Search results for query: beer and pancakes

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  1. Ready2bfamous

    In the span of 96 hours, my world turned literally upside down.

    I'll be going to Beer & Pancakes. I have a great presentation brewing up. I'll be posting a video that I did in regards to my business. Its currently being made and worked through. I look forward to trying to be a more active player here. I am currently working on a crazy project that I think...
  2. NJDonny89

    Web 2.0 Tiers Advice?

    ...Alley Then I am using AMR to blast my web 2.0s, blogs, and articles links to build backlinks. The problem I am having is nothing has been indexed. Am I being to impatient, or should I worry Google banned me. Thanks guys, I'll buy you a beer or something at the Beer and Pancakes 2013 :cheers:
  3. T

    See you guys at Beer & Pancakes meeting!

    Yes! Let's do this! Trav
  4. Davidla

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    Woohoo! great news about the occupancy Russ :) Registration worked fine for me. Might want to add some kind of description of what it includes once you get the time, so someone who hasn't attended before will have a better idea of what they are paying for. Thanks!
  5. Russ H

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    Crap. It was supppsed to slow down. Fifty-six people stayed here on THANKSGIVING (not a B&B holiday). We've got brekkies for 60+ peeps tomorrow. Hey, this is the SLOW SEASON, people!!! I am not complaining, though. Up more than 30% on the year, cruising towards 2 mil. Suh-weet. Hey all...
  6. danoodle

    Any young Perpetual Travelers here?

    ...on this weekend actually. Met some amazing people and may even go back for the one on relationships next year. B & P stands for beer and pancakes. It is the event that people on this forum organize in Arizona every year! Go here for the details on the one next year in february...
  7. Runum

    meetups in real life
  8. D

    meetups in real life

    I think they do a beer and pancakes meetup. yearly. look for it, I think its in feb 2012. otherwise, Im in albuquerque NM, and would be happy to get together with some people.
  9. NewsletterScott

    Are You On Google Plus? (Google's new social network)

    I think that would be awesome! What is the link to your profile? I want to make sure I have you in the right circle!
  10. ManWithABeard

    Are You On Google Plus? (Google's new social network)

    ...went ahead and added everyone. (my last name is Ross). hey, know what would be cool? If we could use the "hangout" feature to chat and discuss things regarding entrepreneurship and fastlane related topics :D. kind of like a smaller, online version of beer and pancakes LOL. just a...
  11. bflbob

    How to Pay Zero Dollars in Taxes on Millions in Profits

    The B&P is "Beer & Pancakes" -- Our Annual Gathering. See the sig area of Russ's post above for a link.
  12. Jill

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    YAY!!!! Happy Dance!! If Bobo can't make it, I'll def take you up on the roomie thing! (Here comes trouble...!)
  13. W

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    Russ, Any updates yet ? I was unable to attend this year due to Illness and work. Got more then enough time to make it happen for 2012 Which I plan to make happen...
  14. Russ H

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    UPDATE: Just about to sign the contracts and pony up the deposit. the 2012 Beer & Pancakes will be Feb 24/25/26 in Scottsdale. Please do NOT book airfare yet. More info very soon. -Russ H.
  15. M


    Runum, Thank you for the words of welcome and the tip for focusing my questions. Beer and Pancakes seems like an interesting opportunity; I'll be sure to keep it in mind. 458, When I graduate from undergrad in December, I'm either going into a MaCC program or an MBA program to fulfill...
  16. Russ H

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    Wow, it's Yves Kleinsky, our French Polish girl! Good to see ya here, Dana. So I'm guessing you have "yveskleinsky" on google alerts? :smxB: -Russ H.
  17. Runum

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    Woop! Dana is in the house and coming to Phoenix. Way cool.
  18. yveskleinsky

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    By "wacky" do you mean completely appropriate? I am totally down for some beer and pancakes. ...But then again, I am the one whose default dinner is wine and cereal. :) I am in for 2012. ...Anyone want to share a room? I promise to not steal or wear anyone else's lingerie; I don't snore...
  19. Russ H

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    This is correct-- Yveskleinsky suggested the wacky name. But I talked w/RealOG about actually having beer and pancakes in 2012 . . . would make a fun photo-op. :) -Russ H.
  20. Runum

    2012 Beer & Pancakes

    Never seen any pancakes. Some imbibe in beer, many don't. I think the name came from some smilie icons that can be selected. :cheers::smx7:

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