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  1. JLawrence

    Just got fired - Time for a change!

    Was in your shoes a few years ago. Fired out of the blue, new city, no savings, rent due in 2 weeks. Here's where I started: People just copied this....and it worked! - NevBlog Following this put me in front of a bunch of different people that 1. Allowed me to pay my rent 2. Opened up new...
  2. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Our quotes are just a flat rate based on bedrooms and bathrooms. Then you can add items a la carte. Things like inside the fridge, interior windows, basement, etc. With that flat rate, we include 1 kitchen/dining and 1 living room. Any other rooms are priced as an additional bedroom. Half Baths...
  3. JLawrence

    Cleaning Company: Need Help With A Bid

    I don't do commercial work due to the increased insurance costs in my market, but prior to learning that, I did win a few big contracts. The business wants a service done well. They don't want the lowest price. You'll win the contract based on your ability to sell the fact you can deliver what...
  4. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Yeah, at it's core that's it. Then split the payment with the sub.
  5. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Right, Commercial you need a good bit of scale before you personally make any money. Residential you can make money from day one. In my experience, residential has been leaps and bounds easier to both manage and grow profitably than anything commercial would be. Commercial seems like such a time...
  6. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    They Google everything just like homeowners do. I'd imagine some go strictly off referrals, but almost everything we get is through our website which is primarily driven by Yelp and Google.
  7. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    There’s massive opportunity in niche specific cleaning like that. Crime scene clean up, waste material, etc. But you’ll likely need to shell out some cash for the training and insurance elements those would incur. I’m not against it by any means, I just prefer to throw my hat into where there’s...
  8. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Small businesses call us constantly. I give them our hourly rate and move on. Small business often means working outside their business hours. Major headache to scale with 6-10pm 5am-8am shifts. A small business isn’t calculating its tax write off when looking for a cleaning service. They are...
  9. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    I’d say if you’re going to focus commercial, you want big contracts. Small businesses will want the lowest possible rates. Likely we’ll below what can ever make sense for you. There’s two big reasons I don’t like commercial. 1. Takes up too much of my time. I currently spend an hour each...
  10. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    You need to be too involved in commercial. Also requires different insurance that doesn't fit my model. Going to a site to meet with management, walk the property, draft a proposal and negotiate that proposal is an annoying process. We get invited for bids constantly and I turn them all down...
  11. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    ...people in pairs. Family members, Husband/Wife, Mother/Daughter, etc. It's required that one has a vehicle in order to become one of our teams. *********************** Don't overthink it. Post an ad on Craigslist offering cleaning at $20/hour per cleaner. Post 5 more like it throughout the...
  12. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Spring and Summer makes us looks good. Business is growing and holding steady. Last 4 months averaged 17K per month. Everything is steady in regards to marketing and sales. Haven’t changed much. Just continuing to allow organic to slowly build. Spending a ton of time on other endeavors, so I...
  13. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    It’s definitey not easy starting out, but the goal is to dig deep and get to the point where you’re generating enough business to keep yourself busy a few weeks out. Once you’ve done that, hire someone to do the work for you and become a full time sales person for your business. Once you’re...
  14. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    If you disliked it that much, you were involved too much.
  15. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    We offer gutter cleaning as an add on service with our Window Cleaning packages. It's not as actively searched as the other two, so we don't do any paid marketing specific to gutter cleaning, but we certainly let people know it's available.
  16. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Most of my time is spent on a furnished rental business. There's a lot of stuff I currently do on it that could (and should) be outsourced. I just haven't done it to this point. Winter is the slow time for this though, so I'll have some time to spend back with the cleaning business. Day to...
  17. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Know I've been non-existent as of late, but promise I'm still chugging along hustling any way I can. Various ventures are going well and continuing to grow, but since this is a progress thread on the cleaning business, I'd stick to a few updates on that. We continued the slow pace through the...
  18. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Sounds great, let me know if you need any support. Happy to help any way I can.
  19. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Been stagnant as of late. Hovered right around 16k - 18k the past few months. Biggest reason I can pinpoint is a lack of direct focus. I was 100% all in for the first 6 months of 2017, and it showed. The tough part was I was reinvesting everything back into the business to facilitate more...
  20. JLawrence

    [Progress] Growing a Cleaning Business

    Thanks @HustleHard Only experience I had was back in high school. My first job was with a residential window cleaning company. Interior cleaning I knew nothing about. I remember when I’d take phone calls and people would ask me what products I used for particular surfaces. I’d have my laptop...

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