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  1. R

    LinkedIn: Connect, Mastermind, Progress

    HOT! CHAT 
    Dropping it here. Always great to connect with more like minded individuals!
  2. R

    How To Go From a Scarcity To an Abundance Mindset. This changed my life.

    It's great to hear you've reached a breakthrough. The sky's the limit! I love Ed Mylett, and Alex Hermozi! Might I add Nick Santonastasso to your little repertoire? 1 arm, no legs and absolutely killing it in life. Such an inspirational individual. All of these guys have helped so much in...
  3. R

    I'm full of shit

    First of all, I'd like to apologize to everyone who put in their time and effort to reply to my sad cry for help, only for my scared little behind to scamper off into the woods, never to be seen again (the reason for this will be below). Reading all your replies now, it literally blinds me, just...
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    I'm full of shit

    Wow, I couldn't have put it in better words. Living with my parents has given me unlimited comfort, and it's become such a force in preventing me from moving out of my comfort zone. But, that's absolutely no fault of their own. It's my fault in taking advantage of their good will. And I need to...
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    I'm full of shit

    I read TMF 2 years ago. But its clear I don't remember jack so I need to reread it. I'll read Unscripted after that.
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    I'm full of shit

    Will do, and if I have enough of backbone, I'll post it here on the forum for posterity.
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    I'm full of shit

    Initially, I was just a young'un wanting yatchz, lambo's and the works cuz why the hell not. Just living the life of luxuries. But after my comfortable life was flipped upside down (figuratively), I've realized my pains are just the tip of the iceberg, that there are tons of people struggling...
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    I'm full of shit

    Yeah, wow this is it. I want to believe I'm some genius but really, I know I don't have jack to show for it. Holy shit, I never even thought about this cuz my prideful a$$. I haven't worked on web design in a while but after this thread. I gotta get it. Amazing suggestions, thank you.
  9. R

    I'm full of shit

    Shit, after trying to argue this point, I gave up because you're absolutely right. My parents decide what they want to do, and I should as well . I think this is just a testament to my dependency on them. I would rather have them reprimand me in some way or form to get my a$$ into gear instead...
  10. R

    I'm full of shit

    Holy shit. I'm amped as hell just from reading that. You're right. F*ck all logic. I've been in my head for way to long, thinking about useless shit and doing absolutely nothing because of it. All this time I've been doing nothing in order to prevent failure. But I need to embrace that shit...
  11. R

    I'm full of shit

    You're absolutely correct. I'm glad you pointed this out. I've been internalizing all of this but never recognized or acknowledged it because I had no one to talk to. It's honestly refreshing to hear from someone else. Yes, in hindsight, nothing that occurred was detrimental at all. I just...
  12. R

    I'm full of shit

    Guys, I need a reality check. I'm frustrated with my mindset. I know that I need a complete paradigm shift in my thinking process. Let me start off with my background. I'm 24 years old. Under the guise of "trying to find a profession I love" for 6 years, I've accomplished nothing. During those...

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