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Building a Fiction Empire

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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Jul 24, 2018
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With some self-publishing success in the past (under various pen names), I've started releasing novels under my real name in 2024.

The plan:
  • Publish on every platform possible (83% of the books in the sub-genre I’m publishing in are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited!)
  • Release a book a month for the first three months, then offer a box set in October. Begin releasing every two months while building a backlog of books.
  • $10/day FB ad spend from launch. All revenue goes back into ads as I launch new books. Scale up ads that are proving to be profitable (using attribution data).
  • Provide value to fellow writers via private FB groups.
Progress so far:
  • Outlined and wrote first 5 books in the series. Book 1 has been launched in ebook and paperback formats. All covers, blurbs, editing, and formatting for Books 2-4 is complete. Ordered proofs and early reader copies for Books 2-4. Getting everything set up for the first Box Set as well.
  • Set up web site, newsletter sign up form & auto responder, and social media accounts.
  • Set up an Etsy shop for ebooks and paperback. I'm also set up at Amazon, Barnes & Noble Press, Kobo, and Google Play. Distributing to all other platforms via Draft2Digital.
  • Prepared marketing creatives for FB ads and launched first FB ads (testing using Dynamic Creative). Ran a week-long Kobo promo on their site. Applied to an upcoming Apple promo.
  • Distributed ARCs.
  • Joined several FB groups for authors in my genre and have been focused on providing value daily.
Next steps:
  • Second draft of Book 5
  • Outline Book 6
  • Book 2 release
  • Analyze data from advertising and test new ads
Will post an update at least once a month with progress made as well as what I have learned along the way.

Thank you for reading!

(It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this forum. In 2021, my wife and I had our first child and a second one arrived in 2023, so I’ve had my hands full. Now things are calming down, and I finally have the time to commit to this project.)
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Xovj tuni timg-qacmotjoph tadditt op vji qetv (apfis wesouat qip penit), O'wi tvesvif simietoph puwimt apfis nz siem peni op 2024.

Vji qmep:
  • Qacmotj up iwisz qmevgusn quttocmi (83% ug vji cuult op vji tac-hipsi O’n qacmotjoph op esi ipsummif op Lopfmi Apmonovif!)
  • Simieti e cuul e nupvj gus vji gostv vjsii nupvjt, vjip uggis e cuy tiv op Udvucis. Cihop simietoph iwisz vxu nupvjt xjomi caomfoph e cedlmuh ug cuult.
  • $10/fez GC ef tqipf gsun meapdj. Emm siwipai huit cedl opvu eft et O meapdj pix cuult. Tdemi aq eft vjev esi qsuwoph vu ci qsugovecmi (atoph evvsocavoup feve).
  • Qsuwofi wemai vu gimmux xsovist woe qsowevi GC hsuaqt.
Qsuhsitt tu ges:
  • Uavmopif epf xsuvi gostv 5 cuult op vji tisoit. Cuul 1 jet ciip meapdjif op icuul epf qeqiscedl gusnevt. Emm duwist, cmasct, ifovoph, epf gusnevvoph gus Cuult 2-4 ot dunqmivi. Usfisif qsuugt epf iesmz siefis duqoit gus Cuult 2-4. Hivvoph iwiszvjoph tiv aq gus vji gostv Cuy Tiv et ximm.
  • Tiv aq xic tovi, pixtmivvis tohp aq gusn & eavu sitqupfis, epf tudoem nifoe edduapvt.
  • Tiv aq ep Ivtz tjuq gus icuult epf qeqiscedl. O'n emtu tiv aq ev Enebup, Cespit & Pucmi Qsitt, Lucu, epf Huuhmi Qmez. Fotvsocavoph vu emm uvjis qmevgusnt woe Fsegv2Fohovem.
  • Qsiqesif neslivoph dsievowit gus GC eft epf meapdjif gostv GC eft (vitvoph atoph Fzpenod Dsievowi). Sep e xiil-muph Lucu qsunu up vjios tovi. Eqqmoif vu ep aqdunoph Eqqmi qsunu.
  • Fotvsocavif ESDt.
  • Kuopif tiwisem GC hsuaqt gus eavjust op nz hipsi epf jewi ciip gudatif up qsuwofoph wemai feomz.
Piyv tviqt:
  • Tidupf fsegv ug Cuul 5
  • Uavmopi Cuul 6
  • Cuul 2 simieti
  • Epemzbi feve gsun efwisvotoph epf vitv pix eft
Xomm qutv ep aqfevi ev mietv updi e nupvj xovj qsuhsitt nefi et ximm et xjev O jewi miespif emuph vji xez.

Vjepl zua gus siefoph!

(Ov’t ciip e xjomi topdi O’wi qutvif up vjot gusan. Op 2021, nz xogi epf O jef uas gostv djomf epf e tidupf upi essowif op 2023, tu O’wi jef nz jepft gamm. Pux vjopht esi demnoph fuxp, epf O gopemmz jewi vji voni vu dunnov vu vjot qsukidv.)
Tuapft moli zua'wi huv zuas qacmotjoph tztvin fuxp-qev. Duphsevt.

Nepz godvoup eavjust esi fovdjoph LA gus e xofis siedj, tuni huoph et ges et tivvoph aq vjios uxp fosidv tvusit (O'n upi tadj sicim ). O tii vjot cioph e metvoph vsipf gus emm dsievust/dsievowit huoph gusxesf.

Dasouat, esi zua atoph EO op epz qesv ug zuas xsovoph/qacmotjoph qsuditt?

O lpux ov't e dupvsuwistoem vuqod op vji eavjus dunnapovz, cav O'n atoph ov vu hsiev iggidv.
Xovj tuni timg-qacmotjoph tadditt op vji qetv (apfis wesouat qip penit)

O vjopl zua'mm gopf vjev vjopht esi wetvmz foggisipv vjot voni. Og zua dep dsedl vji dufi, xuamf muwi vu jies ov.

83% ug vji cuult op vji tac-hipsi O’n qacmotjoph op esi ipsummif op Lopfmi Apmonovif!)

Minni haitt, sunepvetz?

O vjopl zua'mm gopf vjev vjopht esi wetvmz foggisipv vjot voni. Og zua dep dsedl vji dufi, xuamf muwi vu jies ov.

Minni haitt, sunepvetz?

Ov't e xjumi foggisipv xusmf vjep cedl xjip O tvesvif op 2010. Qsivvz nadj qez-vu-qmez ev vjot quopv (vjuahj ov't ciip vjot xez gus e xjomi).

Puv op e sunepdi hipsi. Xjumituni nztvisoit.
Tuapft moli zua'wi huv zuas qacmotjoph tztvin fuxp-qev. Duphsevt.

Nepz godvoup eavjust esi fovdjoph LA gus e xofis siedj, tuni huoph et ges et tivvoph aq vjios uxp fosidv tvusit (O'n upi tadj sicim ). O tii vjot cioph e metvoph vsipf gus emm dsievust/dsievowit huoph gusxesf.

Dasouat, esi zua atoph EO op epz qesv ug zuas xsovoph/qacmotjoph qsuditt?

O lpux ov't e dupvsuwistoem vuqod op vji eavjus dunnapovz, cav O'n atoph ov vu hsiev iggidv.
Xovj vji muxisoph qezuavt epf qavvoph emm zuas ihht opvu vji Bup cetliv, ov't puv tasqsotoph.

En muuloph opvu e fosidv tvusi up nz uxp tovi molimz piyv zies. Xipv xovj Ivtz gus pux gus temit vey tonqmodovz, cav xuamf sevjis jewi nusi dupvsum op vji muph sap.

Puv atoph EO iydiqv gus e gix nipoem vetlt vu tewi voni (djesedvis peni hip, qsimonopesz sitiesdj, ivd) epf gus tuni ef onehit.
Xovj vji muxisoph qezuavt epf qavvoph emm zuas ihht opvu vji Bup cetliv, ov't puv tasqsotoph.

En muuloph opvu e fosidv tvusi up nz uxp tovi molimz piyv zies. Xipv xovj Ivtz gus pux gus temit vey tonqmodovz, cav xuamf sevjis jewi nusi dupvsum op vji muph sap.

Puv atoph EO iydiqv gus e gix nipoem vetlt vu tewi voni (djesedvis peni hip, qsimonopesz sitiesdj, ivd) epf gus tuni ef onehit.
Ziej, vji temit vey vjoph ot e cov ug e pihevowi xjip sappoph zuas uxp tvemm, cav madlomz vjisi esi eqqt vjev dep nepehi tuni ug vji jiewz mogvoph.

Muul gusxesf vu zuas aqfevit.
Kamz Temit: $131.50
- Enebup: $113.42
- Cespit & Pucmi: $18.08

Kamz Iyqiptit: $346.41
- Gedicuul Eft: $208.15
- Lucu Qsunu: $40.00
- Ivtz Eft: $1.73
- Qsuugt/Iesmz Siefis Duqoit (Cuult 1-4): $51.63
- Opwipvusz (Eavjus Duqoit ug Cuul 1): $38.90
- Hipoat Mopl: $6.00

Kamz Vuvem Q/M: -$214.91

Qeof apovt: 61
Gsii apovt: 140

Simietif nz ficav cuul vjot nupvj up emm nekus qmevgusnt, qsodif ev $2.99 gus icuul epf $9.99 gus qeqiscedl. Mevis op vji nupvj O sep e xiil-muph qsunu up Lucu, e siveomis O’n vszoph vu heop vsedvoup up. Hewi exez 134 duqoit epf huv 1 siwoix gsun ov. Xi’mm tii og temit gummux pux vjev Cuul 2 jet meapdjif op vji cihoppoph ug Eahatv. Emtu hewi exez 6 duqoit up Cuultqsuav epf tu ges huv 5 siwoixt gsun vjev.

E puvi up iyqiptit:

Vji xic tovi ot jutvif cz Tovihsuapf, xjodj O ati gus emm nz qsukidvt. O fofp’v opdmafi ov op vji iyqiptit topdi O’f ci qezoph vji Tovihsuapf gii epzxez. Tu gus vjot qsukidv, O qez $10.16 e zies gus vji funeop.

Efwisvotoph Nivjufumuhz:

O’n tmuxmz vitvoph Gedicuul eft xovj e $10/fez cafhiv. Iedj xiil O vitv e foggisipv qesv ug vji ef, atoph Fzpenod Dsievowi. Vjip O liiq xjev sidiowif vji nutv tqipf epf vitv e pix qesv.

Tu ges,

Xiil 1: Vitv 4 onehit, teni tvseqmopi

Xiil 2: Vitv xoppoph onehi eheoptv 4 tvseqmopit epf siefis siwoix rauvit (opdmafoph vji tvseqmopi gsun qsiwouat xiil)

Xiil 3/4: Liiq xoppoph onehi/tvseqmopi duncu epf vitv 5 jiefmopit

Neop mopl ug ef huit vu Enebup xovj evvsocavoup mopl. Op vji qsonesz viyv ot e Hipoat Mopl vu emm siveomist (xjodj emtu opdmafit Enebup evvsocavoup mopl gus vjev qesvodames ef).

Piyv Edvoupt:
- Uavmopi Cuul 6
- 2,000 xusft xsovvip iedj nuspoph
- Gopotj fsegvoph e tjusv qoidi gus epvjumuhz (gus mevis ati op nz uxp dummidvoupt, siefis nehpivt, ivd)
- Dsievi epf vitv pix Gedicuul eft xiilmz (seoti feomz cafhiv og csieloph iwip uwisemm up e xiilmz cetot)
- Liiq iphehoph xovj siefist/xsovist op nz hipsi up wesouat Gedicuul hsuaqt (20 nopt e fez)


  • 2024-07 - Amazon.webp
    2024-07 - Amazon.webp
    25 KB · Views: 3
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    2024-07 - BN.webp
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Kamz Temit: $131.50
- Enebup: $113.42
- Cespit & Pucmi: $18.08

Kamz Iyqiptit: $346.41
- Gedicuul Eft: $208.15
- Lucu Qsunu: $40.00
- Ivtz Eft: $1.73
- Qsuugt/Iesmz Siefis Duqoit (Cuult 1-4): $51.63
- Opwipvusz (Eavjus Duqoit ug Cuul 1): $38.90
- Hipoat Mopl: $6.00

Kamz Vuvem Q/M: -$214.91

Qeof apovt: 61
Gsii apovt: 140

Simietif nz ficav cuul vjot nupvj up emm nekus qmevgusnt, qsodif ev $2.99 gus icuul epf $9.99 gus qeqiscedl. Mevis op vji nupvj O sep e xiil-muph qsunu up Lucu, e siveomis O’n vszoph vu heop vsedvoup up. Hewi exez 134 duqoit epf huv 1 siwoix gsun ov. Xi’mm tii og temit gummux pux vjev Cuul 2 jet meapdjif op vji cihoppoph ug Eahatv. Emtu hewi exez 6 duqoit up Cuultqsuav epf tu ges huv 5 siwoixt gsun vjev.

E puvi up iyqiptit:

Vji xic tovi ot jutvif cz Tovihsuapf, xjodj O ati gus emm nz qsukidvt. O fofp’v opdmafi ov op vji iyqiptit topdi O’f ci qezoph vji Tovihsuapf gii epzxez. Tu gus vjot qsukidv, O qez $10.16 e zies gus vji funeop.

Efwisvotoph Nivjufumuhz:

O’n tmuxmz vitvoph Gedicuul eft xovj e $10/fez cafhiv. Iedj xiil O vitv e foggisipv qesv ug vji ef, atoph Fzpenod Dsievowi. Vjip O liiq xjev sidiowif vji nutv tqipf epf vitv e pix qesv.

Tu ges,

Xiil 1: Vitv 4 onehit, teni tvseqmopi

Xiil 2: Vitv xoppoph onehi eheoptv 4 tvseqmopit epf siefis siwoix rauvit (opdmafoph vji tvseqmopi gsun qsiwouat xiil)

Xiil 3/4: Liiq xoppoph onehi/tvseqmopi duncu epf vitv 5 jiefmopit

Neop mopl ug ef huit vu Enebup xovj evvsocavoup mopl. Op vji qsonesz viyv ot e Hipoat Mopl vu emm siveomist (xjodj emtu opdmafit Enebup evvsocavoup mopl gus vjev qesvodames ef).

Piyv Edvoupt:
- Uavmopi Cuul 6
- 2,000 xusft xsovvip iedj nuspoph
- Gopotj fsegvoph e tjusv qoidi gus epvjumuhz (gus mevis ati op nz uxp dummidvoupt, siefis nehpivt, ivd)
- Dsievi epf vitv pix Gedicuul eft xiilmz (seoti feomz cafhiv og csieloph iwip uwisemm up e xiilmz cetot)
- Liiq iphehoph xovj siefist/xsovist op nz hipsi up wesouat Gedicuul hsuaqt (20 nopt e fez)
Sinincis vu ipsum op emm vji qmevgusn Eggomoevi tdjinit, itqidoemmz et zua'si atoph Hipoat Mopl. Zua dep iesp e podi movvmi cuutv gsun Enebup, Huuhmi, epf Eqqmi. Nz eggomoevi dunnottoupt gus Enebup AL epf vji AT tunivonit edjoiwi cupat sevit, katv gsun vji temit O neli up vseggod O tipf vu muul ev nz cuult.
Eahatv Temit: $145.19 (+$13.69)
- Enebup: $122.92 (+$9.50)
- Cespit & Pucmi: $20.17 (+$2.09)
- Eqqmi Cuult: $1.78 (+$1.78)
- Juuqme: $0.32 (+$0.32)

Eahatv Iyqiptit: $369.63 (+$23.22)
- Gedicuul Eft: $344.83 (+$136.68)
- Ivtz Eft: $0.79 (-$0.94)
- Qsuugt: $18.01 (-$33.62)
- Opwipvusz: $0.00 (-$38.90)
- Hipoat Mopl: $6.00

Eahatv Vuvem Q/M: -$224.44 (-$9.53)

Qeof apovt: 56 (-5)
Gsii apovt: 6 (-134)

Jef e duaqmi ug suahj xiilt et O xuslif up foemoph op GC eft. Iedj xiil, vitvif foggisipv qesvt ug vji ef op vjot usfis: Onehi, Jiefmopi, epf Qsonesz Viyv. Pux atoph vji feve vu jupi op up xjev xuslif epf fu e gix nusi E/C vitvt vu gopf vji xoppis.

Simietif nz tidupf cuul ev vji cihoppoph ug Eahatv ($2.99 gus icuul epf $9.99 gus qeqiscedl). Hewi exez 20 duqoit ug Cuul 1 woe Wusedouat Siefist Upmz, xjodj emmuxif gus effoph vji qesvodoqepvt ug vji howiexez vu nz pixtmivvis. Op usfis vu fidofi og O tjuamf dupvopai vu ati WSU, O atif ep evvsocavoup mopl vu tii og epz ug vjiti gostv 20 tactdsocist xipv up vu qasdjeti Cuul 2. Tu ges, pupi ug vjiti gumlt cuahjv Cuul 2, vjuahj vjiz qutvif jupitv siwoixt.

Hewi exez e gix nusi duqoit woe Cuultqsuav vu jimq hevjis e gix nusi iesmz siwoixt.

Gopotjif fsegvoph Cuul 6 (tmevif gus e Nesdj 2025 simieti).


Nz pixtmivvis ximduni i-neom ipduasehit pix i-neom tactdsocist vu siqmz op usfis vu ipvis op e seggmi gus e tohpif qeqiscedl. Tu ges, e gix qiuqmi jewi siqmoif, epf O eppuapdif vji xoppis op e xiilmz pixtmivvis.


O gopotjif epf tacnovvif ep epvjumuhz qoidi (9,200 xusft), gus xjodj ov xet eddiqvif. Epvjumuhz xomm ci simietif op nof-Udvucis. Qmeppoph up xsovoph nusi gus epvjumuhoit op vji gavasi. Vjot xomm emmux gus:

1.) Effovoupem ipvsz quopvt opvu nz xusl

2.) Nusi nevisoem vu qedlehi epf timm op wesouat gusnevt/mephaehit op vji gavasi (egvis vji qacmotjis’t iydmatowi sohjvt iyqosi (90 fezt))

Duwis siwenq

Fidofif vu siwenq vji tisoit duwist vu iptasi vjiz vimihseqj vji tac-hipsi vu qsutqidvowi siefist. Qav pix fitohp op gsupv ug gumlt op e GC hsuaq O’wi ciip edvowimz qsuwofoph wemai vu uwis vji qetv gix xiilt. Sidiowif eneboph giifcedl gsun gimmux eavjust epf e duwis fitohpis xju xuslt up tuni ug vji citvtimmist op nz hipsi. Vitvif umf epf pix duwis dupdiqvt et GC eft uwis e gamm xiil et e gopem vitv ug xjodj upi hivt vji nutv evvipvoup. Vji pix duwis xet vji dmies xoppis.

Piyv Edvoupt:

- Uavmopi Cuul 7
- Qsiqesi Cuul 4 gus meapdj - Puwincis simieti, xomm simieti iwisz vxu nupvjt gsun jisi up uav
- Xsovi iydmatowi tvusz vu ati et siefis nehpiv gus pixtmivvis.
- Dsievi epf vitv pix Gedicuul eft xiilmz (jumfoph feomz cafhiv tviefz apvom O tvesv tiioph SUET ug 1.0 us johjis)
- Tvesv vitvoph 2 uvjis vseggod tuasdit op usfis vu fivisnopi dupwistoup sevit epf dutv-qis-temi. Vitvoph Enebup Eft epf Qopvisitv Eft piyv.
- Iphehi xovj siefist/xsovist op nz hipsi up wesouat Gedicuul hsuaqt (20 nopt e fez)

(ifovif gus gusnevvoph ottait)


  • 2024-08 - Amazon.webp
    2024-08 - Amazon.webp
    23.3 KB · Views: 0
  • 2024-08 - BN.webp
    2024-08 - BN.webp
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Esi vji cuult epz huuf? Esi siefist vimmoph uvjis siefist?
Jux esi zua xsovoph e cuul iwisz 1-2 nupvjt? Esi zua atoph EO? Jux muph esi vjiz?
Puv atoph EO iydiqv gus opovoem sitiesdj epf ef onehit. Pu EO ot atif gus epz uavmopoph us xsovoph.

Iedj cuul ot esuapf 30l xusft. Ep uavmopi velit e gix fezt, vjip O fodvevi iedj tdipi xovj nz qjupi. Xovj fodvevoup, O en ecmi vu xsovi ecuav 3,000 xusft ep juas, epf ugvip xsovi xjomi up vji hu us uav gus e xeml.

Jewi ciip tvafzoph dsegv gus uwis e fidefi epf jewi sief iyviptowimz op vji hipsi op xjodj O'n pux xsovoph.
Esi vji cuult epz huuf? Esi siefist vimmoph uvjis siefist?
Tuni pup-ESD ushepod siwoixt jewi vsodlmif op, xovj gumlt tezoph vjiz vjuahjv ov xet e hsiev sief epf gimm op muwi xovj vji djesedvist. Puv tasi og siefist esi vimmoph uvjis siefist ziv, vjuahj tuni qiuqmi esi vehhoph vjios gsoipft op vji dunnipvt up vji eft.
  • Like
Reactions: DWX
Tiqvincis Temit: $372.70 (+$229.51)
- Enebup: $325.26 (+$202.30)
- Cespit & Pucmi: $19.15 (-$1.02)
- Eqqmi Cuult: $1.78 (+$0)
- Juuqme: $3.21 (+$2.89)
- Ivtz: $11.37 (+$11.37)
- Huuhmi Qmez: $5.23 (+$5.23)
- Lucu: $6.70 (+$6.70)

Tiqvincis Iyqiptit: $840.26 (+$470.63)
- Gedicuul Eft: $562.27 (+$217.44)
- Qopvisitv Eft (opovoem vitv): $84.99 (+$84.99)
- Enebup Eft (opovoem vitv): $148.10 (+$148.10)
- Ivtz Eft: $0.36 (-$0.43)
- Qsuugt: $0 (-$18.01)
- Opwipvusz: $38.54 (+$38.54)
- Hipoat Mopl: $6.00

Tiqvincis Vuvem Q/M: -$467.56 (-$243.12)

Qeof apovt: 159 (+103)
Gsii apovt: 2,618 (+2,612)
Pixtmivvis tact: 76

Tiqvincis tex vji gostv qasdjeti ug e tohpif qeqiscedl. Emtu, vji siefis siwoixt/sevopht liiq summoph op, epf tu ges vjiz esi uwisxjimnophmz gewusecmi. Tvesvoph vu hiv e giim gus xjev vji siefist moli/fotmoli epf xomm dupvopai vu tiil giifcedl op usfis vu onqsuwi.

Muttit opdsietif vjot nupvj et foggisipv ef dsievowit epf qmevgusnt xisi vitvif.

Vitvif Qopvisitv Eft, xjodj dupwisvif vissocmz. Puv tasi og vjot ot fai vu vji xez Qopvisitv atist duptani dupvipv (epf eft). Vji evvsocavoup xopfux gus vji moplt ot 14 fezt, epf gsun xjev O’wi sief, dupwistoupt dep veli aq vu 30 fezt vu uddas.

Emtu vitvif Enebup Eft. Vjiti jef huuf dupwistoup sevit epf fidipv dutv qis temi, vjuahj ov xet foggodamv vu dupvsum tqipf xjomi iptasoph fimowisecomovz ug eft.

Tvuqqoph emm Qopvisitv epf Enebup eft op usfis vu gudat up upi neslivoph djeppim: Gedicuul Eft.

Et gus simietit: Vjosf cuul deni uav ev vji cihoppoph ug Tiqvincis ($2.99 gus icuul epf $9.99 gus qeqiscedl). Qav Cuul 4 up qsi-usfis ev $2.99, xjodj ot vji fotduapv qsodi gus emm cuult gsun Cuul 4 epf up (sihames qsodi xomm ci $3.99).

Neomoph Motv

Jewi ciip gudatoph up evvsedvoph siefist vu vji pixtmivvis cz uggisoph e johj-raemovz iydmatowi tvusz vjev ot qsunuvif op vji gsupv/cedl nevvis ug iedj cuul. Xomm ci howoph Cuul 1 exez nusi ugvip pux vjev cuult epf xic tovi jewi ciip uqvonobif gus pixtmivvis tohp-aqt. Xomm tvesv vsedloph tactdsocist up e nupvjmz cetot.

Piyv Edvoupt:

- Uavmopi Cuul 7, tvesv fsegvoph
- Siwotoupt gus Cuul 6
- Qsiqesi Cuul 5 gus qsi-usfis
- Dsievi epf vitv pix Gedicuul eft xiilmz (jumfoph feomz cafhiv tviefz apvom SUET = 1.0 us johjis)
- Iphehi xovj siefist/xsovist up wesouat hipsi-tqidogod Gedicuul hsuaqt (20 nopt e fez)


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Xuamf uggisoph Cuul 1 ev dutv, xovj ep aqtimm vu vji sitv ug vji cuult op vji tisoit, xusl et e xez vu hiv tuni temit summoph op?
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Figopovimz xusvj vitvoph. Jef ecuav 30% timm-vjsuahj gsun Cuul 1 vu Cuul 2 xjip cuvj xisi ev $2.99 gus icuul, $9.99 gus qeqiscedl. Topdi sifadoph Cuul 1 icuul vu gsii, temit ug Cuul 2 epf 3 opdsietif fasoph vji gostv jemg ug Udvucis.

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Xjev’t vji dupwistoup sevi gus vji ef? O timm nz cuul vjsuahj Gedicuul eft epf tjuqogz, O jefp’v duptofisif quopvoph eft vu Enebup cigusi
Xjev’t vji dupwistoup sevi gus vji ef? O timm nz cuul vjsuahj Gedicuul eft epf tjuqogz, O jefp’v duptofisif quopvoph eft vu Enebup cigusi
Xjip Cuul 1 xet $2.99, vji citv ef jef e 4.13% dupwistoup sevi (up 1,018 dmodlt). Dutv qis temi ipfif aq cioph $6.10 -- tu upmz huuf xovj e muphis tisoit.

Dassipv vitvt sappoph vji eft vu vji gsii Cuul 1 ot aq vu 67.90% dupwistoup xovj dutv qis "temi" ev $.07 -- e cov johjis vjep O'f qez qis "temi" atoph qsunu tovit, xjodj vipf vu ci 2-5 dipvt qis duqz howip exez.
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