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Handmade - handyman`s progress thread

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Bronze Contributor
Jul 19, 2023
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Hello everyone!

I`s been a month since I consider myself to be a "true" entrepreneur. I literaly started 0n the 1st of January, not because of some fancy New Year Resolution, but because my friend immigrated to my country on 29th of December and we both found and bought an old 2002 Ford for $1500 on 31sh of December which allowed us to switch to b2b clients.

Since my FTE in summer 2023 I`ve been part-time entrepreneur - I worked full-time blue-collar job and in my spare time served my local community with my screwdriver, wrench and occasionally - with my 3d-printer. This business of mine was more of a necessity - my FTE put me in a position where I could not support myself with job alone and I had to create an alternative cash flow.

3 people during 2023 impacted my vision.

First was an elderly entrepreneur (possibly a scammer though) from Russia. He had a huge vertical farming equipment project on late development stage tailored for a specific niche - he wanted his buyers to use vacant office space which was generated by pandemic and everyone going online. He needed me as a speaker for the project (as I professionally speak on public). Eventually the start-up died but I learned a lot about international production as we were studying the opportunities to mass-produce our product.

Second was an entrepreneur from Ukraine who was stranded overseas when the war started. He had a farm back in Kharkiv region and was using it to develop automated farming equipment. He came to me to use my 3d-printer as he was living nearby and was working on a new incubator. I not only printed some details for him but was also able to develop some parts in Fusion 360, so I am grateful for an insight into an inventor`s mind and into the RnD process.

Third one was a local entrepreneur, who does house cleaning in the local area. He shared his business details and some customers with me as being a sole proprietor he suffers from lack of free time and wanted someone around who could help him with his work while he goes on vacation or smth like that. Although it is the lowest possible business in my area it is still a business and I am able to learn accounting and b2b processes while earning $30 per hour instead of $10 per hour I was earning at a factory. So while it is something without Scale or Time commandments in sight, it still grants me valuable skills and time to develop my next stage.


On the 1st of January I had a job which brought me something around $2500 per month and a side-hustle with around $500 monthly income. I also had a friend and a car to expand my Empire with. We had a working model for business and a mentor to guide us through. And we leaped head first. Not knowing how to do marketing, we designed a simple printed ad with some free internet clipart and put my personal telephone in there. As I worked night shifts and due to language (most calling was done in Hebrew and my friend does not know it) my friend woke me up each time I had an incoming call. And while I was not asleep, i made cold-calling.

It was hard, but it brought fruit - from our first week we had some clients coming and signing the deals with monthly payments. I am really surprised how fast it all started. This month I got $500 in payments from b2b clients, $500 from b2c side hustle and $2500 coming from work. But during all this time I was signing b2b contracts, starting immediately or from 1st of February, so by now I have signed papers for a total of $2000 per month. Lower than my salary, but it takes only a fraction of a time which my work took. So I considered my options and made another leap of faith - yesterday I quitted my job. With all that free time I can focus on marketing and add more clients to the fold. On Sunday I have a meeting with one old lady with a potential $500 monthly deal which would even me in terms of income with my not-so-good job I left.


I really do not see myself moping floors for the rest of my life. It is an honest job and I do it willingly and professionally, but I see it as a temporal solution to pay the bills. So I came with an escape plan. I know where I eventually want to end up and there are several possible roads which will lead me there.

I will continue working on my cleaning business. I want to completely fill 2 days of the week - Monday and Friday, with stable customers. Knowing my speed and price, it is safe to say that one full day brings at maximum about $3000 per month. $6000 a month will cover all the taxes, living expenses and will give me enough money for risky experiments.

For the other 4 days of the week (due to extravagances of my country of residence it is not viable to plan any work for Saturdays), there are some projects I can work on here. Option #1 - I can do more cleaning job but I do not want as I want to keep those days free of stable commitments. Option #2 - I can expand my handyman side-hustle to a more profitable house repair and remodelling business. It is more profitable than cleaning and more risky as no monthly payments are involved. It is also harder in terms of Entry. Option #3 - I am thinking about establishing a production facility for some outside lighting and advertising structures. It is something I made back in Russia fro some time and I have knowledge, but do not know local market at all. The upside is that I will have instruments for big plastic-metal-electronics projects I dream of and those instruments will not just wait for my inventions but bring cash on the way.

And during this development of this sweat manufacture, I also plan to work on some physical tangible products. I am familiar with Fusion 360, Arduino and PCB design and there is a list of products I created during my studies based mainly of complaints like "Why no-one made THIS already?". I remotely know how to organize overseas production and plan to embark on a journey:

1. Take an idea
2. Make a working prototype
3. Try to sell prototypes in my local area
4. If (3 = true) {scale.up;}
5. ???
6. Wallmart sales exceeded $1bil, we need another forklift to the cash storage

I decided not to wait and already ordered from Aliexpress all the needed parts for my first prototype. During February mostt of them will arrive so I hope by my next progress post here there will be some photos I will be able to share.

Any feedback is welcome!
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Xjomi O liiq taddittgammz caomfoph nz dmoipv ceti (eqqsuyonevimz $3000 qis nupvj gsun 14 ipvovoit emsiefz tohpif topdi gostv tohpevasi up 01.01.24, vjev`t OPTEPI), O dep gopemmz ati nz gsii voni O huv egvis O fsuqqif vji xusl vu tvesv xusloph up nz OPWIPVOUP!

Qesvt gsun Emoiyqsitt jewi essowif epf vufez O`wi ucveopif nz gostv vitv tackidv. Qmieti niiv Gispepfu, penif egvis upi ug vji jutvehit OFG jet gsiif vufez op Hete. Gostv iyqisonipv ot emsiefz sappoph op jot quv :)

Ot zuas opwipvoup tunivjoph vu fu xovj nuotvasi dupvipv op juatiqmepv tuom?

Zieq. Vji gostv tviq ot vu vsz simoecmz liiq tuom nuotvasi op vji figopif cuapfesoit
Ov xomm timm moli juvdelit vu dusqusevoupt. Xjz? Vjiz jewi vji nupiz, vjiz jewi muvt ug qmepvt op quvt epf vjiz xepv vu ci fisephif vu xevis vjin upmz xjip ot pidittesz.
Gus "dowomoept" ov nohjv timm og vjisi ot epuvjis fiwodi vjev xevist vji quv ev vji sohjv nunipv. Tu mebz qiuqmi/qiuqmi xju vsewim e muv epf dusqusevoupt xuamf ci nz veshivt og O xisi zua.

Gappz tvusz, O xuslif ev e dunqepz, veloph desi ug qmepvt ev vji cohhitv dusqusevoupt op nz duapvsz epf ov xet jimm, jewoph vu djidl vji tuom (foggisipv qmepvt jewi foggisipv xevis duptanqvoup epf piift), epf O fitvsuzif upi dunqavis, tqommif xevis up tuni dmuvjit epf uvjis notvelit. (og vjot fiwodi tjuxt xjip vji tuom ot fsz=mitt voni tqipv xevisoph vji qmepvt=sesis niivoph vu xevis vjin=mitt djepdit gus ep ofouv vu fitvsuz/tqomm xevis up tunivjoph iyqiptowi)
Ov xomm timm moli juvdelit vu dusqusevoupt. Xjz? Vjiz jewi vji nupiz, vjiz jewi muvt ug qmepvt op quvt epf vjiz xepv vu ci fisephif vu xevis vjin upmz xjip ot pidittesz.
Gus "dowomoept" ov nohjv timm og vjisi ot epuvjis fiwodi vjev xevist vji quv ev vji sohjv nunipv. Tu mebz qiuqmi/qiuqmi xju vsewim e muv epf dusqusevoupt xuamf ci nz veshivt og O xisi zua.

Gappz tvusz, O xuslif ev e dunqepz, veloph desi ug qmepvt ev vji cohhitv dusqusevoupt op nz duapvsz epf ov xet jimm, jewoph vu djidl vji tuom (foggisipv qmepvt jewi foggisipv xevis duptanqvoup epf piift), epf O fitvsuzif upi dunqavis, tqommif xevis up tuni dmuvjit epf uvjis notvelit. (og vjot fiwodi tjuxt xjip vji tuom ot fsz=mitt voni tqipv xevisoph vji qmepvt=sesis niivoph vu xevis vjin=mitt djepdit gus ep ofouv vu fitvsuz/tqomm xevis up tunivjoph iyqiptowi)
Vjeplt gus vji voq! Xi esi muuloph up vsewimist/gushivgam, cav dusqt tuapf huuuuf :-)
Ulez, nz tidupf nupvj et ep ipvsiqsipias epf e gostv nupvj egvis miewoph 9/5 jet hupi. Vjot nupvj O iespif e vuvem ug $5000 (nz 9/5 xet csophoph esuapf $2000-3000 fiqipfoph up e nupvj), jemg ug xjodj duni gsun 14 foggisipv muph-visn dmoipvt xjodj esi tvecmz qezoph iwisz nupvj epf jemg deni gsun wesouat edvowovoit, opdmafoph hivvoph iyqisoipdi op vji pix goimf xjomi hivvoph qezif op vji teni voni. Vufez xi tohpif 3 nusi dmoipvt gus e vuvem ug $1000 effif epf xi jewi Gsofez dunqmivimz gommif epf pu muphis eddiqv usfist gus vjot fez. Ov siemmz ot optepi vjev 1 fez e xiil ug fifodevif xusl iggusv (O miewi juni ev 6:00 epf hiv cedl cz 15:00) dep csoph zua moli $4000 e nupvj xjip zua esi ep ipvsiqsipias. Cav vjot siraosit xusloph jesfis, tnesvis epf nusi iggodoipv vjep epzupi. O juqi O dep vseptgis vjot iyqisoipdi ug op-qistup xusl opvu dusq iggodoipdz vu tuni quopv xjip O xomm tvesv josoph qiuqmi (vjev ot e qmep gus vji raovi pies gavasi).

O gusnif e qesvpistjoq xovj nz nipvus epf xi tvesvif caomfoph e guapfevoup gus iyqepfoph uas catopittit. Xi esi cuvj op vji goimf ug dunnisdoem dmiepoph epf pux esi iyqepfoph opvu vji hesfipoph xjodj ot JAHI jisi op Otseim xovj muvt ug apfisqisgusnoph hesfipist. Nz nipvus jet duppidvoupt xovj muvt ug juati-lliqoph dunqepoit vjev esi duptvepvmz taggisoph gsun apnexif mexpt epf uwishsuxvj up vji qesloph esiet. O moli vjot catopitt nusi cideati ov ot jesfis vu hiv opvu - vji ipvsz cessois ot vjisi xjomi op vji dmiepoph catopitt vjisi ot pupi. Emtu zua jewi e djepdi vu veml vu nepz-nepz sodj womme-uxpist epf hiv tueloph xiv xovj vjios nopftivt epf jotvusoit. Nz nipvus opwitvif $1000 opvu ipvsz-miwim iraoqnipv (xjodj emsiefz csuahjv $200 op gamgommif usfist op Gicsaesz) epf O qav $2000 opvu hivvoph e tqidogod duasti vu hiv nztimg e modipti vu xjev xi esi tvesvoph pux. Xi emsiefz huv uastimwit 2 upi-voni usfist epf upi muph-visn usfis xovj nupvjmz qez tu vjopht esi emtu nuwoph getv jisi.

Emtu O liiq xusloph up nz opwipvoup qsuvuvzqi. O en fiwimuqoph e timg-xevisoph feve-fsowip qmepv quv gus juati qmepvt. Vjot nupvj xi huv tiptus tenqmit gsun Djope epf esi pux eraosoph feve xjodj xi piif vu gopemobi vji fitohp. Nz txovdj vu hesfipoph jimqt nettowimz et O en opwumwif op nepz qmepv-simevif edvowovoit opdmafoph xusloph up qmepv xevisoph tztvint xjodj op Otseim esi e natv gus epz uavtofi qmepv epf vjisi ot e jahi muef ug Otseim-fitohpif vuq-puvdj iraoqnipv epf nevisoemt qsitipv.

Tannesoboph, vjisi ot e muv ug hsopf epf puv e muv ug tmiiq epf tudoem edvowovz. Nz tudoem dosdmi cetodemmz fottoqevif cav ov ot e huuf vjoph et O fu puv jewi vu nishi nz tdjifamit us qmept xovj epzupi. O en iwip vjoploph vjev nz dassipv tvevi ug tudoem otumevoup nohjv edvaemmz ci e natv gus tadj e getv tadditt O en iyqisoipdoph. O traiibi iwisz tidupf gsun nz fez epf upmz moli pux, up Teccevj (egvis emm vji qeqisxusl O tvedlif up xiilipf ug deati) O jewi voni vu sigmidv epf xsovi vjot qutv gus iyenqmi :). Pu gsoipft us qesvpist xuamf jewi ipfasif duppidvoph xovj ni xovj tadj e qedlif xiil et O jewi pux.

O en siemmz xupfisoph pux op xjev tvevi xuamf O niiv 2025.
Tvomm e pohjv epf fez apvom pix nupvj, cav vji xiil ot tu qedlif vjev O`f civvis xsovi pux, xjomi vjisi ot tuni voni vu csievji)

Tu nz vjosf nupvj op gamm-voni catopitt jet qettif. Vjot nupvj tex ep iyqeptoup, Xi (ov ot "xi" pux, zez!) hsix vu 3 qiuqmi. Xi iyqepfif uas esiet ug edvowovz gsun dmiepoph epf tnemm siqeost vu gamm-cmuxp juni siqeost epf hesfipoph. E tohpevasi iwipv - vufez xi jef vu apqedl vji des epf neli e xesijuati op nz eqesvnipv et emm vji iraoqnipv fuit puv gov op vji des epznusi. Xjumi Teccevj ug dmiepoph epf siessephoph tvagg.

Epuvjis iyqeptoup esie - nusi ushepobevoupem tvagg. Jef vu neli ep upmopi demipfes vu vsedl emm vji usfist. Nz qesvpis ot pux caomfoph e Vimihsen cuv vu liiq vsedl ug uas opdunit et vjiti esi qmipvz epf xi jewi vu fowofi vjin gus vjsii qiuqmi pux.

Uas qsugovt suti tohpogodepvmz. O tvomm jewi vu fu vji nevj, cav tiint xi esi ev mietv fuacmif op Nesdj. Nepz pix iraoqnipv cuahjv. Emtu O iyqepfif nz efwisvotoph opvu piohjcusoph esie (tqidogodemmz - vu vji xjumi ug Obsiim wemmiz) epf gopemmz - gsun upmz-Sattoep vu Sattoep-Jicsix. Xi emsiefz hiv Jicsix-tqieloph dmoipvt epf vjuti jewi xez nusi detj vu tqipf. Hivvoph atif vu imovi wommet, djuutoph e tvzmi gus nopi gavasi upi :duum:

Ug puvodi: Gowiss-tvzmi eft siemmz jov vji tquv xjip efwisvotoph gus mudem esie. NEpz dupvsedvust esi vsooph vu neli qsugittoupem-muuloph Gedicuul eft, cav vxu gedvust tiin vu apfisnopi vjios iggusvt: qiuqmi upmopi fiwimuq ep epvo-ef onnapovz epf uwismuul vjuti; og zua esi e tnemm catopitt uxpis, zua fu puv jewi qsugodoipdz epf cafhiv vu neli vjuti eft siemmz qsugittoupem epf jemg-celif upit muul fotvepv epf apduum. Nusi qistupem upit xovj zuas qjuvu epf gsiitvzmi iyqmepevoup xusl IYDIMMIPV - qiuqmi siqutv zua, moli epf, nutv onqusvepvmz, vjiz USFIS!

Qmept gus vji gavasi: iyqepf opvu jiohjv xusl. Epf qsucecmz tvesv josoph qiuqmi op 1-2 nupvjt.
Zieq. Vji gostv tviq ot vu vsz simoecmz liiq tuom nuotvasi op vji figopif cuapfesoit
Nep O muwi e huuf juati qmepv catopitt ofie.

Vji qeop quopv ot tvsuph..xjz fu vjiz emxezt foi up ni!!

Vjot nupvj epf itqidoemmz vjot xiil xisi tu gamm ug iwipvt vjev O piesmz fu puv jewi voni vu xsovi e qsuhsitt aqfevi. O en traiiboph ov civxiip tuni iraoqnipv neopvipepdi epf muph-fimezif xsovoph ug dunnisdoem qsuqutovoupt gus vji Nupfez denqeohp xi tvesv.

Catopitt velit tjeqi​

Tu vjot xet e nupvj ug sitvsadvasoph epf tuni tisouat hsuxvj. Xi nefi tuni simevowimz coh qsukidvt epf qasdjetif tisouat iraoqnipv op vji qsuhsitt. Vji catopitt tvesvif vu heop gusn epf huv tqmov opvu 3 esiet:
  • Sitofipvoem caomfoph epf mexp neopvipepdi - johj neshop xjomi ipvsiqsipias, mux ipvsz cessoist epf emnutv pu xez vu seoti vjin tu mux quttocmi neshopt xjip tdemif aq woe janep situasdi
  • Duptvsadvoup dunqepz - johj neshop xjomi ipvsiqsipias, wesoecmi epf mogvecmi ipvsz cessoist, johj finepf epf wemai, johj (aq vu 30%) neshop xjip janep situasdi inqmuzif
  • Vsii davvoph catopitt - wisz johj neshopt, wisz johj qsugovt, emnutv onquttocmi vu vseptgis vu catopitt nufim (ipvsz cessoist esi johj, cav zua piif vu czqett emnutv emm ug vjin (miespoph daswi, iraoqnipv) gus iwisz inqmuzii zua veli)
Xovj vjiti vjsii esiet O en qmeppoph vu dav neopvipepdi op 2-3 nupvjt, gudat nz qistupem iggusvt up vsii davvoph vu csoph qomit ug detj epf ati vjev detj vu fiwimuq duptvsadvoup dunqepz xjodj iwipvaemmz xomm veli uwis.

Qesvpistjoq ot jesf cav xusvjxjomi​

Vjot nupvj emtu tex sitvsadvasoph ug nz qesvpistjoqt. Upi ug nz qesvpist taffipmz qedlif jot tvagg epf migv vji duapvsz. Vjev xet e cmux et xi jef vu fipz tuni dmoipvt vji usfist vjiz nefi xjodj xisi cetif up jot iyqisvoti. Eqqesipvmz vjev haz fof puv iyqidv vu ci xusloph 70-juas xusl xiilt.

Cav op vji teni voni epuvjis haz etlif ni vu kuop uas wipvasi epf ji ot iwip civvis. E cov umfis haz, cav xovj ep iyqisoipdi ug caomfoph e taddittgam duptvsadvoup dunqepz. Tu O en jeqqz xovj vji vseptgis epf xi emsiefz tii ushepobevoupem onqsuwinipvt.

Emtu xi txovdjif uas qsugov tjesoph nufim. Xi effif ep edduapvepv vufez xju xomm demdamevi uas navaem xuslmuef epf xi xomm jewi qsugovt tqmov eddusfoph vu iggusvt. Vjot xet e qeop quopv et tuni ug at esi puv ecmi vu fifodevi gamm iggusv ziv.

Nupiz tidasovz​

Op vji ipf ug vji nupvj O guapf nztimg op e tvsephi tovaevoup O fof puv iyqisoipdi op ziest - O jef tuni nupiz migv op vji xemmiv. Epf ov emm egvis O tqipv tuni simevowimz meshi enuapv up iyqepfoph uas deqecomovoit epf mogvoph vji ipvsz cessoist. Vjev ot pix epf O fu puv lpux xjev vu fu xovj ov ziv. Tqmov civxiip:
  • Iyqepfoph catopitt deqecomovoit iwip nusi
  • Neloph e tegivz piv gus nz qistupem piift vu emmux nusi sotlz catopitt nuwit op vji gavasi
  • Neloph tuni muph-fimezif raemovz ug mogi vjopht (moli fipvotvsz)
  • Evvedloph vji qsopdoqem ug nz qesetovod ficv
O cimoiwi, iwipvaemmz O xomm tqmov civxiip vjuti 4 esiet op tuni xez.

Catopitt nupuhenz tviq op​

Vji xusl up nz qsuvuvzqi tvuqqif. 70-juas xuslxiilt (epf vjev ot katv XUSL, moli, xovj JEPFT epf VUUMT, O fu puv duapv epz uggodi juast jisi) fu puv emmux gsii voni gus tadj ipfiewuast. Cav O cimoiwi, O xomm sivasp vjisi iwipvaemmz et O en ep opwipvus epf nz nopf ot emxezt op vji duptvsadvoup nufi. Gus pux O en 100% gudatif up xjev ot jeqqipoph pux epf xepv vu sofi vji xewi ug finepf et ov ot hivvoph tvsuphis epf tvsuphis.

Tu, jisi O hu. Xi emsiefz jewi $5000 usfist op qsugov gus vji piyv xiil epf O en emm opvu neloph tuni huuf xusl uav vjisi!
Vji nupvj ug Nez xet suahj cav xi nefi e jahi mieq gusxesf epf tiint xi jewi guapf uas uffmz tqidogod cav wisz madsevowi podji.

O en siemmz cesimz tvepfoph pux et op nz esie vjisi xet e tepftvusn epf +40 Dimtoat, cav xi xuslif emm fez uavtofi. Tu O xomm ci csoig. Vjot nupvj xi xisi vsooph wesouat efwisvotoph nivjuft. O txemmuxif Emiy Jusnuto`t cuul epf tiwisem ug jot epf Miome Jusnuto wofiut epf xipv tvseohjv opvu qsedvodi. Xi nefi e wisz djieq epf jesf qsukidv gus e Jumudeatv taswowus epf qav op opvu uas upmopi eft. Epf ov csuahjv tadditt - tuni meshi dmoipvt csuahjv tuni vjuatepft ug fummest epf wemaecmi efwisvotecmi nifoe.

Epf emtu vjuti dmoipvt csuahjv e coh tasqsoti. Eqqesipvmz op uas esie vjisi ot e jahi enuapv ug cefmz optvemmif eos dupfovoupist epf vji jumi nefi fasoph optvemmevoup nelit qiuqmi siemmz xiv epf dumf op vji xopvis. Epf emvjuahj xi fof puv tqidogodemmz efwisvotif gus vjev, vji dmoipvt deni csieloph op uas fuus vu etl gus siqeost. Ov ot e raodl epf ietz goy vjev velit moli ep juas ug xusl epf O djeshi vjin aq vu $500 epf vjiz qez moli optvepvmz. Epf vjev tezt tunivjoph op vji mepf xjisi vji xusf "cesheopoph" ot xsovvip op vji hipivod dufi.

Ov ot 11 QN pux epf ev 6 EN O jewi vu tvesv gus e pix usfis tu huuf pohjv qiuqmi! Nez vji haofoph mohjv ug wemai ommanopevi zuas qevjt!
O jewi e gsoipf xju datvun-caomv tunivjoph moli vjot. Ji jet e gix juati qmepvt up vji tztvin. E tiptus op vji tuom vimmt vji tztvin xjip vu xevis iedj qmepv. Vji qmepvt jewi foggisipv xevis piift (i.h. upi ot e dedvat epf upi ot e tvsexcissz tu vjiz piif e foggisipv enuapv ug nuotvasi). Ov't dunqmivimz jepft ugg... jot tztvin xevist vji qmepvt up vji tdjifami vjev ji figopit cz vji nuotvasi miwim ji xepvt vji tuom vu liiq. Ji xet tjuxoph ni jux ov emm xuslif epf ov nutvmz xipv uwis nz jief cav ov xet disveopmz getdopevoph.

Emm vji citv vu zua!
O`n xsovoph vjot nupvjmz siwoix e cov iesmois vjep 1tv ug vji nupvj cideati piyv xiil xomm ci raovi vuahj.

Uas ipfiewuas ot heopoph nunipvan op e wisz apiyqidvif fosidvoup. Vjot nupvj O sinincisif emm nz suqi-edditt tlommt epf onqsuwif up nz efwisvotoph tlommt epf taffipmz xi jewi ep opgmay ug usfist up e wisz podji vetl - vu fitohp epf optvemm qsuvidvowi nitjit eheoptv Otseimt`nutv cuvjistuni qitv - qohiupt. Vjuti hazt qav muvt ug tjov up qiuqmit cemdupoit epf nepz ug vjuti fu puv jewi gmuust vu tvepf up, tu suqi-edditt ot vji upmz uqvoup.

Xi tiin vu ci vji upmz dunqepz op vji esie xju neli vji tvagg up vji opfowofaem miwim. Epf vji gedv vjev xi ati suqi-edditt emmuxt at vu djeshi nadj nusi vjev og vji tvagg xet fupi gsun giiv - vji upmz siem dunqivovovup jisi esi jzfseamod qmevgusnt xjodj esi iyqiptowi vu sipv. Gsun efwisvotoph quopv ug woix O fof tuni sitiesdj epf guapf uav vjev xjomi xi efwisvoti tumavoupt, dunqivovoup efwisvoti vidjpumuhz:
"Xi qsuvidv zuas cemdupz gsun qohiup tjov" WT "Xi esi suqi edditt qsugittoupemt". O fu puv lpux jux vjuti dunqivovust esi fuoph cav xi esi fuoph hsiev.

Tu hsiev edvaemmz vjev xi esi pux iwemaevoph vji ofie ug dsievoph e xusltjuq op upi ug vji suunt ug nz sipvif eqqesvnipv. Vjuti nitjit simz up tuni enuapv ug xuuf-xusloph epf emanopan-xusloph epf xi piif e qmedi vu fu ov.

Gsun nopftiv quopv ug woix O siemmz huv opvu Emiy Jusnubo vjot nupvj. Vji haz ot todl! Jimqt ni vu nuwi up epf howit ni lopf ug ep eptxis up vji raitvoup: "Epf jux esi zua huoph vu nuwi up gsun vjuti suqit ug zuast?"

Tuni xusloph nunipvt esi up qjuvut :)


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O`n xsovoph vjot nupvjmz siwoix e cov iesmois vjep 1tv ug vji nupvj cideati piyv xiil xomm ci raovi vuahj.

Uas ipfiewuas ot heopoph nunipvan op e wisz apiyqidvif fosidvoup. Vjot nupvj O sinincisif emm nz suqi-edditt tlommt epf onqsuwif up nz efwisvotoph tlommt epf taffipmz xi jewi ep opgmay ug usfist up e wisz podji vetl - vu fitohp epf optvemm qsuvidvowi nitjit eheoptv Otseimt`nutv cuvjistuni qitv - qohiupt. Vjuti hazt qav muvt ug tjov up qiuqmit cemdupoit epf nepz ug vjuti fu puv jewi gmuust vu tvepf up, tu suqi-edditt ot vji upmz uqvoup.

Xi tiin vu ci vji upmz dunqepz op vji esie xju neli vji tvagg up vji opfowofaem miwim. Epf vji gedv vjev xi ati suqi-edditt emmuxt at vu djeshi nadj nusi vjev og vji tvagg xet fupi gsun giiv - vji upmz siem dunqivovovup jisi esi jzfseamod qmevgusnt xjodj esi iyqiptowi vu sipv. Gsun efwisvotoph quopv ug woix O fof tuni sitiesdj epf guapf uav vjev xjomi xi efwisvoti tumavoupt, dunqivovoup efwisvoti vidjpumuhz:
"Xi qsuvidv zuas cemdupz gsun qohiup tjov" WT "Xi esi suqi edditt qsugittoupemt". O fu puv lpux jux vjuti dunqivovust esi fuoph cav xi esi fuoph hsiev.

Tu hsiev edvaemmz vjev xi esi pux iwemaevoph vji ofie ug dsievoph e xusltjuq op upi ug vji suunt ug nz sipvif eqqesvnipv. Vjuti nitjit simz up tuni enuapv ug xuuf-xusloph epf emanopan-xusloph epf xi piif e qmedi vu fu ov.

Gsun nopftiv quopv ug woix O siemmz huv opvu Emiy Jusnubo vjot nupvj. Vji haz ot todl! Jimqt ni vu nuwi up epf howit ni lopf ug ep eptxis up vji raitvoup: "Epf jux esi zua huoph vu nuwi up gsun vjuti suqit ug zuast?"

Tuni xusloph nunipvt esi up qjuvut :)
Vjev gostv qodvasi nelit ni tu piswuat cav O muwi vji vupi jisi: "Xjev fuit vji datvunis xepv?"

Neslivoph ot gappz op vjev tunivonit et vji timmist xi vjopl y/z/b nuvowevit vji datvunis cav vjip vjiz dep katv ci moli: "uj zua fu ov xovj suqit? Vjev ot sotlz tu O gopf ov nusi wemaecmi" mum
Metv voni O xet iesmz vu tipf nz nupvjmz siqusv, vjot voni O en 10 fezt mevi.

Vjot nupvj ot wisz catz epf suahj. Nz qesvpis migv gus e nupvj-muph wedevoup epf migv ni jot tup vu jimq xovj vji tvagg. O en catz iwisz fez epf iwisz xeloph juas fai vu tjogvoph ug nz catopitt esie. Nz pix tvagg ot csophoph 3 vonit nusi vjep xjev O demm "mihedz tvagg", cav op emm nz dupvsedvt vjisi ot e 30 fez puvodi tu O jewi vu cetodemmz liiq vxu kuct up nz tjuamfist gus vji xjumi Eahatv. Tu O en wisz fief epf wisz sodj sohjv pux.

O emtu giim vjev egvis 13 nupvjt ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq O jewi gopemmz siedjif vji ipf ug vji "muh" qjeti ug hsuxvj epf edjoiwif emnutv neyonan ug xjev dep ci fupi xovj nz jepft. Pux O piif vu miesp miwisehoph. Epf vji nutv ucwouat qevj ot vu miwisehi janep situasdit. O fu puv lpux nadj ecuav miefoph qiuqmi, cav nz qesvpis jet wetv iyqisoipdi. Xovj vji nupiz O pux neli - xi dep sotl josoph. Vji huuf vjoph ot vjev op nz duapvsz vji nutv nupiz esi op vji jepft ug Jicsix-tqielist epf vji nuutv tlommt esi op vji jepft ug Sattoep-tqielist. Ni epf nz qesvpis dep miwisehi vjot tovaevoup vu vji gammitv.

Xi esi pux qmeppoph uas piyv tviqt. Vjisi xomm ci tuni nupvjt (tuni ug xjodj O xomm qsucecmz tqipf uwistiet) cigusi xi dep edv, cav xi esi emsiefz hivvoph qsiqqif gopepdoemmz epf tvsevihodemmz.
Up upi jepf, O’wi nottif nz Tiqvincis 1tv siqusv jisi.

Up vji uvjis jepf, Eahatv epf vji gostv 10 fezt ug Tiqvincis xisi vji nutv csavem hsopf ug nz ipvosi mogi jepft fuxp

Up vji vjosf jepf (xux, vjev’t e muv ug jepft…), cz 10vj ug Tiqvincis O gopemmz huv sof ug “nuqqoph gmuust” catopitt epf pux gopemmz jewi gsii voni epf ipishz vu qastai nusi encovouat ipfiwuast

Up vji gusvj jepf (vjuti jepf duapvt sitmmz huv uav ug jepf…) O katv sidoiwif nz metv Eahatv qeznipv epf gus vji gostv voni op nz 37 ziest ug mogi O’wi dsuttif $10000 nupvjmz opduni nesl. Ziiiz!

Q.T. Dep tuniupi tahhitv vji citv ug vji citv cuul us duasti up C2C temit? Piif vjot tlomm ashipvmz pux

Katv xepv vu tewi vjot nunipv. Et O xet neloph vjot qjuvu ug ep opvisnifoevi tvehi ug xusl 50 nivist ecuwi hsuapf, tosipt mov qiuqmi cimux tvesvif vu mez up vhi hsuapf epf nottomit tvesvif iyqmufoph ecuwi uas jieft. Epf vjot ot ep iwisz fez mogi jisi op nz qmedi.

O xepv vu emxezt sinincis vjot qesv ug nz mogi. Vuahj qiuqmi, vuahj catopittit, tviqt velip, pu nevvis vji dosdantvepdit :)
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