Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. bflbob

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I think that Russ is just trying to match your screen name to your real name to make sure he has your registration. He must have a name like Jim Goofy, James Donald Duck, Jim Mickey, Jim Minnie, Jim Ariel, or Jim and the Seven Dwarves that signed up. He just...
  2. slim_jim

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info What specifically do you need my to provide? If so, here on the public forum? Thanks for your help.:thankyousign:
  3. Legacy Dad

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ, My guest Mike is registered and got the confirmation email. Lance
  4. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info JScott- Consider it done. Sorry you can't make it. :( -Russ H.
  5. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info slim jim- Please reply to my earlier post on this thread to you re this (and a Disney reference). And we'll move forward. I'm on the road, and cannot check my email regularly. Thanks, -Russ H.
  6. BeingChewsie

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Awwww..I'm sorry to hear that. I was really looking forward to meeting you. Have a safe trip and see you at the next meet-up! Sue
  7. bflbob

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Oh, yeah! Only 8 more days for me!:eusa_clap:
  8. slim_jim

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ, I have the email from Napa Old World Inn indicating the order was received. Is there something else that will show up? Do you need more information from me? thanks, slim_jim
  9. Rawr

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info JScott, you are awesome! +++ anyone else counting down the days? :D
  10. SteveO

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Speed +++ for generosity!
  11. Runum

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Bummer Jason. I was going to talk apt strategy with you. Good luck on your trip.
  12. Runum

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Let the countdown begin. 12 more days!:banana::icon_super:
  13. Jill

    Hosting a Seminar

    If it's any consolation, it isn't for lack of good marketing (at least in my case). I got the marketing email and was getting out my credit card to pay until I noticed that it was the same weekend as Beer & Pancakes. Any chance you'd consider changing the dates?
  14. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info slim_jim- Hmm . . . we did have a reservation come in from a guy named Jim. Last name corresponds to a Disney character? Let me know. -Russ H.
  15. slim_jim

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Just finished with my reservation for the event and plane tickets. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you and learning a ton.
  16. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Lance- Very cool. Looking forward to meeting both of you. Finally got to check out your site ( Great stuff. We may have some great conversations at the get together. :) -Russ H.
  17. Legacy Dad

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ, +1 For Legacy Dad. I'm bringing my buddy Mike with, he should be registering ASAP. Lance
  18. D

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I still have a room with an extra bed if anyone is interested...
  19. Edge

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I'm registered and flight is booked. I have to leave and come back home Saturday night, but i'm sure it will still be worth the trip.
  20. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Edge- Do it. Be sure to register as well (link in first post, $99). -Russ H.

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