Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. biophase

    SUCCESS STORY: Biophase (eCommerce, Real estate)

    GOLD! Phoenix. The real estate market had started to take its downturn. Here my plug for why everyone should attend the Fastlane Beer and Pancakes Future Meetings... In March 2006 I went to the first Rich Dad get together and met Robert Kiyosaki. It was great to finally meet the people who I...
  2. Bobo

    Intro & Howdy

    Yeah, Slim... I'm the lucky owner of that beer and pancake breakfaster. Well, we had a long talk today with two guys who I work with regarding the dotcom idea we have going. I would normally see 'partner' as a four letter word but in the past we've been wildly successful in some areas but...
  3. JesseO

    Action Takers - What Are You Up To?

    I honestly tried to imagine herding cats :-P You must be good at running and climbing. Where's Peter with the cat pics when ya need him? :cool:
  4. Russ H

    Action Takers - What Are You Up To?

    Past week (since we got back from Beer & Pancakes last Tuesday): -Got about 6500 square feet of parking area black topped, w/drains and slopes, etc. -Worked around the clock on consensus w/a group of B&Bs to present a unified front at a City Council meeting (NOT easy-- kinda like herding cats)...
  5. yveskleinsky

    Action Takers - What Are You Up To?

    March: - Beer and Pancakes Meetup - quit my job - researching, researching, researching website challenge areas and fesibility - weekly meetings with our web designer - learning as much as I can about affiliate programs, merchant gateways and credit card fraud - streamlining operation of...
  6. T

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Just say it! You miss everyone! Coz i do! :love1: We need more of this type of meet up with same minds. Once a year aint good enough. :cheers: :jiggy: <===I like this guy. lol...
  7. SteveO

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Thanks to MJ for putting this forum together. Thanks to Russ for organizing the meeting. Thanks to Yves for getting the meetup idea out. Thanks to all that attended for a fun and memorable weekend filled with learning. :banana::banana::banana:
  8. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info That, in a nutshell, pretty well describes how I feel about life in general (and my life, in particular). :tiphat: -Russ H.
  9. Rawr

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Hey guys! Quickly popping in to say - Vegas is nothing after the meetup - it's true what they say - the company you are with is a lot more important than where you are or what you do. Thank you all for coming and sharing your thoughts, I have notes written down...
  10. slim_jim

    Steps to Successfully Buying Your First Investment Property

    We saw it on the SteveO apartment complex tour, this past weekend. As you were walking through the complexes, you were thinking, "I wouldn't live here", but somebody is at the time in their life, that this apartment/house is right for them. And buying right is very possible. There are...
  11. andviv

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Thanks for the compliments. No, we haven't closed yet, probably Friday for what I got today, thanks to a change in the deal that is beneficial for me.
  12. Runum

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Hey Andres. Great meeting you. I have got to say that you have a quick and sharp mind. You, my friend, are destined to for a bright future. Did your deal close like you wanted? Good luck in the future.:cheers: Greg
  13. andviv

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info That is great news. Having her involved will make a big difference.
  14. Runum

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Hi all. I got back home around 9:00 pm local time. My brain was fried from all of the knowledge and energy I received from being in Phoenix. Thanks to all of you for sharing you ideas. It was awesome to be in the company of so many authentic doers rather than...
  15. yveskleinsky

    Aha moments from Beer and Pancakes Meetup

    I had an absolutely amazing time at the meetup, and wanted to corral the lessons learned into one post. I am curious to hear what other aha moments people left with- and how they plan to implement them. Here are a handful of pivotal moments that I had during the meetup (I'll write more about how...
  16. slim_jim

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I thought this was mentioned during the various discussions this weekend. I think it was MJ. His word might have been premium. You don't want to be the lowest priced (or free). Charging more implies value, exclusivity, ect.
  17. wildambitions

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info mtnman, Don't beat yourself up about it. Learn and don't repeat the mistake! And use what you learn and apply it in all areas.:smxA:
  18. mtnman

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info You are so right about that!!!! I feel like such a dumbass for not changing my plans and attending! :bgh: When is the next one?
  19. AroundTheWorld

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info We finally made it home LATE last night. Don't have much time now, but will post tomorrow re: feedback, etc. Thanks for the awesome weekend everyone.... and..... Legacy Dad......... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: about Megan. She is the best darn...
  20. andviv

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Imagine a surplus and what to do with it???? But, funny that you mentioned it.... Microsoft here in the area used to have free seminars every month or so. They were ghost towns; I was going and seeing 15 people. Then they decided to start charging $100 and then...

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