Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. Kak

    Fitness Goal... Reward.

    I have been at it for 3 days. I am at 1200 for the day and am about to work out. I find that 1200 cals can be a lot of food if you pick things like egg whites, arugula and spinach salad with grilled chicken and a vinegar dressing ETC. I actually feel satisfied. Now previously. I actually ate...
  2. P

    Fitness Goal... Reward.

    GREAT what you have already accomplished. Couple quick things. I would set another goal RIGHT now that is a month after Beer and pancakes. Maybe run a 5 k. And WELL before that date set another goal a month later and so on. I have failed to do this in the past, get is great shape for say...
  3. P

    Fast lane Idea for anyone with balls and wants the challenge!

    Will she be attending the beer and pancakes get together?
  4. JasonR

    Gun Range Day at Beer and Pancakes. Who is in?

    Beer and pancakes is sold out? Say what?
  5. theag

    Gun Range Day at Beer and Pancakes. Who is in?

    Its already sold out btw.
  6. miked_d

    Gun Range Day at Beer and Pancakes. Who is in?

    I don't know if I can make the B&P, but the title of this thread made me happy. Beer, guns and pancakes - what's not to love?
  7. D

    In this thread I get out of debt. $10K to be exact.

    Interest + living expenses. I haven't purchased or spent a dime outside of necessity or investment.
  8. dknise

    In this thread I get out of debt. $10K to be exact.

    Is this from signing up for Beer & Pancakes? Less consuming, more producing.
  9. Kak

    Gun Range Day at Beer and Pancakes. Who is in?

    I am looking to get a list of people who are going to be attending the range day in Scottsdale while in town for B&P. I know there are some of y'all who have never shot a firearm before and I would like to know who you are please. This may determine my presentation topic. Estimated costs...
  10. Likwid24

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    If you need a Chef, I'm your man!
  11. theag

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    Any chance of upgrading to more than 30 people?
  12. RealOG

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    In less than 48 hours we have only 4 spots left! Some of the oldtimers have yet to sign up, so I see us running into an issue. I realized I did not get everyone's forum handles, so I will post initials and locations on the ticket site and on here. The event starts Friday morning (2/22) and...
  13. Likwid24

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    I'm All In! And I happen to be a Master Pancake Maker! I'm probably going to bring my wife, but did not buy her the ticket. She's just coming to hang out and eats like a child. Lol Looking forward to meeting everybody.
  14. Vigilante

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    Beer Pancakes Recipe -
  15. AllenCrawley

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

  16. RealOG

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    Holy smokes! 2/3's full already and it has been less than 24 hours since we opened the purchase link! Some PMs have come in asking about the discounted room rates at the Clarion. Call them and book under "Fastlane Beer & Pancakes", rates are $119-$129/nt depending on the type of room you...
  17. Runum

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    Is there a special code word for the hotel rate?
  18. RealOG

    2013 Beer & Pancakes

    Clarion booked at tickets open for purchase. I put a link on my blog for ya'll. Will come back and post the attendees on first page with an update every day or so. Beer & Pancakes 2013 Ticket | Mike's Apartment Blog The pricing is set to increase every month, we want to make sure we have...
  19. JasonR

    Runum's 5000th post

    Beer and Pancakes. Pretty much an annual get together.
  20. andviv

    How do i start with networking?

    Where do you live? Call out other forum members who live in your area and put together a meetup. Invite them for drinks and snacks. For some reason, we fastlaners are suckers for beers and pancakes ;)

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