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  • Bonjour tout le monde je suis nouveau et j'aimerais apprendre l'entrepreneuriat
    Hello Damien, welcome,

    First advice. Write your posts in French and convert them into English or they will not be considered. Most members speak English.

    Good luck
    Bonjour j’ai 46 ans et je voudrais prendre ma retraite à 54 ans. Je suis dans un système de marketing de réseau qui a un bon plan de rémunération. cette société s’appelle SFI marketing group elle existe depuis 1998 et je pense qu’elle peut m’aider à atteindre mon objectif qui est la liberté financière. S’il vous plaît, guidez-moi vers le succès
    Hello Tiescosan, welcome,

    First advice. Write your posts in French and convert them into English or they will not be considered. Most members speak English.

    Good luck
    Bonjour je me présente Valéry Dultheo 51 ans envie de sortir du train train quotidien et d'acquérir la liberté financière
    Pour le moment je suis sur 2 formations la première est nutritionniste sportive et la seconde est préparateur physique après l'acquisition de c'est 2 diplômes je voudrais me lancer comme auto entrepreneur dans la spécialité évoquée.
    venez m'aiguiller sur le cheminement merci
    Bien sur j'ai eu connaissance de votre forum par le biais du livre The millionnaire Fastlane de MJ Demarco
    Merci beaucoup pour tout ça Mr Demarco
    Hey friends, I am Eustache Kayiranga, the Managing Director of Sound Mind Company Ltd from Rwanda. I knew about your forum through the book the Millionnaire Fastlane, by MJ DeMarco. I guess sharing knowledge and experience will strengthen our growth. Let me start by sharing you in the attachment, what we aspire to achieve in Sound Mind Company Ltd. Yours kindly, Eustache Kayiranga.


    Hi everyone, I am totally new to this and trying to find my way around on the forum. I am in the process of massive self-development and am reading pretty much every self-development book I can. I have been attending virtual training summits due to the times we have been facing and they have totally changed my mindset with regards to entrepreneurship.
    Hi everyone, I' m a 41 yo belgian frenchspeaker from Brussels, I was hotel director for 12 years and have decided to start something new. I ve read MJ's books among others but I saw these as a life changer and so I'm glad to join this forum to learn and provide experience.
    Hi Everyone, I decided to join this forum because I love discussing business and finance, and my husband will appreciate you for giving me an outlet. I stumbled across The Millionaire Fastlane this summer, couldn't put it down, and now I am reading Unscripted . I look forward to learning even more from this community. Thank you.
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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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