Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. JAJT

    Eskil's Mentoring to Accelerate Your Growth

    I'll hop in and agree with the other's. I met Eskil back at one of the earlier Beer and Pancakes and have stayed in touch with him since then. He knows what he's talking about, admits to the things he doesn't know, and would make a great mentor to be connected with. If you are on the fence...
  2. JAJT

    The ForeverJobless Incubator opens for a 2017 class

    ...If he was charging more I also genuinely wouldn't be surprised because he would be worth it. I've met Billy personally at the old Beer and Pancakes meetup for the forum and I've since talked to him privately a few times over the years. Also been on a few calls with him that he's put on in...
  3. FiftySeven

    Dabble? HAH! I am All in!

    Inspiring action-taking!
  4. Andy Black

    Dabble? HAH! I am All in!

    My favourite line is by Mother Teresa: "Never worry about numbers. Help people one person at a time, and start with the person nearest to you." Good for you. (PS: If you're a charity, you could get $10k+ in AdWords spend per month from Google.)
  5. GPM

    Dabble? HAH! I am All in!

    ...again after many years, MJ posted his “stay tuned for the 2016 meetup”. I had always wanted to go to Capitalism and Bacon, and then Beer and Pancakes, but always made stupid excuses as to why I couldn't go. When I saw MJ’s post I said to myself that I HAD to go this year, no more excuses. I...
  6. Vigilante

    2016 Fastlane Summit (Official Ticket Sales, Speakers, Etc.)

    A note for new attenders : reflections from my first Beer and Pancakes meeting. 1. Arrive early and stay late. (for the weekend, for meetups, for all of it) 2. Attend ALL meetings, and all social functions possible. (both of those will fall under "do as I say and not as I do" as I am an old...
  7. jon.a

    Need to increase number of members joining my site

    Beer and Pancakes 2 years ago Mrs. jon and I were at the back of the pack going to lunch, I remarked that it looked like someone trying to herd cats. :)
  8. Vigilante

    2016 Fastlane Summit (Room Shares, Ticket Exchanges, Etc.)

    Here's a funny story from my first Beer and Pancakes (the predecessor to this FastLane summit.) One of the people that I met was @biophase, one of the high flying eCommerce forum rockstars. We exchanged phone numbers (or I creeped his off the contact list... I don't remember). Fast forward to...
  9. jon.a

    Wall Street F*cked it up...again

    Prior to this year it was called Beer and Pancakes...
  10. Vigilante

    Admitting there's a problem is the first step.

    NOTABLE! MINDSET four years? What if you crash and burn? Twice? Three times? While everyone keeps second guessing you. When I went to "Beer and Pancakes" a few years ago, my wife, who is an amazing entrepreneurial wife, didn't get it. She does now. Point being... the grind has different durations...
  11. Vigilante

    Fist fight about entrepreneurship

    Every time I see this thread pop up, it brings to mind friendships. I have hundreds of acquaintances. From those hundreds, I have "friends." I have several friends from the board here, many of which I met at Beer & Pancakes. From within the entire universe of friends, I have a handful of...
  12. D11FYY

    UK Meetup

    Ok would you wreckon that Id be best making a set date , new thread and dealing with the times etc. I also have an idea like our fellow American forumers we could possibly have a European Beers&Pancakes only this time (Vodka&Crossaints lol) if anyones interested have it in May/June somewhere in...
  13. Turbo

    When is the next Beer & Pancakes?

    Hi everyone, I checked out the 2014 B&P threads and it sounds like an awesome event. Wondering when 2015 B&P will be? I don't want to miss it. Thanks
  14. Kung Fu Steve

    9 Leverage Points To Grow Your Business

    Good for you, brother! Maybe we'll see you at Beer & Pancakes some day then you'll really be a part of the family ;-)
  15. jon.a

    1 on 1 Phone Call With Jack Edwards UPDATE!!

    I did one without any immediate need. Great investment. Perspective, mrs jon and I attended the last two beer and pancakes not for the daily activities but for the evenings. Cost about $1200 each time. Reward priceless time with Dave, Dale, Russ, Allen, Boris, Steve, and many others who's first...
  16. 1step

    My Trip to the Canton Fair - Why You Should Go

    After a couple awesome presentations at Beer and Pancakes this year I decided to go to the Canton Fair. This is the largest trade fair in China it has 60,000 booths and hundreds of thousands of products. The opportunities are endless! The main purpose of this thread is hoping that the info...
  17. SYK

    Hey, What's up? From down under :-)

    Hello mate, I'm one of the four-man melbourne fastlane crew that @Oztrepreneur mentioned. We've just set up (roughly) fortnightly catch ups over beer (still working on the pancakes side of things). Let me know if you're ever further South and we'll convene while you're here.
  18. AroundTheWorld

    How To Do An Intro When You Want To Stay Private?

    ...little hickup out of the way, Welcome!! Bummer, I guess you will not be able to participate in an epic meet up such as Beer and Pancakes - Where these life changing topics were discussed Or Capitalism and Bacon Or Even.... Participate in a Mastermind Group. Oh, and in case you haven't...
  19. Kak

    (Spoiler Alert!) Shark Tank Watch Party Live Thread

    Capitalism and bacon was probably the drunken brain child of a bunch of "capitalist pigs" who were high on the badassness of B&P... But we will never truly know the meaning... It's like one of those wonders of the world. We didn't even serve bacon in Albuquerque... Mysterious. This thread went...

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