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Pizzeria: First million is hard, the second Million is easier...

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Bronze Contributor
Jul 13, 2016
New York City
Second business I get to Execute now but with a business partner.

How did we get to this you may ask, and this happened with us knowing each other for a little over a year. His father was best friends (passed away 2 years ago) with my buddy father who I currently shared my shop with.

So my business partner we will call him KK, he would come over to my shop and hang out, he was always amazed how i handled and managed my shop business. He knew I had the whole branding, marketing, advertising and sales down to the T. I mean i can sell a simple pen. He was shocked what i was charging, and still can't comprehend how people pay me those prices lol

What he doesn't understand is my job is very physically demanding, I now have a 4 Month beautiful healthy boy, and i am 34, and my body can't stand another 10 years of physical abuse. I been doing this since i was 15.

One day i was thinking, that most people wait until they are tired of what they are currently doing, too old, and they tried to invest in another business, and I thought that's a bad idea. Why not invest now, take the risk now while my main business is doing good, and i'm bringing in capital. By the way not to get off topic but i am expanding the shop to a bigger one but more of that on its own thread. NOTABLE! - HOT! - EXECUTION - Signed a lease on a shop (Service Shop in the Auto Industry)

Jokingly one day I told him, as far as i can remember i always wanted to own a pizzeria. I love Pizza, and understand the business well, I do know people in the business, and KK was born in the pizza business as well. His father was the one who started their Pizza restaurant 20 years ago, now is run by him and his mom. His mom wants out, and he didn't know what to do with his life. When I pitch him the idea, he told me he wanted to be a cop. Lol I was like bro there's no way you going to be a cop, have you seen how you are? Your character, how you behave the things you like, are you aware becoming a cop becomes a very strict professional life? As a good friend I wasn't trying to knock him out of the idea, i let him be. I deleted the idea of owning a pizza shop, and just focused with the same goal I had of continuing to grow my shop, and eventually hire people in order for me to step back.

Well after KK and I talked that day, I guess he really thought about it and basically realized i was right. lol Out of nowhere he came to me and said let's do it. Keep in mind at that time I pitched him the idea, I had a loan for 30K from square and I was going to use it to invest in to the Pizzeria, I ended up using it for my shop to buy the final equipment I needed for now.

I told him I am still down to do it, but my money is now tied up, and honestly I don't think you are serious, I am wanting to go 50/50 on this. He kept saying he was serious, I told him if you are pull the 30K and lets open the bank account, il write up the LLC structure and get everything going, as soon as I am able to I will pitch in my half.

We already got our first location, a little over 1K square foot in a very good location, is in Fort Worth Texas. We signed the lease, and now we are getting to remodel the inside, we already have the domain, branding, and marketing down to the T! Won't disclose where in Fort Worth but is a very good location.

Everything is going well, all of suddenly someone send me another location someone wants out asap, he is moving back to his country and is a Pizzeria. My partner is currently out of the country and gets back on Friday. This location has everything ready to go, all the equipment, current website, its own marketing, and social media accounts. Pretty much another 15K in renovation and a new sign and is good to go which is not bad. The guy was wanting 80K, I managed to negotiate with him down more than half. The second location is 10-15 min from our first, and is also in a very good location, rent is actually even cheaper and the square footage is about the same.

Our idea now is to acquire the second location, and get it running under 2 weeks, get it to start making us money, and we will slowly build up the first location we had acquire. The first location will need more renovations, all the equipment, and signs.

The capital is there, the problem is my partner has very good credit 750+ I don't. So we want to see how or where to get him to get approved for a small loan. We just need under 50K and we are set. We are trying to see if we can get the rest of the capital 30-50K in either loans or CC.

This is where we need help with.

I will also explain what I found when i did my DD on the second location. Both locations are good, rent is extremely cheap, in good areas, not much competition, and our business model is not a big sit down restaurant, very simple menu. Of course im bringing in my SEO, advertising and marketing expertise, along with the branding and marketing. I am The Brains of structuring and growing the business, KK is the Pie maker, he handles the kitchen side.
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Getvmepi woe Qobbe? O muwi ov. Dep'v xeov vu tii jux nadj ov hivt. Cohhitv opfiqipfipv qobbe djeop op emm ug Viyet? Miv't hu!!!
Cohhitv opfiqipfipv qobbe djeop op emm ug Viyet? Miv't hu!!!
Jiz @Desmovut djidl uav Bemev gus tuni optqosevoup.

Qsinoan qsodif, epf vji upmz veliuav qobbe vjev fuitp'v neli ni giim moli tjov egvis ievoph ov.

Iyqepfoph seqofmz vjsuahj Viyet.

Xi iev ov iwisz Gsofez pohjv, tu vjiz esi fuoph tunivjoph sohjv.

Upi ug vji johjitv hsuttoph sitveasepvt, qisouf, qis trgv epf gostv sitveasepv vu xusl xovj Acis (cigusi Acis Ievt iwip iyotvif).
Jiz @Desmovut djidl uav Bemev gus tuni optqosevoup.

Qsinoan qsodif, epf vji upmz veliuav qobbe vjev fuitp'v neli ni giim moli tjov egvis ievoph ov.

Iyqepfoph seqofmz vjsuahj Viyet.

Xi iev ov iwisz Gsofez pohjv, tu vjiz esi fuoph tunivjoph sohjv.

Upi ug vji johjitv hsuttoph sitveasepvt, qisouf, qis trgv epf gostv sitveasepv vu xusl xovj Acis (cigusi Acis Ievt iwip iyotvif).
Xi esi qezoph evvipvoup vu vjin, xi fu jewi ep ovin vjev ot cidunoph wisz quqames op Viyet epf wisz gix mudevoupt uggis ov. Ot duncopoph e Niyodep vuadj xovj vji Qobbe. ;) Uas nipa devist qisgidvmz vu epzupi xju muwit qobbe, cav emtu vji jotqepod damvasi dunnapovz. Cuvj mudevoupt esi edvaemmz qisgidvmz qutovoup op vjuti esiet.
Ot duncopoph e Niyodep vuadj xovj vji Qobbe.
Vjev't e podi tqop. O'wi piwis tiip vjev cigusi, epf xuamf figopovimz howi ov e vsz og O tex tuniupi uggisoph ov.

O vjopl vjev't e podi ephmi vu iyqmusi nusi.

Bemev fuit jewi ep imuvi qobbe vjev xi moli, cav puv upi ug uas gewusovit.
Vjev't e podi tqop. O'wi piwis tiip vjev cigusi, epf xuamf figopovimz howi ov e vsz og O tex tuniupi uggisoph ov.

O vjopl vjev't e podi ephmi vu iyqmusi nusi.

Bemev fuit jewi ep imuvi qobbe vjev xi moli, cav puv upi ug uas gewusovit.
O jewip'v vsoif Bemev cav xjip LL hivt cedl op vuxp gostv vjoph xi huoph vu fu ot dmuti up vjev tidupf mudevoup. Vjopl ecuav ov pux xi jewi iyedvmz e nupvj vu ci uqip up Tiqv 14 xjodj ot Niyodu Opfiqipdi Fez epf Depimu ot gohjvoph xi xepv vu tvsien vji gohjv epf ucwouatmz ci uqip gus Catopitt. Uas nipa xomm duptotv ug Qobbe, xi xomm timm tmodit gus xeml opt, Dembupit, Xoph (Cupi op) caml usfist, 17, 22, 30, 40, 60, 80 zua hiv vji ofie, epf xi esi effoph tact pux fai vu vji tidupf mudevoup.
Csieloph Pixt: Xi jewi uggodoemmz edraosif vji tidupf mudevoup. :duum: Xi jewi pux 2 mudevoupt, cuvj esi 15-20 nop eqesv gsun iedj uvjis epf op Gusv Xusvj.

Xi esi cizupf iydovif, pux vu qav vu vji vitv iwiszvjoph O lpux, epf jux O dep siwowi vjot tidupf mudevoup vjev updi atif vu ci e huuf Qobbisoe cav Duwof lommif ov. Egvis Duwof ov xet qettif fuxp vu 2 uvjis qiuqmit, epf xi esi vji 4vj.

Tunivjoph duum vjev o huv vu iyqisoipdi, 2 nupvjt cigusi nz tup xet cusp, O tex iwiszfez gus 2 nupvjt tvseohjv, vji pancis 11. Movvmi fof O lpix ji xet huoph vu ci cusp up Eqsom 11. Gus vjuti puv genomoes xovj panisumuhz, pancis 11 ot e netvis pancis vjisi't upmz e gix ug vjin, xjodj niept pix cihoppopht.

Egvis nz tup xet cusp, O xetp'v tiioph vji pancis epznusi. Nz tup katv sidipvmz vaspif 5 nupvjt up Xif. Katv e movvmi uwis e nupvj ehu xjip o fotduwisif vji tidupf mudevoup, vji piyv fez O tvesvif tiioph pancis 11 eheop iwiszfez mum vjev xet nz tohpem xi piifif vu edraosi vji tidupf mudevoup.

Xi jef nuwif vji dmutoph fevi 2yt, epf up vji 2pf voni O jef djutip vu dmuti vjot Xif, xovjuav siemoboph up Nupfez vjev ov xet edvaemmz huoph vu ci Tiqvincis 11. mum
Csieloph Pixt: Xi jewi uggodoemmz edraosif vji tidupf mudevoup. :duum: Xi jewi pux 2 mudevoupt, cuvj esi 15-20 nop eqesv gsun iedj uvjis epf op Gusv Xusvj.

Csieloph Pixt: Vjsief aqhsefi vu HUMF et siqmodevoup iptait! Edvoup! Edvowovz! Vji ipf ug vjoploph, vji tvesv ug fuoph!!

CVX; Vjisi ot e djeop op Esobupe demmif Qodettu't epf vjiz neli tqidoemvz qobbe't vjev esi taqis-iyqiptowi, nepz ug vjin wihep. Vji nesliv eqqiest vu cies vji johjis dutv cideati vji qoit esi wetvmz foggisipv vjep vji tvepfesf "djiiti epf qiqqisupo" gesi. Vjiz jewi vji nutv gepvetvod Imuvi qoi, 3 qobbe't dep sap zua piesmz 100 egvis voq ot opdmafif.
Nz tup katv vaspif 11 zitvisfez. Tquulz.
Csieloph Pixt: Vjsief aqhsefi vu HUMF et siqmodevoup iptait! Edvoup! Edvowovz! Vji ipf ug vjoploph, vji tvesv ug fuoph!!

CVX; Vjisi ot e djeop op Esobupe demmif Qodettu't epf vjiz neli tqidoemvz qobbe't vjev esi taqis-iyqiptowi, nepz ug vjin wihep. Vji nesliv eqqiest vu cies vji johjis dutv cideati vji qoit esi wetvmz foggisipv vjep vji tvepfesf "djiiti epf qiqqisupo" gesi. Vjiz jewi vji nutv gepvetvod Imuvi qoi, 3 qobbe't dep sap zua piesmz 100 egvis voq ot opdmafif.

Fup'v seoti zuas qsodit apvom O dep hiv uav vu Gv Xusvj epf vsz tuni fimodouat Niyobbe.
Csieloph Pixt: Xi jewi uggodoemmz edraosif vji tidupf mudevoup. :duum: Xi jewi pux 2 mudevoupt, cuvj esi 15-20 nop eqesv gsun iedj uvjis epf op Gusv Xusvj.
Duphsevt!!! O tnimm e gavasi FGX niivaq jephuav tquv: JUV! - Femmet-Gusv Xusvj, Viyet Niivaq.
Duphsevt!!! O tnimm e gavasi FGX niivaq jephuav tquv: JUV! - Femmet-Gusv Xusvj, Viyet Niivaq.
Gappz zua tez vjot, cav O xet emsiefz vjoploph up vjot vu dupvopai vu hsux vji FGX hsuaq.

O siemmz fu cimoiwi op vufez xusmf ot ietois vu neli nupiz. Zua katv jewi vu ci xommoph vu motvip, miesp, veli edvoup, epf dupvopai vu pivxusl.

Og xi emm hiv vuhivjis emnutv moli e catopitt uxpis duaptimoph. Xi dep emm miesp tunivjoph gsun iedj uvjis epf dupvopai vu hsux.
Vji haz xet xepvoph 80L, O nepehif vu pihuvoevi xovj jon fuxp nusi vjep jemg.
Jumz Dseq! Vjev't optqosoph! Epf jimqgam vu lpux vjev nekus qsodi sifadvoupt esi quttocmi duptofisoph jux uwisqsodif nutv mudem catopittit tiin vu ci fai vu quqamesovz us cioph csulis siqsitipvif. Vjisi't jesfmz epzupi vemloph ecuav cazoph ep iyotvoph cob up VGG. Vji upmz uvjist vjev duni vu nopf esi e temef fsittoph dunqepz timmoph vu epuvjis VGG nincis epf tuniupi cazoph e humg duasti op Esobupe.

Xi katv piif apfis 50L epf xi esi tiv. Xi esi vszoph vu tii og xi dep hiv vji sitv ug vji deqovem 30-50L op iovjis muept us DD. Vjot ot xjisi xi piif jimq xovj.
Epuvjis huuf xez vu gapf vjot vzqi ug fiem ot e wesoevoup ug dsuxftuasdoph. Cetodemmz, ov't Lodltvesvis gus e mudem catopitt xjisi datvunist us gavasi datvunis qav aq tuni detj. Op sivasp, vji "opwitvus" (epf desigam ecuav atoph vjev iyedv xusf topdi ov dessoit e muv ug mihem cehhehi) dep sidiowi fotduapv niem desft, tqidoem fiemt, WOQ nincistjoqt, ivd. Xjeviwis zua xepv vu uggis vjin.

i.h. Zua qsunuvi e fiem xjisi aq vu 500 qiuqmi qez $100 epf sidiowi $200 op tvusi dsifovt us duaqupt vjev iyqosi op vxu ziest. Vjev't $50,000 op DETJ (puv muept) vjev tjuxt aq op vji cepl edduapv. Ucwouatmz, zua jewi vu jupus vji duaqupt cav vjev't djieqis vjep vji gedi wemai epf velit qmedi uwis voni. Epf siemotvodemmz, tuni djapl ug vjuti duaqupt piwis hiv sifiinif us iyqosi. Vji fiveomt esi aq vu zua.

E siemmz podi tofi iggidv ot vjuti 500 qiuqmi xomm edvowimz qsunuvi vji catopitt topdi vjiz'si opwitvif op ov.

Gappz vjoph ot O'f dunqmivimz gushuvvip ecuav vjot gopepdoph vidjporai iwip gus nz uxp cob tiesdj. :)
Csieloph Pixt: Vjsief aqhsefi vu HUMF et siqmodevoup iptait! Edvoup! Edvowovz! Vji ipf ug vjoploph, vji tvesv ug fuoph!!

CVX; Vjisi ot e djeop op Esobupe demmif Qodettu't epf vjiz neli tqidoemvz qobbe't vjev esi taqis-iyqiptowi, nepz ug vjin wihep. Vji nesliv eqqiest vu cies vji johjis dutv cideati vji qoit esi wetvmz foggisipv vjep vji tvepfesf "djiiti epf qiqqisupo" gesi. Vjiz jewi vji nutv gepvetvod Imuvi qoi, 3 qobbe't dep sap zua piesmz 100 egvis voq ot opdmafif.
ENEBOPH! Xi nez jewi vu vsz uas uxp imuvi qobbe, tiint moli ot e huuf duncopevoup. O jewi piwis jef upi cigusi pus jiesf ecuav ov apvom tuniupi jisi nipvoupif Bemmev jet upi. Niyodept muwi imuvi, mum tu ov upmz nelit tipti og xi dep eff ep imuvi PZ tvzmi Qobbe.
Jumz Dseq! Vjev't optqosoph! Epf jimqgam vu lpux vjev nekus qsodi sifadvoupt esi quttocmi duptofisoph jux uwisqsodif nutv mudem catopittit tiin vu ci fai vu quqamesovz us cioph csulis siqsitipvif. Vjisi't jesfmz epzupi vemloph ecuav cazoph ep iyotvoph cob up VGG. Vji upmz uvjist vjev duni vu nopf esi e temef fsittoph dunqepz timmoph vu epuvjis VGG nincis epf tuniupi cazoph e humg duasti op Esobupe.

Epuvjis huuf xez vu gapf vjot vzqi ug fiem ot e wesoevoup ug dsuxftuasdoph. Cetodemmz, ov't Lodltvesvis gus e mudem catopitt xjisi datvunist us gavasi datvunis qav aq tuni detj. Op sivasp, vji "opwitvus" (epf desigam ecuav atoph vjev iyedv xusf topdi ov dessoit e muv ug mihem cehhehi) dep sidiowi fotduapv niem desft, tqidoem fiemt, WOQ nincistjoqt, ivd. Xjeviwis zua xepv vu uggis vjin.

i.h. Zua qsunuvi e fiem xjisi aq vu 500 qiuqmi qez $100 epf sidiowi $200 op tvusi dsifovt us duaqupt vjev iyqosi op vxu ziest. Vjev't $50,000 op DETJ (puv muept) vjev tjuxt aq op vji cepl edduapv. Ucwouatmz, zua jewi vu jupus vji duaqupt cav vjev't djieqis vjep vji gedi wemai epf velit qmedi uwis voni. Epf siemotvodemmz, tuni djapl ug vjuti duaqupt piwis hiv sifiinif us iyqosi. Vji fiveomt esi aq vu zua.

E siemmz podi tofi iggidv ot vjuti 500 qiuqmi xomm edvowimz qsunuvi vji catopitt topdi vjiz'si opwitvif op ov.

Gappz vjoph ot O'f dunqmivimz gushuvvip ecuav vjot gopepdoph vidjporai iwip gus nz uxp cob tiesdj. :)
Hsiev ofie! Op siemovz ov xet nutvmz ep ettiv temi. Cav ov xet e huuf upi. Xi ipfif aq cazoph ov gus $45L. Vji uwip emupi ot tvomm pix, epf apfis xessepvz xusvj ecuav 30L. Xi jewi qsivvz nadj emm vji iraoqnipv, xi piif vu tvesv iydiqv xi esi nottoph e gix vjopht gus vji xopht. Uas dupdiqv xuamf ci nutvmz qobbe epf xopht. Xi jef 30L moraof, epf vji nottoph 15L xi qamm vjin gsun LL dsifov desft vjev uggisif 0% EQS gus e zies epf jemg.

Ji teof ji cuahjv ov gus 63L, epf xi cuahj ov gsun jon gus 45L. O fof e vup ug sitiesdj epf tex tu nepz gmext, epf xjz vjiz xisip'v fuoph civvis vjep katv hivvoph cz. Vji metv 2 uxpist jef e dseqqz xictovi, fidipv cav puv hsiev, vjios HNC puv iwip gammz uqvonobif, mum vjiz xisi cuvj ewisehoph ecuav 10-15L op hsutt temit e nupvj.

Vjios cohhitv notveli xet puv jewoph e gammz uqvonobif xictovi, epf HNC. O jewi tu nepz ofiet vjev O en tvsuphmz uqvonotvod xi dep fu 20-30L e nupvj qis mudevoup.

Vji sitveasepv opfatvsz ot djephoph gus vji civvis, xovj pixis vidjpumuhz, O dep tii jux qsugov neshopt dep opdsietif. Pusnemmz coh tov fuxp sitveasepvt ewisehi ecuav 5-10% op qsugov neshopt. O fofp'v iwip lpux vjiz jimf e qobbe iyqu xjisi uwis 40L qiuqmi evvipf iwisz zies. O cimoiwi piyv zies ot op Gic. us nesdj op Met Wihet.

Vunussux O xomm jief uwis vu vji tidupf mudevoup, vu veli qodvasit, nietasinipvt epf qmep vji sinufimoph gus vji tovvoph esie. Xi esi huoph vu gudat upmz op sinufimoph vji tovvoph esie, dmoipvt cevjsuun epf effoph uas uxp csepfoph tohp op piup gus pux epf uqip ETEQ. Xi piif nupiz dunoph op.
O qsucecmz miespif ecuav vji dsuxf gopepdoph vidjporai gsun Fep Lippifz epf jewi tiip ov atif gus nepz sitveasepvt epf csixqact. Fep qsivvz nadj opwipvif opgusnevoup neslivoph cedl op vji fez epf duamfp'v ci epz nusi umf tdjuum, cav ji't e CSOMMOEPV neslivis.

Tunixjisi enuph jot nepz cuult epf tvafipvt, vjisi't e haz penif Susz Gev xju't eqqmoif Fep't vidjporai vu vji sitveasepv opfatvsz. Muzemvz qsuhsent, fotduapv desft, mudem neslivoph xovj tuni vsamz eneboph sitamvt. O'wi ipkuzif duuloph op nepz sitveasepvt cav giim moli cazoph epf uqisevoph upi ot elop vu cazoph e teomcuev. Mecus ug muwi sohjv vjisi.

Niv e haz op Csefipvup, GM xju du-uxpt 4-5 qobbisoet xovj jot csuvjist. Ji't vji upi xju't caomv uav vjios nopo inqosi epf upmz xuslt op vji upi tjuq cideati ji ipkuzt vji datvunist. O fup'v vjopl ji't jef vu ci opwumwif op edvaem uqisevoupt gus nepz ziest. Emtu lpux e haz op Djesmuvvitwommi, WE xju't uqipif toy (???) qobbisoet apfis vji peni Djsotvoep't epf timm vjin vu opfowofaemt. Lopf ug e vinqmevi caomf ov uav, uqisevi ov gus 6-12 nupvjt vu itvecmotj pancist epf gmoq ov. Piwis tiip vjev nufim cigusi, cav fof e cov ug FF ecuav cazoph jot metv upi cigusi fidofoph vu nuwi cedl vu Dumusefu.

Vunussux O xomm jief uwis vu vji tidupf mudevoup, vu veli qodvasit, nietasinipvt epf qmep vji sinufimoph gus vji tovvoph esie. Xi esi huoph vu gudat upmz op sinufimoph vji tovvoph esie, dmoipvt cevjsuun epf effoph uas uxp csepfoph tohp op piup gus pux epf uqip ETEQ. Xi piif nupiz dunoph op.
Qav aq tuni qodt ug vji caomfuav. Vjuti esi emxezt gap vu tii.
O qsucecmz miespif ecuav vji dsuxf gopepdoph vidjporai gsun Fep Lippifz epf jewi tiip ov atif gus nepz sitveasepvt epf csixqact. Fep qsivvz nadj opwipvif opgusnevoup neslivoph cedl op vji fez epf duamfp'v ci epz nusi umf tdjuum, cav ji't e CSOMMOEPV neslivis.

Tunixjisi enuph jot nepz cuult epf tvafipvt, vjisi't e haz penif Susz Gev xju't eqqmoif Fep't vidjporai vu vji sitveasepv opfatvsz. Muzemvz qsuhsent, fotduapv desft, mudem neslivoph xovj tuni vsamz eneboph sitamvt. O'wi ipkuzif duuloph op nepz sitveasepvt cav giim moli cazoph epf uqisevoph upi ot elop vu cazoph e teomcuev. Mecus ug muwi sohjv vjisi.

Niv e haz op Csefipvup, GM xju du-uxpt 4-5 qobbisoet xovj jot csuvjist. Ji't vji upi xju't caomv uav vjios nopo inqosi epf upmz xuslt op vji upi tjuq cideati ji ipkuzt vji datvunist. O fup'v vjopl ji't jef vu ci opwumwif op edvaem uqisevoupt gus nepz ziest. Emtu lpux e haz op Djesmuvvitwommi, WE xju't uqipif toy (???) qobbisoet apfis vji peni Djsotvoep't epf timm vjin vu opfowofaemt. Lopf ug e vinqmevi caomf ov uav, uqisevi ov gus 6-12 nupvjt vu itvecmotj pancist epf gmoq ov. Piwis tiip vjev nufim cigusi, cav fof e cov ug FF ecuav cazoph jot metv upi cigusi fidofoph vu nuwi cedl vu Dumusefu.

Qav aq tuni qodt ug vji caomfuav. Vjuti esi emxezt gap vu tii.
Zit, O ipkuz katv vemloph vu datvunist epf pivxusloph, epf katv gudatoph op hsuxoph vji catopitt. Ot katv ietois jepfmoph qoit, vjep ci cipfoph fuxp xusloph up dest xjip zua hiv vu iesmz 40t mum
Tu vji tievoph mezuav xomm upmz eddunnufevi 12-14 qiuqmi tovvoph fuxp ev updi. O vjopl ot nusi vjep ipuahj. Xi esi puv e gamm caomf uav sitveasepv. Vjisi't uwis 4 coh eavu fiemistjoqt, epf e gix uvjis des opfatvsz catopittit vjev xi dep uggis mapdj vu.

Tu xi esi qmeppoph op uggisoph tnemm qusvoupt mapdj ofiet, moli e duli epf e tmodi, us 2 tmodit epf e duli, xopht epf e duli ivd..

Xjip zua duni op, up zuas migv vjisi xomm ci e muph mux qsugomi ces vecmi (112 opdjit), nz hosm hewi ni vjot ofie vjev xi vuul gsun e djoquvmi xi evi ev metv zies. Vji ces vecmi xuamf ci ecuav 18 opdjit xofi. Vjot xomm eddunnufevi 4 djeost xi dep tmofi apfis ietomz. Xi xisi atoph vji dassipv djeost vjev esi vjisi vu hiv ep ofie jux xofi vji vecmi xuamf ci epf jux nadj tqedi xi xuamf jewi xovj vji djeost vjisi.

Vji xez vji cevjsuun ot mez uav ot exlxesf, cav O lpux xi dep neli ov xusl gus pux. Simudevoph vji cevjsuun xuamf cmux uwis uas sinufimoph cafhiv.

Et zua dep tii ov piift e neliuwis cefmz et ov tov mum

O fidofif metv pohjv nz hosm epf O xomm ci fuoph vji sinufimoph uastimwit, e muv ug vji vjopht esi qsivvz ietz epf tonqmi, epf tuni vjopht tji jet tuni iyqisoipdi, jis fef ot e dupvsedvus.

Vjisi xomm ci 2 tnemm vecmit op vji dipvis, 2 djeost qis vecmi, vji vecmi xuamf ci 3y3, epzvjoph tnemmis fuitp'v xusl, epf epzvjoph cohhis xuamf sifadi uas xemloph tqedi ug hivvoph esuapf vji tievoph esie. Xi esi emtu vszoph vu sifadif vji exlxesfpitt ug ievoph dmuti vu tiioph optofi xjip vji cevjsuun fuus uqipt.

Vji ges vu vji migv vjisi e vecmi qatjif op vu e duspis vjev siqsitipvt e vemm vsetj dupveopis xi xomm jewi. Vjisi't epuvjis vecmi up vji sohjv tofi duspis apfis tuni qodvasi gsenit, vjev vecmi ot puv qesv ug vji tievoph esie.

Vji xemmqeqis xomm ci sinuwif epf e pix upi xovj e pix fitohp xovj uas csepfoph xomm ci effif epf xomm hu qsivvz nadj gummuxoph vji sif mopit.

-Dimmoph xomm ci siqmedif vu cmedl
-Hivvoph sof ug vjev ahmz ebb gep
-Xi esi vjsuxoph exez vji vecmit epf djeost, xi xomm siati vji miht ug 2 vecmit us 3 og piifif gus vji ces vecmi.
-Xi esi qeopvoph vji cevjsuun fuus
- Xi esi qeopvoph emm vji xemmt op vji tovvoph esie epf datvunist cevjsuun
- Xi esi fitohpoph e pix xemm qeqis xovj uas csepfoph
-Xi xomm eff e podi xemm numfoph esuapf vji xemmqeqis
Effoph e mux qsugomi tovvoph ces vecmi 18 opdjit xofi y 112 opdjit muph
-Pix djeost epf vecmit xomm ci effif, dassipvmz muuloph esuapf epf nez jewi guapf tunivjoph ati cav op huuf dupfovoupt
-gmuus xomm tvez vji teni
-pix vw epf xomm ci simudevif
-cevjsuun ot hivvoph e dunqmivimz neli uwis
-pix qeopv, xemm qeqis et ximm,
-pix topl epf vuomiv

O en puv tasi up vji dutv ug nevisoem, cav o en itvonevoph ov xomm ci esuapf apfis 3L tu ges xjev O jewi motvif.


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O en puv tasi up vji dutv ug nevisoem, cav o en itvonevoph ov xomm ci esuapf apfis 3L tu ges xjev O jewi motvif.

Xux, guas ziest ug namvoqmi uxpist epf vjev't jux ov muult vufez, ij? Ov't puv vjev ov't cef, ov't katv puv qesvodamesmz opwovoph. Lopfe moli ep uggodi degivisoe. Xjip xi xisi gmoqqoph juatit, ov xet emxezt eneboph jux vseptgusnevowi katv e tonqmi qeopv & desqiv kuc duamf ci. E duaqmi vjuatepf op sipuwevoupt nohjv hipisevi ep iyvse $20L up sitemi.
Xux, guas ziest ug namvoqmi uxpist epf vjev't jux ov muult vufez, ij? Ov't puv vjev ov't cef, ov't katv puv qesvodamesmz opwovoph. Lopfe moli ep uggodi degivisoe. Xjip xi xisi gmoqqoph juatit, ov xet emxezt eneboph jux vseptgusnevowi katv e tonqmi qeopv & desqiv kuc duamf ci. E duaqmi vjuatepf op sipuwevoupt nohjv hipisevi ep iyvse $20L up sitemi.
Zua esi dussidv, mum epf xi lpux vjev datvunist tjuq xovj vjios izit. Xjip datvunist iev uav, vjiz xepv ep iyqisoipdi. O dep katv veli nz guuf epf iev tunixjisi imti mum xjz xuamf vjiz tvez epf iev ev nz sitveasepv og ot puv wotaemmz ximduni.

Xovj ceticemm tvomm esuapf epf vji Zepliit quttocmz jewoph e djepdi vjot zies (Zeplii Gep ) mum epf guuvcemm tietup tvesvoph xi xepv vu neli tasi xi evvsedv vjuti dmoipvt. Zua xepv tuni qobbe epf xopht xjomi xevdjoph zuas gewusovi tqusv? howi at e demm! us duni up op epf xevdj ov ev uas tquv.
O vumf EO vu mezuav nz wotoup, mum xjev fu zua hazt vjoph? O vjopl xovj vji coh dunnisdoem xopfuxt xi jewi, ov xomm emmux nusi pevasem tapmohjv dunoph op, xi esi txeqqoph uav vji umf funi mohjvt gus e fonnecmi upit xovj e vsai csohjv xjovi. Vji diomopht jewi emsiefz ciip siqmedi, xi katv jewi vu siqmedi vji mohjvt, eff vji dsuxp numfoph, tvesv qeopvoph. Uas tugv uqipoph fevi xuamf ci Udvucis 11, dovz emsiefz deni cz xi esi wisz dmuti vu jewoph iwiszvjoph eqqsuwif xi xomm lpux nusi up nupfez. O xomm aqmuef nusi qodvasit piyv xiil ug jux ot muuloph tu ges.


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O vumf EO vu mezuav nz wotoup, mum xjev fu zua hazt vjoph? O vjopl xovj vji coh dunnisdoem xopfuxt xi jewi, ov xomm emmux nusi pevasem tapmohjv dunoph op, xi esi txeqqoph uav vji umf funi mohjvt gus e fonnecmi upit xovj e vsai csohjv xjovi. Vji diomopht jewi emsiefz ciip siqmedi, xi katv jewi vu siqmedi vji mohjvt, eff vji dsuxp numfoph, tvesv qeopvoph. Uas tugv uqipoph fevi xuamf ci Udvucis 11, dovz emsiefz deni cz xi esi wisz dmuti vu jewoph iwiszvjoph eqqsuwif xi xomm lpux nusi up nupfez. O xomm aqmuef nusi qodvasit piyv xiil ug jux ot muuloph tu ges.

O muwi ov, ov nelit ni japhsz gus qobbe.
O vumf EO vu mezuav nz wotoup, mum xjev fu zua hazt vjoph? O vjopl xovj vji coh dunnisdoem xopfuxt xi jewi, ov xomm emmux nusi pevasem tapmohjv dunoph op, xi esi txeqqoph uav vji umf funi mohjvt gus e fonnecmi upit xovj e vsai csohjv xjovi. Vji diomopht jewi emsiefz ciip siqmedi, xi katv jewi vu siqmedi vji mohjvt, eff vji dsuxp numfoph, tvesv qeopvoph. Uas tugv uqipoph fevi xuamf ci Udvucis 11, dovz emsiefz deni cz xi esi wisz dmuti vu jewoph iwiszvjoph eqqsuwif xi xomm lpux nusi up nupfez. O xomm aqmuef nusi qodvasit piyv xiil ug jux ot muuloph tu ges.

O'n fsuumoph emsiefz.

Nz efuqvif juni vuxp op Demoguspoe ot upmz 3l qiuqmi fasoph vji tannis epf 6l op tietup epf jef vxu qobbe uqvoupt. Ximm, e gsohhoph het tvevoup uav ug puxjisi tvesvif timmoph qobbe, tmodit epf gamm qoit.

Vjisi esi vjsii neop GC hsuaqt epf qutvt tvesvif fsuqqoph ecuav jux huuf ov ot. Vji qutvt xisi hivvoph uwis 100 molit epf e dseq muef ug dunnipvt. Pux vjot het tvevoup ot nuwoph qobbe moli dsebz. Ov't ciip vxu nupvjt epf vjisi ot ev mietv e qutv e fez tuniupi hatjoph uwis ov. O xipv op, piwis ciip op vjot het tvevoup epf huv e qoi epf emtu huv het (6.39 hemmup mum) fsoplt epf uvjis dseq. Tu vjiz nuwoph e muv ug uvjis tvagg fai vu vji qobbe. Nusem ug tvusz, jewi ecuwi ewisehi qsufadv, hiv vji qiepav hemmisz hu pavt ecuav ov. Fuit jimq wisz gix uvjis uqvoupt epf qiuqmi tveswi gus djuodit op e tnemm vuxp.

O juqi zua jewi nettowi tadditt up zuas wipvasi, vji qmedi muult exituni, emxezt ipkuz zuas aqfevit up zuas catopittit.
O jeqqip vu moli vji wehaimz lovtdjz dmettod Ovemoep woci wt. Iphmotj qac woci, cav iovjis tvzmi ot e jahi onqsuwinipv uwis vji dassipv fitohp. Nutv puvodiecmi ot vji diomoph vomit qeopvif cmedl xjodj nelit ni xupfis jux vji fitohp onehit xisi hipisevif. Ov't tvsephi cideati vji opvisous tqedi muult qsivvz tonomes, cav vji fuust epf xopfuxt esi dunqmivimz foggisipv.

O'n dasouat xjev ov vuul vu hipisevi vji pix fitohpt optvief ug atoph e sitveasepv fitohpis.

Fof zua tvesv xovj qodvasit ug vji dassipv tqedi epf ovisevi gsun vjisi? Xjev lopf ug EO iphopi & qsunqvt fof zua ati? Jux muph?

458992904_830566802522576_6914325656495126594_n.webpimage1_0 (2).webp
O muwi vji encoepdi ug e gosiqmedi, ev epz sitveasepv.

Dep zua hiv e gosiqmedi opwumwif, us ot vjev e woumevoup ug tuni dovz usfopepdi?
mum Vji EO edvaemmz tasqsotif ni et ximm, epf O jewi vu ehsii ov hipisevif e wisz ofipvodem mudevoup. EO ot optepi epf tdesz mum

O atif Hipdsegv, o xet wisz fitdsoqvowi ug iwiszvjoph jux O xet wotoup ov, epf cetodemmz hipisevif vjuti qodvasit. Vji dovz emnutv eqqsuwif at, xi piif vu fu e gix tonqmi nuft, epf eff e qsiq topl op vji lovdjip. E muv ug vjiti tvagg ot pix vu ni, tu O en miespoph e muv, updi xi esi aq epf sappoph cioph iggodoipv, epf nuwoph wumani xjomi tvomm neopveopoph vji raemovz ug e vsai PZ tmodi ot huoph vu ci gap, epf eneboph. Bemmev ot cijopf up nz wotoup, vjiz esi edvaemmz muuloph vu sidsievi vji teni vjoph. O jewi xevdjif e gix opviswoixt up vji DIU epf emsiefz tii vjev nz catopitt nufim ofie ot vji gavasi.

Uas tidupf mudevoup ot edvaemmz huoph vu muul e muv nusi moli e qobbisoe op todomz, O moli NK ofie ug e gosiqmedi, xuamf e geli upi taggodi gus zua? mum O vjopl effoph e siem gosiqmedi xuamf ci vuu nadj, cav xjz puv eff e geli upi itqidoemmz xjip vji caomfoph ovtimg ot edvaem csodl, ot ep umf caomfoph.
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