Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. AroundTheWorld

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info If you don't "need" to use your own computer, you can use mine - I've got an air card.
  2. AroundTheWorld

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ, We are arriving on Thursday and can pitch in with set up. What time are you getting there?
  3. Runum

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Will internet be available in the conference room?
  4. bflbob

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I'm sure that if you can get there and find a room, you'll be welcome. You'll need to pay Russ a $99 fee to attend.
  5. T

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info still ok to come?
  6. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info MJ- Sharon and I are arriving Thursday afternoon to check out the conference room, make sure it's set correctly, and then we're going to either buy a few picnic coolers and some soft drinks, or use the frig's I've requested from the hotel (they weren't sure they...
  7. MJ DeMarco

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info How are we on beverages besides standard issue hotel water? Shall I bring a cooler with an assortment of beverages for Saturday?
  8. yveskleinsky

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I'll bring my game!
  9. bflbob

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Sonya: I'm planning on visiting the folks at Rich Dad tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon. I'll firm up how many I can grab, and post back here afterword. If you aren't leaving until after that, you'll know whether to bring it or not. See ya' soon! Bob
  10. AroundTheWorld

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info What is the count up to now then? (Wonderin if I still should bring mine. Happy to do it, but if not necessary, I'll leave it behind. We like to pack really light to avoid checking bags.)
  11. bflbob

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ: I got the OK to grab a couple of games from Linda over at Rich Dad. I think that means we are set, along with those promised. I'll just need SteveO or someone to drop them back after the weekend. Bobbo (leaving in the morning for AZ!)
  12. S

    Not attending Beer & Pancakes...can I buy a tape?

    Has there been any thought to this? I'm not able to attend but would LOVE to hear some of the presentations. I would definitely pay good money for a tape, ebook, email summary, etc of the presentations. Can this be organized?
  13. Russ H

    How Much Does $70K Weigh?

    JScott, I for one am really gonna miss you at the Beer & Pancakes GT. Hoping you have a great time wherever you are. :) -Russ H.
  14. Russ H

    Beer & Pancake Presentations!!!

    NOTE: We will attempt to record these sessions, if the entire group signs releases. NOTE: Attendees only post to this thread (to keep things easier to read) :banana:******:banana:******:banana:******:banana:******:banana:******:banana: I have to be honest, I was blown away when I...
  15. Jill

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info That'll be fun, Edge (as long as none of you guys packs like a diva!) I think I rented a mid or full-size, so we should be fine. Just PM me and we'll coordinate.
  16. Edge

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Jill - Is 4 a crowd? I get in about 11:30, but can grab a sandwich and a news station to kill a few minutes. No problem if you already have a full car, just PM and let me know.
  17. SteveO

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I live about half a mile from the hotel and take cabs frequently to and from the airport. It is usually $17 (plus tip) each way.
  18. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Thanks for the dress code q's (and esp for your patience as I pop in and out whilst on the road). I'll post an update re dress code to the first post. -Russ H. PS Dress Code: Casual, typically shorts/golf shorts/comfy shoes.
  19. Jill

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info No problem at all. By the time I pick up the car and swing back around, you should be getting close to curbside. Just PM me and we'll work out details. Yes, Andviv. If you don't mind waiting around a few more minutes. Be happy to have you join us! (if you...
  20. JesseO

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I got sunburned today =(

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