Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. CactusWren

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ, I am the "mystery" person that already paid for myself and my husband. Thanks, --Cynthia
  2. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info bump-- things are filling up fast! I talked to the hotel yesterday. Still a few rooms, but they will be released soon, and virtually EVERYTHING else nearby is sold out for the weekend. So, if you haven't registered (link in first post on this thread), you need...
  3. S

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Russ, Is there a certain amount of room in the conference room? I'm 90% sure I'm gonna come back early from LA to make it, but was going to wait and see. If it's gonna be tight I'll just sign up now. Lemme know. Thanks Russ. -Bill
  4. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Actually, Bobbo, thanks to you, we are revenue positive for the event, and are handing out scholarships. My sincere congrats-- and lucky you, the charge went through! :D -Russ H. (just kiddin')
  5. bflbob

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Holy Smokes! I accidently plugged in 99 under the quantity. This event is going to set me back a bit! (I'm not good with numbers:smxA:) Thanks again Russ! (PS -- The wife might join us for meals, but not anything else. Let me know if we owe anything...
  6. Yankees338

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info :rofl: I WISH I COULD JOIN YOU ALL !!!!!!
  7. andviv

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Thanks Russ. andviv just paid... andviv is registered... andviv can talk about himself in third person.... andviv is registered!!! did I say andviv is registered?
  8. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Oy-- yah welcome! Sorry it took me so long! :) Let's get this par-tay started! :party: -Russ H.
  9. SteveO

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Thanks Russ. :banana:
  10. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info bump. Link to registration added. -Russ H.
  11. D

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info i still have a room with an extra bed available if anyone is interested, friday and saturday nights...
  12. R

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I would love to attend if you guys ever plan an event in NYC. Keep me posted
  13. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info bump. Updated first post w/pricing for event. Will have link posted in the next 24 hours. -Russ H.
  14. Bilgefisher

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I can only tell you from my experience last year that it was very crowded. Over 120,000 fans plus racing teams show up. March in Vegas is almost perfect Nascar weather. Since you have a place to stay, you should be ok, but avoid the track areas like the plague...
  15. SteveO

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Don't mess with the guys handing out those smut cards on the street. I smart-mouthed one of them (just playing around) and ended up in a fight. One of them rammed me in the back with his elbows and another punched me in the face. There were probably 8 of them...
  16. Rawr

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Thanks for the heads up! I will be staying with a friend - you thinking large crowds of Nascar fans everywhere? Russ I'll make a note to ask you what I should see in Vegas (I haven't been there in 7 years) - Trade you my whore stories for your vegas stories :D
  17. D

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info damn, i wish i could make it, freakin' trade show...
  18. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Just look at past posts under this forum under "Beer & Pancakes". There are LOTS. :) Yes, anyone with a pulse who is willing to: a)pay the entrance fee b)show up c)present 15 min on a topic of their choice (can be 7 min presentation/8 min Q&A. etc.) -Russ H.
  19. Jill

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Sorry I'm kinda late to the dance here . . . But what is this event exactly? Is it open to anyone?
  20. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I'll be in Vegas Feb 24-27 at HotelWorld. We're staying at the MGM Signature Suites (incredible deal, for large, comfortable suites). We're gonna be at Disneyland Feb 20-24. -Russ H. UPDATE: I'm talking w/Sharon about switching things around: Feb...

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