Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. drmctcher

    Sick and Tired

    Hello All I have been lurking for a few months and decided it was time to brake out of my box. I have found this site very informative. There are alot of great posts that we can learn from. I have read all the RDPD series, but became disillusioned. I am still somewhat dissillusioned and trying...
  2. S

    Beer & Pancakes 2010 info

    this looks amazing. Mostly, for the brilliant combination of beer and pancakes. The rest is good, but I think I'd pay just for that. I wish I'd be around for it
  3. TaxGuy

    My life changing decision

    Yes, in fact I've been there twice this year so far, once for B&P, the annual fastlane gathering named "Beer and Pancakes" after the :cheers: and :smx7: icons, although there were neither at the gathering, but definitely a lot of positive energy, networking and great ideas/success stories. Best...
  4. MonTexan

    Fastlane Game - Win An iPod Nano

    HOT! :cheers: Entry #15: $635
  5. yveskleinsky

    Cash Flow 101 Vs Other Board Games

    ...rounds that he had us play--I think the rounds only lasted something like 5 minutes. The point of the speed games was the importance of teams/delegation, learning (vs. just winning) and thinking fast. The way these guys play make Cashflow worth the trip to the Beer and Pancakes meetup alone.
  6. RealOG

    Value of Business Meetings

    ...into fast lane mentors and the mastermind groups on this site. Once you have established yourself as a contributing poster on this forum, you should have access to the things above, not to mention Beer and Pancakes Get Togethers (do a search to find out more about all these things). Good...
  7. Bobo

    How can I determine if this is a feasible idea?

    ...salesman but if you are not then this is a great time to hire one. The real estate market is... ok we've already cried in our beer and pancakes about that but there are a lot of folks on the street right now who spent the last ten years selling your target customers their homes every weekend...
  8. L

    Peer Pressure Works

    Hi everyone, My name is Doug and I am from Montana. I have been going to the Beer and Pancakes get togethers for a few years now and have finally been pressured into posting on the forums. My claim to fame is that I am married to Sonya aka Around the World. Looking forward to getting...
  9. andviv

    Action Takers - What Are You Up To?

    Oh, you would have enjoyed Howard Lindzon's presentation during the Beer-and-Pancakes-2009 meetup ten days ago. That was precisely what he talked about... alas, can't tell you what he said in detail... what happened at the B&P09 stays there (unless you buy the videos that will be on sale soon)...
  10. CarrieW

    Beer & Pancakes 2010 info

    lol now your makin me feel bad! Ive been wanting to go for several years now. going all the way back to the other board. but i wasnt comfortable leaving the kidos... but now that my son is 6 and my daughter 8 (will be 7 and 9 by the next meetup) i think I can safely leave them in the...
  11. Dave

    Beer & Pancakes 2010 info

    Wow... witness the power of beer and pancakes. Carrie is ready to leave her kids in the dust for that alluring (or alarming) cuisinistic combo! You go girl! lol Side note - Hmmm, a productive post. I just created a word. Should I submit cuisinistic to websters? he he - Dave
  12. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2010 info

    Dates: Feb 19, 20, 21, 2010 Location: FIRESKY Resort - Scottsdale, AZ. Scottsdale Arizona Resorts: FireSky Resort and Spa Cost: $150 Per Person. This includes attendance to the events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner are included on Friday Breakfast...
  13. Kung Fu Steve

    The Fastlane to Health & Fitness

    One thing that has really come to my attention lately through several of the prominent individuals on this forum is that many people have focused so heavily on money throughout their lives they have missed the most important part. Health. I'd like to take a minute to share some basic tips and...
  14. Jill

    Townhouse development opportunity - good deal?

    ...use for your analysis. If not, I'll build my own. But I figure you've already thot of everything, so might as well leverage that if you're in the mood to share! Hope to have it ready to review with some of you more seasoned investors at Beer And Pancakes next month! (I'll buy the pancakes!)
  15. SteveO

    Apartment Ideas

    Hi GLC, I moved your post to a stand alone so as to not take away from the original question. I have been doing syndications using other investors for a little while and have some feedback to offer on this. First off, I am assuming that you have looked into all your financing options...
  16. Russ H

    POLL: Pick date for B&P 2009!

    "So, why did your parents name you "Beer and Pancakes?" . . . "Well, it's a long story . . . " -Russ H. PS March 7 is our wedding anniversary. It won't be the first time we've been doing a get together w/you guys during this!
  17. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2009

    Plan on all day Fri and Sat, and Sunday until at least 3pm. We always have folks that schedule earlier flights out and really regret it (just ask them). SteveO and all-- thanks for securing a meeting room. I need to know the ballpark costs of the meeting rooms you're looking at (for 3 days)...
  18. andviv

    B&P Presentation Ideas

    Thanks for getting this thread started. I moved it to the General section. One of the premises of the meetup is that we all give something to the group, while learning from it. What we have done in the past is to request from each of the participants a couple of topics they can present...
  19. Russ H

    B & P, 09 - Format?

    This is the official B&P 2009 thread: I bumped it for ya. :) -Russ H.
  20. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2009

    ...of what is consumed is soda pop and water (the bar hopping comes later, after dinner, when the group splits up). We never did have beer and pancakes for breakfast last year-- the title was humorous, chosen by Yveskleinsky because MJ had just added some fun smilies...

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