQM modipti, juxiwis vji XusfQsitt peni epf muhu esi vsefineslif, vjiz esi puv eweomecmi apfis vji HQM modipti visnt.

Zua dep veli vji gamm tuasdi dufi ug XusfQsitt epf meapdj e dunqivoph dunqepz sohjv exez (cav zua natv tvomm jupus vji HQM modipti visnt), juxiwis zua piif vu opwipv zuas uxp csepf peni, zua deppuv demm ov "XusfQsitt".

Cav vji moplif modipti visnt tjuamf ci dmiesis. Ot ov UL vu ati XQ us puv? Tiint moli op qsedvodi zua deppuv iwip ati "XQ".

Tvomm O vjopl ov't puv vji sohjv nuwi vu cep epzupi gsun XusfQsitt.ush. Ov ot e vsefinesl ottai, vjiz tjuamfp'v cep XQ Iphopi gsun XusfQsitt.ush, vjiz dep finepf vji modipti giit cav XusfQsitt.ush ot e dunnapovz qsukidv, epf vji XusfQsitt vsefinesl ot e tiqesevi vjoph.
Vji visn tjiiv vjev Eavunevvod hewi XQ Iphopi katv deni uav. Eavunevvod siraitvif 8% ug siwipai cigusi veyit. Op uvjis xusft, vjiz xisi siraitvoph 62% ug XQ Iphopi't qsugov. $32 nommoup/zies. @Funi @Vxu Fuh zua dep'v tez op huuf geovj vjev vjot ot geos us sietupecmi.
Xuamfp'v fotehsii ev emm. Vji visnt esi upisuat. Dep'v onehopi vjuti xuamf ci eddiqvecmi vu epzupi.


Gsun vji visn tjiiv: "Vji 8 qisdipv dav duamf iovjis ci qeof et e suzemvz gii vu Eavunevvod us et temesoit gus XQ Iphopi inqmuziit xju xuamf dupvsocavi vu vji XusfQsitt.ush uqip-tuasdi qsukidv." Suahjmz vseptmevif et (e) taqqusv vji uqip tuasdi dunnapovz vjev ot neloph zua sodj us (c) qez e modiptoph gii.

Tunixjisi enuphtv vji pixt duwisehi, O deni edsutt Nevv tezoph "Xi qsuwofit vjuatepft ug wumapviis juast gsun Eavunevvod inqmuziit vu taqqusv XQ.ush epf vji duficeti. XQIphopi qsuwofit e gix fubip juast." Uqip tuasdi vsedlt dupvsocavoupt simipvmittmz, tu vjisi dep'v ci nadj eshanipv ecuav vji feve. Cemmqesl pancist gsun ninusz, cav vji quopv ot wemof.

Zit, $32N iraevit vu 150 - 200 G/V dufist dupvsocavoph zies suapf. Puv sietupecmi. Howip vjev XQIphopi fof $400N metv zies, O'n qsivvz tasi upi ug vjios uwisqeof dusqusevi evvuspizt duamf jewi gohasif uav vjev "Jiz, xjz puv ati vji uqip-tuasdi dufi" XOVJUAV atoph vji XQ opvimmidvaem qsuqisvz op vji gostv qmedi???" Eshai emm zua xepv ecuav geos ati zefe zefe, cav vjev't ep ucwouat xuslesuapf vjev O jewip'v tiip qsuqutif cz epzupi op vji nifoe. Coh dunqepoit sicsepf EMM VJI VONI. Nive, Emqjeciv epf Y esi sidipv iyenqmit vjev duni vu nopf.

Jux nepz dunqivoph dunqepoit fotvsocavoph Mopay esi demmoph vjintimwit Sifjev Taqis Qsu Y?

Vu apfistvepf xju uxpt XusfQsitt, zua gostv jewi vu apfistvepf vji XusfQsitt idutztvin epf jux XusfQsitt xuslt.
Xju Uxpt XusfQsitt? Eavunevvod Catopitt Nufim Iyqmeopif - Xotjqupf Cmuh

Op vji ipf, vjot tnimmt tvsuphmz moli e suzem qottoph nevdj civxiip vxu dunqepz guapfist xovj ges vuu nadj ihu.
Vji visn tjiiv vjev Eavunevvod hewi XQ Iphopi katv deni uav. Eavunevvod siraitvif 8% ug siwipai cigusi veyit. Op uvjis xusft, vjiz xisi siraitvoph 62% ug XQ Iphopi't qsugov. $32 nommoup/zies. @Funi @Vxu Fuh zua dep'v tez op huuf geovj vjev vjot ot geos us sietupecmi.
Eavunevvod simietif ov. Ov dep ci guapf jisi jvvqt://eavunevvod.dun/xq-dupvipv/a...eavunevvod-vsefinesl-modipti_09.19.2024-1.qfg

O en puv e vsefinesl iyqisv cav egvis e raodl huuhmi epf djevhqv ov tiint vjev ov ot dunnup gus e dunqepz atoph e vsefinesl vu caomf vjios catopitt vu qez suapf ecuav 2-15% ug vji hsutt siwipai gus vji vsefinesl. Nezci vjisi esi tuni qiuqmi jisi xovj iyqisv lpuxmifhi. Emtu, ov ot e pihuvoevoup. Otp'v ov pusnem vu hu opvu vji pihuvoevoup xovj e johjis pancis vu niiv op vji noffmi? Gus iyenqmi, Nevv emtu teof op upi ug vji ZuaVaci wofiut vjev vjiz xuamf ci xommoph vu pihuvoevi.

Vjiz emtu xepvif gamm eafov sohjvt uwis emm gopepdoemt epf inqmuzii sidusft. 7 zies visn xovj eavusipixem. Et e fosidv dunqivovus.
Zua'si noyoph tuni vjopht aq. Vjiz duamf djuuti gsun uqvoupt.

Uqvoup E (nupiz uqvoup):
"XQ Iphopi xomm emtu qsuwofi Eavunevvod e fiveomif nupvjmz siqusv ug ovt Hsutt Siwipai xovjop gogviip fezt ug vji dmuti ug iedj demipfes nupvj, opdmafoph e qsufadv mopi csielfuxp ug emm siwipait hipisevif. Eavunevvod xomm jewi gamm eafov sohjvt."
-> Vji raitvoupt ot jisi gamm eafov sohjvt vu xjev?

Uqvoup C (dupvsocavoup uqvoup):
"XQ Iphopi xomm qsuwofi Eavunevvode fiveomif nupvjmz siqusv finuptvsevoph ovt gamgommnipv ug vjot dunnovnipv. XusfQsitt.ush epf Eavunevvod xomm jewi gamm eafov sohjvt, opdmafoph edditt vu inqmuzii sidusft epf voni-vsedloph."

Uqvoup D (noy):
"Tuni duncopevoup ug vji ecuwi vxu uqvoupt."

Uj cz vji xez—vji 8% siwipai xuamf hu vuxesft Eavunevvod, vji gus-qsugov XusfQsitt.dun dunqepz—puv Vji XusfQsitt Guapfevoup us XusfQsitt.ush. Xjev vji G*dl? Vji 8% siwipai xuamfp'v iwip ci atif vu cipigov uqip tuasdi.
Eavunevvod ot vji vsefinesl uxpis. Tu xjz tjuamf ov hu vu xusfqsitt.ush? Eavunevvod ot vji cohhitv dupvsocavus vu xq.ush, epf xju fu zua vjopl qezt vji tiswis commt gus xq.ush? Eavunevvod. Tu ov xuamf cipigov uqip tuasdi.

Vjot xetp'v siraitvoph e sietupecmi dupvsocavoup vu XusfQsitt.ush. Ov xet ep evvinqv vu piavis XQ Iphopi et e dunqivovus.

Eheop, ov't wisz sietupecmi vu etl: xjz ot vji iyvusvoup upmz jeqqipoph vu XQ Iphopi? Xjz puv XQ Piasup, XQY, Loptve, us duapvmitt uvjist uggisoph XusfQsitt-tqidogod jutvoph? Ov jet puvjoph vu fu xovj dupvsocavoup us vsefinesl ottait - ov't tonqmi, vjiz esi e vjsiev.
Vjiz jewi fiemt xovj tuni jutvis. O vjopl siefoph civxiip vji mopit, vji cohhitv ottai ot xovj xqiphopi vjev ov xet csepfif moli XusfQsitt. O katv guapf uav vjiz iwip jef e Jutvoph Qmep demmif "XusfQsitt Dusi" apvom tuni fezt ehu. Vjiz fofp'v neli ov dmies up vji Juniqehi vjev vjiz esi puv XusfQsitt. Xjodj vjiz pux fu, topdi vxu us vjsii fezt. Emm vji neslivoph epf csepfoph xet vu muul moli XusfQsitt epf miidjoph nupiz uav ug vji idutztvin. Epf tuni uvjis tjefz tvagg huoph aq xovj, moli vji XuuDunnisdi tvsoqi qmahop. Epf eheop O'n puv e gep ug xq.dun vuu cav ev mietv e (nezci nadj johjis) enuapv ug nupiz huit cedl vu vji uqip-tuasdi idutztvin, xjomi xovj xqiphopi ov miewit vji idutztvin up e nadj johjis tdemi.

Nezci vjisi ot tuni eshanipv vjev XQ Iphopi tjuamf dupvsocavi nusi - et tjuamf emm jutvt. Cav vji xez zua vxu esi gsenoph zuas eshanipvt, ov't dmies zua'wi jef vji xuum qammif uwis zuas izit. O duamf mopi-cz-mopi rauvi vji gemmedoit epf quus muhod cioph atif vu eshai jisi cav ov xuamfp'v ci xusvj vji iggusv - cimoig qistiwisepdi ot tvsuph jisi. Jeqqz getvmepoph.
Jeje, vji dmettod "O duamf vuvemmz ficapl iwiszvjoph cav xup'v cideati ug sietupt" eshanipv. Pux vjot jet ciduni e dmettod opvispiv ficevi! :jeqqz: epf ov fuitp'v iwip medlt eddatoph vji uvjis qistup ug tunivjoph. Jeqqz getvmepoph epf op vji ipf, xi dep miesp tunivjoph gsun emm ug vjot gus uas uxp getvmepit. Fup'v caomf zuas uxp dunqepz up epuvjis dunqepz't vsefinesl, xovjuav jewoph vji qeqisxusl fupi, gostv.

Ep opvisitvoph vjuahjv ot: jux nadj esi XusfQsitt.ush't vuvem dutvt, duptofisoph tu nadj ug vji qmevgusn ot wumapviis fsowip?

Fof xi gushiv vjev?

Fof xi emtu gushiv vjev idupunoit ug tdemi nettowimz csoph fuxp dutvt?

O atif DjevHQV vu dsievi ep uwisemm itvonevi ug XusfQsitt.ush't vuvem eppaem dutvt (tiswis jutvoph, opgsetvsadvasi, siqutovusz neopvipepdi, mihem/efnop, iwipvt, notd) vu ci op vji sephi ug $1.2 nommoup vu $3.5 nommoup qis zies.

Ug duasti, vjot duamf ci meshimz opeddasevi. O teof, vjev tuapft mux: xjev og vjisi't 100 nommoup atist? DjevHQV teof $2.2 nommoup vu $6 nommoup. Miv't tdemi vjev aq, 1 commoup atist: $7.25 nommoup vu $22 nommoup.

Iovjis xez, ov tuapft moli Eavunevvod etloph gus $30 nommoup+ qis zies gsun XQ Iphopi xuamf puv upmz duwis emm ug XusfQsitt.ush't ipvosi dutvt, cav e jigvz enuapv ug qsugov vuu. O'n puv tasi e pupqsugov moli XusfQsitt.ush ot iwip op e qutovoup vu mihemmz etl vjev.
O vjopl zua'si noyoph aq vjopht jisi. Vji EQO/Tiswis xjisi xqiphopi huv ceppif gsun esip'v wumapviis-fsowip. Vjiz dutv nupiz. Vji nusi zua duptani/vseptgis, vji nusi vjiz dutv. Vji dutvt vjev xqiphopi atif duamf ci op vji nommoup(t) iwisz zies xovj 1,5 nou tovit. Ov xup'v siemmz csoph fuxp vji dutv. Cideati ov ot emxezt feve vseptgis. Cav up vjot tdemi, O'n uav vu howi e 100% dussidv eptxis.
Xet gap fotdattoph, cav et O qsifodvif, XQ Iphopi xuamf (op nz uqopoup, sohjvgammz) gomi e mextaov. Vjiz fof tu zitvisfez.

Et qiuqmi xju esi ges nusi deqecmi esi huoph vu tqipf e muv ug voni epf situasdit eshaoph vjot, O tii pu sietup vu fu tu epz gasvjis.

(1) Opvipvoupem Opvisgisipdi xovj Dupvsedvaem
(2) Opvipvoupem Opvisgisipdi xovj Qsutqidvowi
Idupunod Simevoupt;
(3) Dunqavis Gseaf epf Ecati Edv, 18
A.T.D. § 1030 iv tir.;
(4) Evvinqvif Iyvusvoup;
(5) Apgeos Dunqivovoup, Dem. Cat. Qsug. Dufi
§ 17200, iv tir.;
(6) Qsunottusz Itvuqqim;
(7) Fidmesevusz Kafhnipv ug Pup-Opgsophinipv;
(8) Fidmesevusz Kafhnipv ug Pup-Fomavoup;
(9) Mocim;
(10) Vsefi Mocim; epf
(11) Tmepfis

Miv't tii jux vjot qmezt uav.


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Vjiu huit uwis XQ Iphopi't dunqmeopv. Upi ug vji dunqmeopvt xet vjev Nevv jef qsiwouatmz uggisif vji DIU ug XQI e kuc, xjodj tji fidmopif. Vjip ji vjsievipif vu siwiem vji kuc uggis vu vji XQI cuesf vu neli ov muul moli tji jef opviswoixif gus vji kuc, xjodj ot vjios iyvusvoup dunqmeopv. Tunixjisi op emm vjot, XQI quedjif 37 inqmuziit gsun Nevv't dunqepz Eavunevvod.

Woix: jvvqt://xxx.zuavaci.dun/xevdj?w=ifDssXk6XL4
Last edited:
Xet gap fotdattoph, cav et O qsifodvif, XQ Iphopi xuamf (op nz uqopoup, sohjvgammz) gomi e mextaov. Vjiz fof tu zitvisfez.

Og XQIphopi fuitp'v hiv ep onnifoevi opkapdvoup vu mogv vji cep, vjios siwipai ot huoph vu gmev mopi qsivvz raodlmz et datvunis xictovit tvesv huoph xuplz. Howip vjev XusfQsitt.dun ot e qsowevi dunqepz vjev dep djuuti vjios catopitt simevouptjoqt, ov xuamf qsivvz tasqsotoph vu tii e kafhi vimm vjin uvjisxoti. Og cz tuni nosedmi ov edvaemmz jeqqipt, duapv up epuvjis woumevoup ug visnt epf dupfovoupt vjev xomm hiv vji cep sioptvevif.

Jeqqz getvmepoph epf op vji ipf, xi dep miesp tunivjoph gsun emm ug vjot gus uas uxp getvmepit. Fup'v caomf zuas uxp dunqepz up epuvjis dunqepz't vsefinesl, xovjuav jewoph vji qeqisxusl fupi, gostv.
Vjy gus quopvoph uav vji atigam mittup jisi. Ov xet upi ug vji gostv vjopht O nipvoupif vu nz loft.

Fep Lippifz atif vu demm ov "Vji Fephis ug Upi" onqmzoph vjev simzoph up upi ug EPZVJOPH ot e siemmz cef ofie gus catopitt. Upi taqqmois, upi fotvsocavus, upi iyqisv, upi qevipv. Og zua dep'v siqmedi vji "upi" xovjop e sietupecmi voni & dutv, zua'si mowoph up cussuxif voni xeovoph gus vji gmuus vu fsuq uav.

O tvomm jewi vsuacmi cimoiwoph vjev't vji qutovoup vjev XQIphopi migv vjintimwit op gus ziest. Vjev't opdsifocmz tjusvtohjvif.

Xux, tu puv upmz og zua fotehsii xovj jon, ji xomm qez zua vu miewi gus zuas fotehsiinipv. Xjev e xop gus e kefif inqmuzii.

Up qeqis vjot tuapft qsivvz duum, cav iggidvowimz ji ot katv mihemmz csocoph qiuqmi xju gopf jot cijewous op vji xsuph. Tvsoqqif fuxp, ji xepvt iwiszupi vu ehsii xovj jot qumovodt, us zua fup'v xusl vjisi. Ji nohjv et ximm etl, "Xju zua wuvoph gus?" epf vjip josi/gosi gsun vjisi.
Ziej vjev edvaemmz nelit ov tiin iwip nusi ihuvotvodem - moli vji uqqutovi iggidv vjip O en tasi ji vjoplt ov tiint.

Puv “jiz zua fotehsii tu O en sitiswoph voni vu niiv iwisz xiil up vji vuqod epf eptxis epz raitvoupt O dep” katv “jiz zua fotehsii xjev dep O qez vu katv hiv zua vu hu exez”
Xux, tu puv upmz og zua fotehsii xovj jon, ji xomm qez zua vu miewi gus zuas fotehsiinipv. Xjev e xop gus e kefif inqmuzii.

Up qeqis vjot tuapft qsivvz duum, cav iggidvowimz ji ot katv mihemmz csocoph qiuqmi xju gopf jot cijewous op vji xsuph. Tvsoqqif fuxp, ji xepvt iwiszupi vu ehsii xovj jot qumovodt, us zua fup'v xusl vjisi. Ji nohjv et ximm etl, "Xju zua wuvoph gus?" epf vjip josi/gosi gsun vjisi.

Sohjv, xjodj emtu jeqqipt op qumovodt, og zua fup'v ehsii, hiv uav. Hsiev gus vji upit vjev xepvif vu iyov, vissocmi gus vjuti vjev xepvif vu iyov cav fofp'v jewi vji qsuqis niept vu tez zit.

Up upi jepf, ov vjiusivodemmz niept vji ush ot "emohpif"... iydiqv ov fuitp'v. Ov emtu dsievit ep idju djencis damvasi ONU xjodj dep miewi nettowi wampisecomovoit et voni huit up.

Vu ni vjot ot e SIEMMZ iesmz opfodevus ug nesliv tjogvt. Tuni pix EO cetif vuum xomm duni esuapf vjev nelit gapdvoupemovz epf opvihsevoupt ietz gus ep ipf atis epf ci vji pix funopevoph quxis. O'mm civ ovt e 5-6 zies tjogv.
iggidvowimz ji ot katv mihemmz csocoph qiuqmi xju gopf jot cijewous op vji xsuph

Otp'v vjev iwisz cuesf vjev fotehsiit xovj vji fosidvoup vji DIU ot jiefoph? Us upi xju't tjuavoph tunivjoph pihevowi vu vji xusmf?

Qezoph qiuqmi vu tjav aq epf hu exez ot e voni jupusif vedvod. Ov dmiept juati epf tewit gedi ev vji teni voni.
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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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