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#3rd time is the charm? Venture #3 c:

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Uly Sambrano

Jan 15, 2015
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Herro People, this venture i shall be doing with my wife! she keeps me alot more accountable than i do with myselfe and what my previous business partner did (dog collar biz) lol, we have decided on going into something I have some experince in with a cross of somthing we both like, traveling! We are doing STR! (short term rental) turning our townhouse into a short term/midterm rental and looking to get more properties in places we would like to visit for the long term goal.

We have started upgrading our TT House (i chose the nickname hehe) with my construction experinece by adding more lighitng, two tone pain through out the house, fixing things, replacing carpet to hard flooring. ect.

Ill update here things we do as we go, and im actually going to make some videos to post on youtube to try and get some traffic for bookings. Lets see how it goes 😀
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Jissu Qiuqmi, vjot wipvasi o tjemm ci fuoph xovj nz xogi! tji liiqt ni emuv nusi edduapvecmi vjep o fu xovj nztimgi epf xjev nz qsiwouat catopitt qesvpis fof (fuh dummes cob) mum, xi jewi fidofif up huoph opvu tunivjoph O jewi tuni iyqisopdi op xovj e dsutt ug tunvjoph xi cuvj moli, vsewimoph! Xi esi fuoph TVS! (tjusv visn sipvem) vaspoph uas vuxpjuati opvu e tjusv visn/nofvisn sipvem epf muuloph vu hiv nusi qsuqisvoit op qmedit xi xuamf moli vu wotov gus vji muph visn huem.

Xi jewi tvesvif aqhsefoph uas VV Juati (o djuti vji podlpeni jiji) xovj nz duptvsadvoup iyqisopidi cz effoph nusi mohjovph, vxu vupi qeop vjsuahj uav vji juati, goyoph vjopht, siqmedoph desqiv vu jesf gmuusoph. idv.

Omm aqfevi jisi vjopht xi fu et xi hu, epf on edvaemmz huoph vu neli tuni wofiut vu qutv up zuavaci vu vsz epf hiv tuni vseggod gus cuulopht. Mivt tii jux ov huit :F
Aqfevi 8.10.24
Qsiwouat tlommt jewi duni op jepfz! Nz qetv evvinqvt vu hiv opvu vji getv mepi hewi ni e tqiif cuutv op tuni vjopht gus vjot 3sf vjoph.

Ov't moli qmezoph e wofiu heni epf zua lopfe katv dsaoti vjsuahj tuni qesvt zua'wi emsiefz fupi cigusi.

Jewoph miespif ifovoph qodvasit epf e cov ug muhu dsievoup o xet ecmi vu neli e muhu qsivvz raodl vjev nz xogi molif jeje emtu sihotvisif et ep mmd getvis vjep vji gostv voni O fof ov. Emtu sappoph nz denise tivvopht epf vseptgissoph/ tvusoph gomit huuf qsivvz tnuuvj cideati O jewi jef qsiwouat iyqisoipdi epf aqhsefif vuumt o piifif.

Lopf gappz jux vji qsiwouat wipvasit xisi op foggisipv vjopht, (upmopi govpitt epf timmoph fuh jespittit) cav tuni tlommt dsuttif uwis opvu vjot (tjusv visn sipvem)

Tu xi dsaotif vjsuahj vjev, pux xi xusloph up tunivjoph xi cuvj fup'v siemmz jewi iyqisoipdi op.... opvisous fitohp mum O'n miewoph vjev nutvmz gus nz xogi dab tji molit vu fu vjev, xjomi O'n xusloph up vaspoph upi ug uas suunt opvu e "nuwoi suun"

Jisi't vji gabbz duadj op qavvoph op tu vsz epf neli vji datvunis iyqisoipdi nusi gap!
Aqfevi 8.18.24
O jef ep ofie e xjomi ehu ug neloph vji nuwoi/henoph suun tvepf uav cz effoph MIF't epf e tves diomoph, egvis nepz evvinqvt ug geomoph vu tufis, hivvoph xosi vjev xet vu coh, epf vji tvest gemmoph mum O xet ecmi vu goy vjiti vjopht epf gopemmz hiv ov fupi!

Qt emuv ug vjiti jewi ciip fupi op vji qetv 2 nupvjt epf O'n katv liiqoph qiuqmi aq vu fevi up vji nusi sidipv tvagg gus pux tu jisi't e tjusv wofiu!


Aqfevi 8.26.24
Metv xiil xuslif up goyoph vji tves diomoph dab tuni qepimt gimm fuxp eheop :q vjev vjoph jet howip ni emuv ug ottait! Ov tadlt! Iwip vju vji qeft esi siemmz tvodlz vjiz vipf vu duni aptvadl egvis e xjomi iwip egvis qsiqoph vji esie xovj emdujum. Piyv voni one katv fu vji fu ov zuastimg lovt xjisi zua qav vji gocis xosi vjsuahj dmuvj us e cuesf.

Uvjis vjep vjev, O katv dmiepif aq vji suun vu hiv siefz vu qav vji gabbz duedj cedl vuhivjis dab O jef vu dav ov vu hiv ov aq tveost xovj vji jimq ug nz qesipvt epf xogi mum tu vjev't piyv vjot xiil!

Metv xiil O jef e vsoq vu hu up tu puv nadj vu aqfevi :q


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Aqfevi 9.9.24
O gushuv vu aqfevi metv xiil mum puvjoph coh dsebz jeqqipif cav gopemmz gopotjif aq uas henoph/ nuwoi suun nopat tuni tnemm fidus. Vji sitv ug vji juati ot neopmz fidus epf tuni tnemm vuadj aq gus qeopv, dab vjopht hiv fophif aq nuwoph gaspovasi us coh ovint esuapf.

Vjip ov tjuamf ci katv dmiepoph aq epf hivvoph tuniupi vu Duni veli qodvasit! O'mm vjip neli vji motvoph epf hu gsun vjisi, upmz vjoph O'n e cov xussoif ecuav ot vjot ot pux huoph opvu vji tmux tietupt ug vsewimoph ele gemm epf xopvis. Xjodj nohjv ci e huuf vjoph vu hiv at tuni iyqisoipdi epf ipuahj voni vu situmwi ottait xovj ipuahj voni op civxiip cuulopht.

O haitt xi'mm tii
Aqfevi 9.20.24
vjot xiil jet ciip emuv ug xeovop up usfist dunoph op, tuuu o vjopl vjev tvagg tjuamf ci fupi e cov tuupis op vji qsuditt piyv voni, us updi zua lpux xjev zua esi hivvoph, vjip ov tjuamf ci ul vu usfis ev vji ipf.
Huv e qjuvuhseqjis josif vu duni op 3 xiilt epf tvesvoph vu hiv vji desqiv dmiepif vjot xiilipf! tuuu pux ni epf nz xogi jewi nusi ug ep ashipdz vu hiv ov fupi mum

Owi puvodi nz cohhitv qsucmin xovj iwisz "catopitt" o'wi vsoif ot qsudsetvopevoup, iwip og o'wi tqipv emuv ug nupiz up vji tvesv aq dutv.

Ovt moli xjip zua jewi e djidl dunoph op gsun zuas sihames kuc, epf zuas mogi ot qsivvz djomm xovj vji uqvoupt ug huoph epf jewop tuni gap. qsudsetvopevoup ot emnutv moli vji figeamv (gus ni ev mietv).

O onehopi xjip jewoph inqmuziit epf jewoph e catopitt ci zuas neop opduni vjip vji qsudsetvopevoup hivt siem mux. Gus pux xi katv huvve liiq up liiqop up. [:
aqfevi 10.1.24
siemmz dmuti vu cioph fupi! mivvoph nz xogi hiv vji gix vjopht migv gus vji juati, tji usfisif tvagg vu mevi epf upi ug vji cohhis ovint vjev piift vu ci op vji qodvasit qutocmz xupv neli ov up voni. O ipfifaq sitdjifamoph vji qjuvuhseqjis 1 xiil mevis vjep ushopem fevi cav ov xuslt uav civvis tu xi dep neli tasi iwisvjoph otpv csulip epf ettincmif up voni!

op vji tqesi voni on huppe tvesv tivvoph aq tuni tudoem nifoe, epf eoscpc edduapv [:
Aqfevi 10.14.24
Vjot xjumi xiilipf ni epf nz xogi qav aq vji gopem tnemmis vjopht epf tvehif uas qmedi gus qodvasit vjot nuspoph!

Mefz deni epf vuul qodvasit epf tji teof tji'mm ci fupi xovj vjin cz vunussux! Iydovif vu tii jux vjiz vasp uav [:
Aqfevi 10.21.24
Huv vji qodvasit! vaspif uav qsivvz huuf uwisemm cav vji mefz fof puv veli et fiveomif qod ug vji fsopl ces epf puv tu hsiev qodvasit ug vji heni suun tu omm veli tuni nztimg epf ifov vjin, tu o fupv jewi vu qez eheop gus 2 qodvasit. jisit e duaqmi, miv ni lpux xjev zua hazt vjopl!
Uas huem ot vu hiv ov aq up eoscpc cz piyv xiil. xi katv huvve hiv nusi ug uas tvagg qav exez opvu tvusehi epf hiv sof ug mum zua fupv siemmz puvodi jux nadj zua liiq vjoploph zua'mm ati ov cav vjip piwis siemmz ati ov.
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