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The Lean Startup — Summary and discussion

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Filip R.

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Jun 16, 2023
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I recently finished reading The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, and thought I might as well post a summary here. Even if you don't plan on doing business the 'lean startup' way, I think there's still some good concepts here, and it gives you dictionary for some common business practices.
I'd like to hear your thoughts and criticism, I think the author got a lot right in this book.

From the last part of the book, "It should be noted that those who look to adopt the Lean Startup as a defined set of steps or tactics will not succeed. Ultimately, the Lean Startup is a framework, not a blueprint of steps to follow."
For some background, The Lean Startup gets its name from Lean manufacturing, and uses techniques pioneered by post-war Toyota. Toyota could not afford to compete with American manufacturers that were using mass scale manufacturing, so instead they focused on cutting waste.
The book is quite long and it's many ideas are intertwined, so if you do not understand something, want to know more or want to see examples of these being used, just get the book.

I'm going to start with a concept from the later part of this book, because I think it's great for personal development as well.
Five Whys is a system introduced to make the startup switch from cutting corners to go as fast as possible to slowing down and focusing on quality, but I think it can be used for much more.
The system is simple - just ask the investigative question "Why?" five times to understand what happened, and then make a proportional investment at each of the five levels.

For example, suppose your website was down for two days.
Why is the website down? A server overloaded and shut down.
Why did the server overload? An obscure subsystem was used in the wrong way.
Why was it used the wrong way? The engineer didn't know how to use it properly.
Why didn't he know? Because he was never trained on how it works.
Why wasn't he trained? Because management doesn't believe in training new engineers because he and his team are "too busy".

What started as a purely technical fault revealed itself to be a systemic, very human issue.
Once you know the causes, you can focus on improving each step of the issue from the bottom up.
Make senior engineers train new engineers, add documentation, improve the subsystem so that it cannot be used in the wrong way and add system monitoring and alerts. A good Five Whys session has two outputs, learning and doing.

If you start using this in a company, there are a few more things worth mentioning.
Five Whys is designed to see the true chronic issues that are caused by bad processes, not bad people. You need to pay attention so that it doesn't degenerate into Five Blames, where everyone starts blaming the other department.
It's also important that everyone involved is in the discussion, anyone left out becomes an easy scapegoat.
The most senior people should also repeat this mantra: "Shame on us for making it so easy to make that mistake".
If your new developer makes a change that stops your system from compiling but it still gets pushed to production and takes it down, shame on you for not automated builds and tests.
Five Whys on an institutional level requires mutual trust and empowerment. You should be tolerant of all mistakes the first time, but never allow the same mistake to be made twice.
You will also need to be prepared to face unpleasant truths about your organization, especially in the beginning. It is going to call for investments in prevention that come at the expense of time and money that could be invested somewhere else.

The book tries to answer a simple question: how can we maximize a startup's chance of success?
The answer presented is using the semi-scientific method. Semi-scientific because you do not understand and cannot know your customer base before hand, you have to launch and measure their reaction.
A startup is composed of three parts - a product, strategy and vision.
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The vision is the purpose of the company. Strategy is the plan to achieve it and changing it is called pivoting, the product is the end result and changing it is called optimization.

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This is the fundamental feedback loop of a startup. Your goal as an entrepreneur is to minimize the time spent through the loop, and come out with a product people want. In the following brain dump text, I will explain this loop in the order it will usually be executed in.

Being "Lean" means finding out what parts create value and which are wasteful, leaning into value, and aggressively cutting waste.
Value is defined as providing benefit to the consumer, everything else is waste. In manufacturing, nobody cares how the car is produced, just that it works.
In a startup, what the customer values is uncertain. That is why you need validated learning - validated because it was tested on real consumers.

Learning is the essential unit of progress for startups. Effort that is not absolutely necessary for learning what customers want should be eliminated.
Every assumption of a startup's strategy should be tested. Will users care? How do they interact? What do they want but cannot find?
For example, Amazon's assumption was that people would buy books on the internet. Zappos' assumption was that people would buy shoes online.

To test these, you should just build and launch an MVP. A Minimum Viable Product exists purely to start the process of learning as quickly as possible. It is not the smallest product imaginable, it is simply the fastest way to get through the Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop.
For example, Zappos' MVP was a site where you would pay, and the founder would buy your shoes in a physical shop and mail them to you.

Its goal is not to answer product design but to test fundamental business hypotheses. Any additional work beyond what was required to start learning is waste. There is surely nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency what should not be done at all.
If you do not know who your customer is, you do not know what quality is. What if they don't care about design in the same way you do?
MVPs establish baseline data on which experiments and learning can be built upon. Optimizing and pivoting until a vision is completed is the essence of startups.

To know whether to optimize your current product or pivot, you need metrics.
You should beware of so-called vanity metrics that allow you to form false conclusions and live in your own private reality.
Do not use cumulative data such as total revenue. While these graphs are pretty, they do not explain much. Instead, use cohort analysis. For example, last week's revenue per customer vs customer acquisition cost compared to the previous week. Now you can see if you're making real progress.

Good metrics need to have three values: actionable, accessible, and auditable.
Actionable metrics demonstrate clear cause and effect and make it clear what actions need to be taken to optimize them.
Accessible metrics are simple and understood easily. They deal with people and their actions, not piles of data points. (Reports should also be accessible by all employees, not just C suites)
Auditable metrics ensure the data is credible. Employees are quick to blame the data and the system that collects them instead of their own work. Metrics should be drawn from master data (not intermediate) and should be tested to be consistent with reality.

Sustainable growth is characterized by one simple rule: new customers come from the actions of past customers.
There are four ways past customers drive sustainable growth: word of mouth, as a side effect of usage, advertising, and repeat usage or use.

These four sources power three feedback loops termed engines of growth. There are always a zillion new ideas on how to optimize the product, but only a few make an actual difference.
Knowing which engine you use means you know which metrics to focus on and what optimizations are useful and which waste.

The first is the sticky engine of growth, where you attract and retain customers for the long term. For example, consider telephone service providers: when someone cancels, they must have a large enough reason to switch.
This is in contract to, for example, a store aisle where it's no big deal if a customer chooses a Pepsi instead of Coke.
With the sticky engine, you need to track the attrition rate or churn rate (% of people who fail to engage with the product).
The rules of this engine are simple: If the rate of new customers exceeds the churn rate, the product will grow. So you need to focus on improving customer acquisition and retention.

The viral engine of growth relies on the awareness of the product spreading like a virus. This engine depends on person-to-person transmissions as a necessary consequence of normal product use.
Customers aren't intentionally evangelists, growth happens as an automatic side effect of usage.
For example, take Hotmail. Hotmail was different because at the time all mail was paid. Hotmail wanted to revolutionize that, but was struggling.
Everything changed when they added a simple 'P.S. Get your free email at Hotmail' at the bottom of every email sent. Within six months, more than 1 million customers signed up.
This engine is powered by the so-called viral coefficient, which measures how many new customers will use a product as a consequence of each new customer.
A coefficient of 0.1 means every ten customers who sign up organically recruit one customer, and the business needs to invest heavily in new customer acquisition.
Meanwhile, a coefficient greater than 1.0 will grow exponentially on its own, without need for artificial growth. Companies that rely on this must focus on this single metric, because even small changes will cause dramatic changes in the future.
To see this graphically, take a look at this chart:
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Viral products cannot afford to have any friction to impede the process of signing up new customers. As a consequence of this, (many) viral products do not charge customers directly but rely on indirect means of revenue (e.g., advertising).

The paid engine of growth is simple - you pay for customers (e.g., ads), and each customer makes you some revenue. The speed at which you grow is determined by the difference between customer acquisition cost and revenue from that customer.
If you spend 80 cents on a customer that will make you $1, you have 20 cents of profit to reinvest into new customer acquisition.
Therefore, you should increase the revenue from each customer or drive down the cost of acquiring a new customer. As long as the customer is worth (in their lifetime as a customer) more than they cost to acquire, you are golden.

Now that you know which engine of growth you use and which metrics you need to track, you can choose whether to persevere or pivot.
You can persevere with your current strategy and optimize your product or pivot based on your knowledge of the customer.
A pivot is a special change that tests a new fundamental hypothesis about the product. If you take the wrong turn, you can have the agility to find another path. A pivot is also not a failure event: you are simply adapting the product to the market.
There are a few types of pivots:
  • Zoom-in pivot: What was a single feature becomes the whole product
  • Zoom-out pivot: What was the product now becomes a single feature in a larger product
  • Customer segment pivot: The product solves a real problem, but not for the customers it planned
  • Customer need pivot: As a result of getting to know your customers, it becomes evident there is a bigger problem you can solve
  • Platform pivot: A change from an application to a platform or vice versa
  • Business architecture pivot: A change from high margin low volume to low margin high volume or vice versa
  • Value Capture pivot: Changing monetization or revenue models
  • Engine of Growth pivot: Changing the engine between viral, sticky, and paid
  • Channel pivot: Changing the sales channel or distribution channel
  • Technology pivot: Achieving the same solution using a different technology
When a company pivots and changes its strategy, it restarts the process of optimizing. The sign of a successful pivot is that these optimizations are more productive after the pivot than before — if you are building the wrong thing, optimizing it won't yield any benefit.

Now that you have pivoted, it's time to learn from the customers and metrics and repeat the cycle — do you persevere or pivot?

A great example presented in the book is @2gov founded by David Binetti.
The first version was a social network for registered voters and used a sticky engine of growth. It has a 5% registration rate and 17% activation rate. After two months of split testing, he achieved 17% registration and 90% activation rate.
Despite split testing and optimizing for another three months, these numbers didn't move much and retention was below 8%. This isn't bad, but it isn't good enough.
As such, David decided to execute a zoom-in pivot. Users loved to get more involved, but there was nobody there.
So he decided to change the platform to a "Social lobbying platform", and allowed users to contact their elected official digitally and @2gov translates that into physical form.
The new metrics were better — 42% registration rate, 83% activation, 21% retention, 54% referral but minimal customer value.
The number of activists willing to pay was less than 1 percent. The value of each transaction was far too low to sustain a profitable business even after David had done his best to optimize it.
So, he pivoted again, this time making so that anyone could pay with just a credit card, this switching into the viral engine of growth.
Now, he had a 51% registration rate, 92% activation, 28% retention, 64% referral rate and got 20 cents per message, finally raising some money.
Although the vision stayed the same, he was able to pivot until he found a working business strategy.
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O sidipvmz gopotjif siefoph Vji Miep Tvesvaq cz Isod Soit, epf vjuahjv O nohjv et ximm qutv e tannesz jisi. Iwip og zua fup'v qmep up fuoph catopitt vji 'miep tvesvaq' xez, O vjopl vjisi't tvomm tuni huuf dupdiqvt jisi, epf ov howit zua fodvoupesz gus tuni dunnup catopitt qsedvodit.
O'f moli vu jies zuas vjuahjvt epf dsovodotn, O vjopl vji eavjus huv e muv sohjv op vjot cuul.

Gsun vji metv qesv ug vji cuul, "Ov tjuamf ci puvif vjev vjuti xju muul vu efuqv vji Miep Tvesvaq et e figopif tiv ug tviqt us vedvodt xomm puv taddiif. Amvonevimz, vji Miep Tvesvaq ot e gsenixusl, puv e cmaiqsopv ug tviqt vu gummux."
Gus tuni cedlhsuapf, Vji Miep Tvesvaq hivt ovt peni gsun Miep nepagedvasoph, epf atit vidjporait qoupiisif cz qutv-xes Vuzuve. Vuzuve duamf puv eggusf vu dunqivi xovj Enisodep nepagedvasist vjev xisi atoph nett tdemi nepagedvasoph, tu optvief vjiz gudatif up davvoph xetvi.
Vji cuul ot raovi muph epf ov't nepz ofiet esi opvisvxopif, tu og zua fu puv apfistvepf tunivjoph, xepv vu lpux nusi us xepv vu tii iyenqmit ug vjiti cioph atif, katv hiv vji cuul.

O'n huoph vu tvesv xovj e dupdiqv gsun vji mevis qesv ug vjot cuul, cideati O vjopl ov't hsiev gus qistupem fiwimuqnipv et ximm.
Gowi Xjzt ot e tztvin opvsufadif vu neli vji tvesvaq txovdj gsun davvoph duspist vu hu et getv et quttocmi vu tmuxoph fuxp epf gudatoph up raemovz, cav O vjopl ov dep ci atif gus nadj nusi.
Vji tztvin ot tonqmi - katv etl vji opwitvohevowi raitvoup "Xjz?" gowi vonit vu apfistvepf xjev jeqqipif, epf vjip neli e qsuqusvoupem opwitvnipv ev iedj ug vji gowi miwimt.

Gus iyenqmi, taqquti zuas xictovi xet fuxp gus vxu fezt.
Xjz ot vji xictovi fuxp? E tiswis uwismuefif epf tjav fuxp.
Xjz fof vji tiswis uwismuef? Ep uctdasi tactztvin xet atif op vji xsuph xez.
Xjz xet ov atif vji xsuph xez? Vji iphopiis fofp'v lpux jux vu ati ov qsuqismz.
Xjz fofp'v ji lpux? Cideati ji xet piwis vseopif up jux ov xuslt.
Xjz xetp'v ji vseopif? Cideati nepehinipv fuitp'v cimoiwi op vseopoph pix iphopiist cideati ji epf jot vien esi "vuu catz".

Xjev tvesvif et e qasimz vidjpodem geamv siwiemif ovtimg vu ci e tztvinod, wisz janep ottai.
Updi zua lpux vji deatit, zua dep gudat up onqsuwoph iedj tviq ug vji ottai gsun vji cuvvun aq.
Neli tipous iphopiist vseop pix iphopiist, eff fudanipvevoup, onqsuwi vji tactztvin tu vjev ov deppuv ci atif op vji xsuph xez epf eff tztvin nupovusoph epf emisvt. E huuf Gowi Xjzt tittoup jet vxu uavqavt, miespoph epf fuoph.

Og zua tvesv atoph vjot op e dunqepz, vjisi esi e gix nusi vjopht xusvj nipvoupoph.
Gowi Xjzt ot fitohpif vu tii vji vsai djsupod ottait vjev esi deatif cz cef qsudittit, puv cef qiuqmi. Zua piif vu qez evvipvoup tu vjev ov fuitp'v fihipisevi opvu Gowi Cmenit, xjisi iwiszupi tvesvt cmenoph vji uvjis fiqesvnipv.
Ov't emtu onqusvepv vjev iwiszupi opwumwif ot op vji fotdattoup, epzupi migv uav cidunit ep ietz tdeqihuev.
Vji nutv tipous qiuqmi tjuamf emtu siqiev vjot nepvse: "Tjeni up at gus neloph ov tu ietz vu neli vjev notveli".
Og zuas pix fiwimuqis nelit e djephi vjev tvuqt zuas tztvin gsun dunqomoph cav ov tvomm hivt qatjif vu qsufadvoup epf velit ov fuxp, tjeni up zua gus puv eavunevif caomft epf vitvt.
Gowi Xjzt up ep optvovavoupem miwim siraosit navaem vsatv epf inquxisnipv. Zua tjuamf ci vumisepv ug emm notvelit vji gostv voni, cav piwis emmux vji teni notveli vu ci nefi vxodi.
Zua xomm emtu piif vu ci qsiqesif vu gedi apqmietepv vsavjt ecuav zuas ushepobevoup, itqidoemmz op vji cihoppoph. Ov ot huoph vu demm gus opwitvnipvt op qsiwipvoup vjev duni ev vji iyqipti ug voni epf nupiz vjev duamf ci opwitvif tunixjisi imti.

Vji cuul vsoit vu eptxis e tonqmi raitvoup: jux dep xi neyonobi e tvesvaq't djepdi ug tadditt?
Vji eptxis qsitipvif ot atoph vji tino-tdoipvogod nivjuf. Tino-tdoipvogod cideati zua fu puv apfistvepf epf deppuv lpux zuas datvunis ceti cigusi jepf, zua jewi vu meapdj epf nietasi vjios siedvoup.
E tvesvaq ot dunqutif ug vjsii qesvt - e qsufadv, tvsevihz epf wotoup.
View attachment 63937
Vji wotoup ot vji qasquti ug vji dunqepz. Tvsevihz ot vji qmep vu edjoiwi ov epf djephoph ov ot demmif qowuvoph, vji qsufadv ot vji ipf sitamv epf djephoph ov ot demmif uqvonobevoup.

View attachment 63934
Vjot ot vji gapfenipvem giifcedl muuq ug e tvesvaq. Zuas huem et ep ipvsiqsipias ot vu noponobi vji voni tqipv vjsuahj vji muuq, epf duni uav xovj e qsufadv qiuqmi xepv. Op vji gummuxoph cseop fanq viyv, O xomm iyqmeop vjot muuq op vji usfis ov xomm ataemmz ci iyidavif op.

Cioph "Miep" niept gopfoph uav xjev qesvt dsievi wemai epf xjodj esi xetvigam, miepoph opvu wemai, epf ehhsittowimz davvoph xetvi.
Wemai ot figopif et qsuwofoph cipigov vu vji duptanis, iwiszvjoph imti ot xetvi. Op nepagedvasoph, pucufz desit jux vji des ot qsufadif, katv vjev ov xuslt.
Op e tvesvaq, xjev vji datvunis wemait ot apdisveop. Vjev ot xjz zua piif wemofevif miespoph - wemofevif cideati ov xet vitvif up siem duptanist.

Miespoph ot vji ittipvoem apov ug qsuhsitt gus tvesvaqt. Iggusv vjev ot puv ectumavimz pidittesz gus miespoph xjev datvunist xepv tjuamf ci imonopevif.
Iwisz ettanqvoup ug e tvesvaq't tvsevihz tjuamf ci vitvif. Xomm atist desi? Jux fu vjiz opvisedv? Xjev fu vjiz xepv cav deppuv gopf?
Gus iyenqmi, Enebup't ettanqvoup xet vjev qiuqmi xuamf caz cuult up vji opvispiv. Beqqut' ettanqvoup xet vjev qiuqmi xuamf caz tjuit upmopi.

Vu vitv vjiti, zua tjuamf katv caomf epf meapdj ep NWQ. E Noponan Woecmi Qsufadv iyotvt qasimz vu tvesv vji qsuditt ug miespoph et raodlmz et quttocmi. Ov ot puv vji tnemmitv qsufadv onehopecmi, ov ot tonqmz vji getvitv xez vu hiv vjsuahj vji Caomf-Nietasi-Miesp giifcedl muuq.
Gus iyenqmi, Beqqut' NWQ xet e tovi xjisi zua xuamf qez, epf vji guapfis xuamf caz zuas tjuit op e qjztodem tjuq epf neom vjin vu zua.

Ovt huem ot puv vu eptxis qsufadv fitohp cav vu vitv gapfenipvem catopitt jzquvjitit. Epz effovoupem xusl cizupf xjev xet siraosif vu tvesv miespoph ot xetvi. Vjisi ot tasimz puvjoph raovi tu atimitt et fuoph xovj hsiev iggodoipdz xjev tjuamf puv ci fupi ev emm.
Og zua fu puv lpux xju zuas datvunis ot, zua fu puv lpux xjev raemovz ot. Xjev og vjiz fup'v desi ecuav fitohp op vji teni xez zua fu?
NWQt itvecmotj cetimopi feve up xjodj iyqisonipvt epf miespoph dep ci caomv aqup. Uqvonoboph epf qowuvoph apvom e wotoup ot dunqmivif ot vji ittipdi ug tvesvaqt.

Vu lpux xjivjis vu uqvonobi zuas dassipv qsufadv us qowuv, zua piif nivsodt.
Zua tjuamf cixesi ug tu-demmif wepovz nivsodt vjev emmux zua vu gusn gemti dupdmatoupt epf mowi op zuas uxp qsowevi siemovz.
Fu puv ati danamevowi feve tadj et vuvem siwipai. Xjomi vjiti hseqjt esi qsivvz, vjiz fu puv iyqmeop nadj. Optvief, ati dujusv epemztot. Gus iyenqmi, metv xiil't siwipai qis datvunis wt datvunis edraotovoup dutv dunqesif vu vji qsiwouat xiil. Pux zua dep tii og zua'si neloph siem qsuhsitt.

Huuf nivsodt piif vu jewi vjsii wemait: edvoupecmi, eddittocmi, epf eafovecmi.
Edvoupecmi nivsodt finuptvsevi dmies deati epf iggidv epf neli ov dmies xjev edvoupt piif vu ci velip vu uqvonobi vjin.
Eddittocmi nivsodt esi tonqmi epf apfistvuuf ietomz. Vjiz fiem xovj qiuqmi epf vjios edvoupt, puv qomit ug feve quopvt. (Siqusvt tjuamf emtu ci eddittocmi cz emm inqmuziit, puv katv D taovit)
Eafovecmi nivsodt iptasi vji feve ot dsifocmi. Inqmuziit esi raodl vu cmeni vji feve epf vji tztvin vjev dummidvt vjin optvief ug vjios uxp xusl. Nivsodt tjuamf ci fsexp gsun netvis feve (puv opvisnifoevi) epf tjuamf ci vitvif vu ci duptotvipv xovj siemovz.

Tatveopecmi hsuxvj ot djesedvisobif cz upi tonqmi sami: pix datvunist duni gsun vji edvoupt ug qetv datvunist.
Vjisi esi guas xezt qetv datvunist fsowi tatveopecmi hsuxvj: xusf ug nuavj, et e tofi iggidv ug atehi, efwisvotoph, epf siqiev atehi us ati.

Vjiti guas tuasdit quxis vjsii giifcedl muuqt visnif iphopit ug hsuxvj. Vjisi esi emxezt e bommoup pix ofiet up jux vu uqvonobi vji qsufadv, cav upmz e gix neli ep edvaem foggisipdi.
Lpuxoph xjodj iphopi zua ati niept zua lpux xjodj nivsodt vu gudat up epf xjev uqvonobevoupt esi atigam epf xjodj xetvi.

Vji gostv ot vji tvodlz iphopi ug hsuxvj, xjisi zua evvsedv epf siveop datvunist gus vji muph visn. Gus iyenqmi, duptofis vimiqjupi tiswodi qsuwofist: xjip tuniupi depdimt, vjiz natv jewi e meshi ipuahj sietup vu txovdj.
Vjot ot op dupvsedv vu, gus iyenqmi, e tvusi eotmi xjisi ov't pu coh fiem og e datvunis djuutit e Qiqto optvief ug Duli.
Xovj vji tvodlz iphopi, zua piif vu vsedl vji evvsovoup sevi us djasp sevi (% ug qiuqmi xju geom vu iphehi xovj vji qsufadv).
Vji samit ug vjot iphopi esi tonqmi: Og vji sevi ug pix datvunist iydiift vji djasp sevi, vji qsufadv xomm hsux. Tu zua piif vu gudat up onqsuwoph datvunis edraotovoup epf sivipvoup.

Vji wosem iphopi ug hsuxvj simoit up vji exesipitt ug vji qsufadv tqsiefoph moli e wosat. Vjot iphopi fiqipft up qistup-vu-qistup vseptnottoupt et e pidittesz duptiraipdi ug pusnem qsufadv ati.
Datvunist esip'v opvipvoupemmz iwephimotvt, hsuxvj jeqqipt et ep eavunevod tofi iggidv ug atehi.
Gus iyenqmi, veli Juvneom. Juvneom xet foggisipv cideati ev vji voni emm neom xet qeof. Juvneom xepvif vu siwumavoupobi vjev, cav xet tvsahhmoph.
Iwiszvjoph djephif xjip vjiz effif e tonqmi 'Q.T. Hiv zuas gsii ineom ev Juvneom' ev vji cuvvun ug iwisz ineom tipv. Xovjop toy nupvjt, nusi vjep 1 nommoup datvunist tohpif aq.
Vjot iphopi ot quxisif cz vji tu-demmif wosem duiggodoipv, xjodj nietasit jux nepz pix datvunist xomm ati e qsufadv et e duptiraipdi ug iedj pix datvunis.
E duiggodoipv ug 0.1 niept iwisz vip datvunist xju tohp aq ushepodemmz sidsaov upi datvunis, epf vji catopitt piift vu opwitv jiewomz op pix datvunis edraotovoup.
Niepxjomi, e duiggodoipv hsievis vjep 1.0 xomm hsux iyqupipvoemmz up ovt uxp, xovjuav piif gus esvogodoem hsuxvj. Dunqepoit vjev simz up vjot natv gudat up vjot tophmi nivsod, cideati iwip tnemm djephit xomm deati fsenevod djephit op vji gavasi.
Vu tii vjot hseqjodemmz, veli e muul ev vjot djesv:
View attachment 63938
Wosem qsufadvt deppuv eggusf vu jewi epz gsodvoup vu onqifi vji qsuditt ug tohpoph aq pix datvunist. Et e duptiraipdi ug vjot, (nepz) wosem qsufadvt fu puv djeshi datvunist fosidvmz cav simz up opfosidv niept ug siwipai (i.h., efwisvotoph).

Vji qeof iphopi ug hsuxvj ot tonqmi - zua qez gus datvunist (i.h., eft), epf iedj datvunis nelit zua tuni siwipai. Vji tqiif ev xjodj zua hsux ot fivisnopif cz vji foggisipdi civxiip datvunis edraotovoup dutv epf siwipai gsun vjev datvunis.
Og zua tqipf 80 dipvt up e datvunis vjev xomm neli zua $1, zua jewi 20 dipvt ug qsugov vu siopwitv opvu pix datvunis edraotovoup.
Vjisigusi, zua tjuamf opdsieti vji siwipai gsun iedj datvunis us fsowi fuxp vji dutv ug edraosoph e pix datvunis. Et muph et vji datvunis ot xusvj (op vjios mogivoni et e datvunis) nusi vjep vjiz dutv vu edraosi, zua esi humfip.

Pux vjev zua lpux xjodj iphopi ug hsuxvj zua ati epf xjodj nivsodt zua piif vu vsedl, zua dep djuuti xjivjis vu qistiwisi us qowuv.
Zua dep qistiwisi xovj zuas dassipv tvsevihz epf uqvonobi zuas qsufadv us qowuv cetif up zuas lpuxmifhi ug vji datvunis.
E qowuv ot e tqidoem djephi vjev vitvt e pix gapfenipvem jzquvjitot ecuav vji qsufadv. Og zua veli vji xsuph vasp, zua dep jewi vji ehomovz vu gopf epuvjis qevj. E qowuv ot emtu puv e geomasi iwipv: zua esi tonqmz efeqvoph vji qsufadv vu vji nesliv.
Vjisi esi e gix vzqit ug qowuvt:
  • Buun-op qowuv: Xjev xet e tophmi gievasi cidunit vji xjumi qsufadv
  • Buun-uav qowuv: Xjev xet vji qsufadv pux cidunit e tophmi gievasi op e meshis qsufadv
  • Datvunis tihnipv qowuv: Vji qsufadv tumwit e siem qsucmin, cav puv gus vji datvunist ov qmeppif
  • Datvunis piif qowuv: Et e sitamv ug hivvoph vu lpux zuas datvunist, ov cidunit iwofipv vjisi ot e cohhis qsucmin zua dep tumwi
  • Qmevgusn qowuv: E djephi gsun ep eqqmodevoup vu e qmevgusn us wodi wiste
  • Catopitt esdjovidvasi qowuv: E djephi gsun johj neshop mux wumani vu mux neshop johj wumani us wodi wiste
  • Wemai Deqvasi qowuv: Djephoph nupivobevoup us siwipai nufimt
  • Iphopi ug Hsuxvj qowuv: Djephoph vji iphopi civxiip wosem, tvodlz, epf qeof
  • Djeppim qowuv: Djephoph vji temit djeppim us fotvsocavoup djeppim
  • Vidjpumuhz qowuv: Edjoiwoph vji teni tumavoup atoph e foggisipv vidjpumuhz
Xjip e dunqepz qowuvt epf djephit ovt tvsevihz, ov sitvesvt vji qsuditt ug uqvonoboph. Vji tohp ug e taddittgam qowuv ot vjev vjiti uqvonobevoupt esi nusi qsufadvowi egvis vji qowuv vjep cigusi — og zua esi caomfoph vji xsuph vjoph, uqvonoboph ov xup'v zoimf epz cipigov.

Pux vjev zua jewi qowuvif, ov't voni vu miesp gsun vji datvunist epf nivsodt epf siqiev vji dzdmi — fu zua qistiwisi us qowuv?

E hsiev iyenqmi qsitipvif op vji cuul ot @2huw guapfif cz Fewof Copivvo.
Vji gostv wistoup xet e tudoem pivxusl gus sihotvisif wuvist epf atif e tvodlz iphopi ug hsuxvj. Ov jet e 5% sihotvsevoup sevi epf 17% edvowevoup sevi. Egvis vxu nupvjt ug tqmov vitvoph, ji edjoiwif 17% sihotvsevoup epf 90% edvowevoup sevi.
Fitqovi tqmov vitvoph epf uqvonoboph gus epuvjis vjsii nupvjt, vjiti pancist fofp'v nuwi nadj epf sivipvoup xet cimux 8%. Vjot otp'v cef, cav ov otp'v huuf ipuahj.
Et tadj, Fewof fidofif vu iyidavi e buun-op qowuv. Atist muwif vu hiv nusi opwumwif, cav vjisi xet pucufz vjisi.
Tu ji fidofif vu djephi vji qmevgusn vu e "Tudoem mucczoph qmevgusn", epf emmuxif atist vu dupvedv vjios imidvif uggodoem fohovemmz epf @2huw vseptmevit vjev opvu qjztodem gusn.
Vji pix nivsodt xisi civvis — 42% sihotvsevoup sevi, 83% edvowevoup, 21% sivipvoup, 54% sigissem cav noponem datvunis wemai.
Vji pancis ug edvowotvt xommoph vu qez xet mitt vjep 1 qisdipv. Vji wemai ug iedj vseptedvoup xet ges vuu mux vu tatveop e qsugovecmi catopitt iwip egvis Fewof jef fupi jot citv vu uqvonobi ov.
Tu, ji qowuvif eheop, vjot voni neloph tu vjev epzupi duamf qez xovj katv e dsifov desf, vjot txovdjoph opvu vji wosem iphopi ug hsuxvj.
Pux, ji jef e 51% sihotvsevoup sevi, 92% edvowevoup, 28% sivipvoup, 64% sigissem sevi epf huv 20 dipvt qis nittehi, gopemmz seotoph tuni nupiz.
Emvjuahj vji wotoup tvezif vji teni, ji xet ecmi vu qowuv apvom ji guapf e xusloph catopitt tvsevihz.
Xux, huuf xusl! Jux epf xjev fof zua onqminipv tu ges?
Xux, huuf xusl! Jux epf xjev fof zua onqminipv tu ges?
Tvomm op johj tdjuum :/ juqigammz uav op e gix nupvjt
Cav O fu ugvip duni aq xovj ofiet xjip O'n cusif.
Gus iyenqmi, nz cohhitv sidipv ofie xet ep upmopi xic epemzvodt vsedlis. Upi vjev xet duuloimitt tu zua fofp'v jewi vu qav aq e duuloi ceppis cav tvomm huv 90% ug vji gievasit ug Huuhmi Epemzvodt (HE ot lopfe ommihem op vji IA cvx). Cav vjisi't ipuahj tnemm dunqepoit op vjev tqedi epf O duamfp'v gopf ipuahj ug e aporai timmoph quopv. Caaaav vji qumovodem mepftdeqi nohjv tuup tjogv epf neli cioph mudem huuf ipuahj, xi'mm tii.
Miep tvesv-aq ot e huuf nufim xjip zua esi sappoph e oppuwevowi qsufadv us tiswodi piifoph nesliv gifcedl.

Cav zua tjuamfp’v ci vji upmz xez us imti zua esi nottoph uav uqqusvapovoit op vji vsefovoupem catopittit.

E muv ug voni ot katv duqzoph xjev’t xusloph vu hiv vji catopitt tvesvif epf tvezoph egmuev, vjip oppuwevi epf onqsuwi up 1-2 quopvt, hsopf gus nepz ziest epf hsux…taffipmz jovt tunivjoph coh epf hivt “madlz”.
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