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    Should i start with sole proprietorship?

    First, are you actually about to start taking payments, or just planning for the future? Have you confirmed interest and sales? Maybe a pre-order or pre-signup page or similar to confirm interest? A lot of people are action faking and worry about registering their business, getting a fancy...
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    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I read unscripted. And I'm actually mostly through the great rat race escape too! These really are eye opening. These have motivated me to begin in web design (thanks also to @Fox ) as starting point to unscript. I'm excited for the future for the first time in too long.
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    Can I figure out how many hours fastlane might take?

    What's there to be insecure about? Put everything you can into it. If that's 6 hours a day, that's 6 hours a day more than the alternative: doing nothing. And that's what everyone stuck in the slowlane is doing: nothing. If you wanna do it by math look at this. If it took someone else 12 hours...
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    Can I figure out how many hours fastlane might take?

    No Yes There's no formula to success. If there was, then everyone would be doing it. This is about unscripting your mind from the standard, fulfilling needs, and delivering real value. Do that, and the rest will follow. You are right to focus on time, just in the wrong way. Focus on getting...
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    Discussion: are most freelancers better off starting their own business utilising their own skills?

    I agree that 1 and 2 suck. I've been exploring them (tech consulting). 3 is great, but you also missed #4. 4. Selling on value rather than hours or project size. Say you're really good at making websites. Anyone can go to upwork or fiverr and see how quickly it's a race to the bottom on rates...
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    A job that beats my business

    I can chime in with personal experience as well. I did 21 on/21 off for ExxonMobil. While I made over 50% more directly out of college than my closest peer, it was miserable. I was working 16+ hour physically exhausting days surrounded by guys in their 30s and 40s making a quarter million a...
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    Book Recommendations for Entrepreneurs and Business Enthusiasts

    I second million dollar weekend. That book spurred me from just thinking about a business to “I need to just do something to get started”.
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    My Journey To Start A Business Part 2: My first $1

    That's a good thought provoking question. In 5 years I see myself being able to choose. I can choose to sit back and let my business cruise, or I can stay all-in and keep growing. I think either small business digital transformation or tech company additive could get me there. Neither of the...
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    My Journey To Start A Business Part 2: My first $1

    Well actually it's $100. I have to say, this is exhilarating. I need to ride this wave as long as I can and keep it going. Since part 1 I went through a lot of ideation with friends. I have a lot of very workable ideas, some are short term and rolling now. Some are longer term with significant...
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    What should I do?

    Instead of focusing on your interests, find a need. You’re in the military, figure out what the people around you need. Maybe they all get their energy drinks for $3/can, and you can buy in bulk at $2, and sell for $2.50. Finding a need instead of focusing on your interests necessarily is one...
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    Ethical Business Practice?

    I mean if you lie about what you’re doing, of course it’s unethical. But if you’re honest, it sounds just like @MJ DeMarco ’s limos.com. He had a legit business where he helped limo customers find limo companies. He sold those leads to the limo companies. The limo companies did the work. He...
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    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Just finished “reading” today. I have a lot of driving in my personal life, so I used that time to listen to the audiobook. It was a really good perspective and I learned a lot of things I wouldn’t have considered otherwise. Excited for the next books, and for getting started in the fastlane...
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    Law of effection: It scares the shit out of me.

    I'd say you already have the answer "always focus on the problem right in front of you". While I don't have a business of my own yet to bring this experience from, I've worked for a startup from about 20 employees to now over 120. My team specifically is expert consultants who implement the...
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    My journey to start a business Part 1: What am I good at?

    tl;dr My most valuable skill is just figuring it out. So I need to just dive in, create a business, and trust in my proven ability to figure it out.
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    My journey to start a business Part 1: What am I good at?

    I just joined this forum a few days ago, you can see my whole intro here. The short is that I found the Millionaire Fastlane a week ago and I'm dead set to go down this path. As I'm writing this, I'm in an ideation phase: brainstorming business ideas, reading, learning, and preparing to dive in...
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    Where to begin from slow lane to Fastlane

    Well sounds like you need money now/soon. With your experience, you could start by contracting your own time. That can get you moving. Once you’ve got that smoothed out, you could try hiring additional people and grow a firm of contracting. Personally I wouldn’t want this as a long term...
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    In ideation and learning phase

    In ideation and learning phase
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    Management issues

    Based on the posts here imo you need a GM or COO type more than an outside CEO. GM or COO typically are better at training and running those various roles you pointed out earlier. But that may just be nitpicking. I think the best thing for the team problems is setting the culture. Instead of...
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    I've reached a cap in the slow lane, so now I need something new

    I’ve never heard of this idea. Now I have to think of any businesses I already know with an owner who might be trying to get out. I’ll definitely hit you up next week.
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    I've reached a cap in the slow lane, so now I need something new

    Yeah that’s why I got out of general IT and into SaaS consulting. Too many CRITICAL issues where someone forgot to turn their monitor on or bumped their power cord with their feet. Drove me crazy.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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