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  • The journey is only real when it feels a bit overwhelming and long, knowing this helps a lot because the destination is as important as the journey.
    I remember walking 2hrs and 30min for a business meeting, I didn't have the means but I had to be there and present my plan, I've showed up and believed from deep in my heart that we were going far, I arrived very early and still the person isn't my business partner to this day. I've learnt a lot from them and most importantly that there is good in Everything, and that the journey is as important as the destination.
    Atingane Francis
    Please how do I go about my wholes sale distribution business: in the fashion business importing from China
    Brick by brick, day by day until the wall become complete an accurate as envisioned.
    New start of the week, clean canvas. Let's paint it how we want, let's smash the goals and most importantly, let's enjoy the journey.
    Here's something I've learned, We can alter our lives by altering our attitudes of mind. You want to feel better about certain something? Tell yourself repeatedly that you are better, that you are good. And you will be.
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