Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. Bilgefisher

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Word of caution. The weekend of the 10th, the nascar race is in Vegas and I think the weekend after that is the final 4. I know Vegas always has an event, but these weekends can be a little crowded.
  2. Rawr

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Then go! Get creative with the tickets and see what happens. Russ, please add me to the list now that I bought the tickets. Like Ryan, speaking 5-6th would be good. Thanks Now, to plant a seed :D WHO WANTS TO DO VEGAS AFTER MEETUP? (Week of 10th-17th)
  3. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info I typically schedule everyone the first day (Fri) after they arrive. That way, I don't wind up re-doing the schedule a few times. Happy to honor any requests. We'll do this at the meet up. -Russ H.
  4. ryanpal

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info how are we planning on the schedule of what speaker speaks when? i'd like to opt for an early position if possible. ;] ryan
  5. Bilgefisher

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info This is a selfish request, but will any of these presentations be recorded?
  6. kwerner

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Hey Russ, can you add me to the Beer and Pancakes meetup list? My wife and I will be attending and we are looking forward to meeting everyone, learning, contributing, and having fun! Thanks for helping make this event possible.
  7. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Yankees- March 7 is our wedding anniversary (it was my wife's parent's wedding anniversary as well). :) -Russ H.
  8. Analyzer

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info That sounds great, i whish I could join you. I'm sure its going to be awesome :cheers:
  9. Yankees338

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Ditto :smx5: It starts on my birthday, though, so I'll be perfectly fine at home. I'll finally have my license, too. Yeah...maybe I'll be okay. :) Great job organizing this all, Russ. Rep+++ for you! Yet again, the importance of organization and planning.
  10. J

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    re: Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info Oh god I wish I could go! :smx8:
  11. Russ H

    Beer & Pancakes 2008 Info

    *********************************************************** INFORMATION BELOW IS FOR LAST YEAR's 2008 EVENT :cheers: :smx7: :cheers: :smx7: :cheers: :smx7: :cheers: :smx7: :cheers: :smx7: :cheers: :banana: :banana: !!! 27 CONFIRMED RESERVATIONS !!! :banana: :banana: I am...
  12. andviv

    Apartment Presentation

    well, it seems nobody from the forum attended or wants to add comments or feedback. Too bad I couldn't make it. I think I will have to wait until our fastlane beer & pancakes event to hear you guys speak.
  13. Russ H

    Please Read: Updates/Q's for Beer & Pancake GT

    Re: Latest News re Facility for Beer & Pancakes GT Other input? Is $200/night (w/hotel taxes) OK? Would you all prefer a more resort-y type of place? (=$350-500/nt) Is February 23/24 a better choice, if the costs are 30-50% lower? Do you want to have access to lots of night life...
  14. Runum

    Please Read: Updates/Q's for Beer & Pancake GT

    Re: Latest News re Facility for Beer & Pancakes GT Russ, I really appreciate the sweat you guys are putting into this. If we can get the room nearby, walking or riding 5 min. is no big deal. Room price is OK for me. We do need to get a date and stick to it and make the best of the situation...
  15. Russ H

    Please Read: Updates/Q's for Beer & Pancake GT

    Re: Latest News re Facility for Beer & Pancakes GT bump.
  16. andviv

    Fastlane beer & pancakes Date poll again.

    I am locking this thread. From now on please follow the thread "Latest News re Facility for Beer & Pancakes GT"
  17. andviv

    Beer and Pancake Expectations

    I am coming. Last year I learned a lot in both ways... at the conf. room and at the 'beer-events'. This year with the introduction of pancakes to the mix I think I can learn even more ;) JesseO, if you can really drive me around that'd be neat.... Even better if MJ drives me around in that...
  18. Russ H

    Please Read: Updates/Q's for Beer & Pancake GT

    The first post in this thread is updated whenever we get news. Updated: 01-27-2008: Updated attendants list DO NOT BOOK YOUR FLIGHTS until we decide on a start time on Friday. Previous news: Conference room rate and date are LOCKED IN. Conference room is $300/day. We'll need it on Sat & Sun...
  19. SteveO

    Beer and Pancake Expectations

    We are looking for some feedback to help with some of the logistics. We realize that there may be some differences in budgets, learning, and nightlife expectations. The costs related to hotels, taxis, meeting rooms and pancakes/beer may vary significantly between the participants. I would...
  20. andviv

    Fastlane beer & pancakes Date poll again.

    So, just to get things going, I am appointing my self as the list-keeper. If you are planning to come to the "Fastlane beer & pancakes" get-together, March 8th, 9th, in Scottsdale or Phoenix, AZ (same thing, for those that don't know... one next to the other). IF YOU ARE COMING, DROP ME A PM...

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