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  1. BlahBlahBlah

    Want to add major brand to my e-commerce store but they rejected me

    Hi, I have been owning an e-commerce for about 15 months now and up until now I have been selling generic products on a very specific niche and some of my own branded products (same niche). Products come from China and I resell them, pretty straight forward. I am improving SEO, have a good...
  2. BlahBlahBlah

    The Basics of Pricing

    I quote myself - any suggestion on this would be appreciated. I currently sell products priced between 50€ and 200€ and keep prices rounded for the reason about, however I was thinking to maybe change them to suggest "better value", but I am afraid to lose in prestige. One more question, if I...
  3. BlahBlahBlah

    The Basics of Pricing

    Interesting thread. There is something I am a bit confused about though, I had all the pricing in my online store set in the .99 format, than I read a few months ago "Cashvertising" and on Chapter #38 ("The Psychology of Pricing") and on the 4th paragraph I read the following: "Prestige...
  4. BlahBlahBlah

    E-Commerce Store - adding products and impact on brand

    Hi, I have been running an E-Commerce store for about 11 months and it is growing well. The items I sell are very specific and I am considering adding additional products to the store however I have a couple of concerns: 1) The products I would like to add are not much related to what I am...
  5. BlahBlahBlah


    I like http://mywifequitherjob.com/category/podcast/
  6. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    Oh yes, I only give away my own products, to start I picked one that I have a good number of pcs in stock :)
  7. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    This week I ran my first Facebook competition. I had about 11k likes on my page and decided to give it a go and see how the audience will react - the product I am giving away has a cost to me of about 20$ and if I add 10$ shipping the promotion will cost me around 30$. A little Christmas present...
  8. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    Hi! Yes, until 6 weeks ago I only had about 2k likes on my page as despite of running split testing, etc. I never managed to get it under 25c-30c per like, however at the beginning of November I start running ads again and change from "Pay per impression" to "Pay per like" and the magic...
  9. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    @PoGOOD Thank you for replying first of all. My question really is, on a company with 1,200 employees why not make it 1,201 and a little social media budget to really get it going? Keep a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram page going does not really take huge effort and there is a potential reward with...
  10. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    Could you elaborate please? How can be cheaper and more effective on TV?
  11. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    My ROI is positive, around 2k on Sales converted from Facebook visits in the past couple of months (a large % of my sales as I am still a small business and inflated by the Christmas period, I sold less prior to October), but even if I had a negative ROI it would be wrong to assume that...
  12. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    On this point though, a lot of the TV people watch nowadays is by recording their favorite programs and watching them at their on time, skipping through commercials. And the ones that do watch a program "real time" they probably go on Facebook during commercials anyway, I would have thought that...
  13. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    that's what i thought and the to be honest the more i see small/medium/big businesses not using social networks and being successful despite of it, the more optimistic I become for the future of my business :)
  14. BlahBlahBlah

    Corporations not investing in Social Media Marketing - Why?

    Hi, I notice several corporations and big companies with really little following on Social Media, why is this? Let's take Facebook for example, I work 9-5 for a corporate American company here in Ireland (home based) that only has about 10k followers. I also have an e-Commerce store since...
  15. BlahBlahBlah

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Read it two years ago, best book I have ever had. Launched my business 10 months ago and I am loving every single moment of the process....never felt like I am actually working, more like playing a game all day long and looking for ways to win it! :)
  16. BlahBlahBlah

    Paypal payment holds

    Thanks, I have done that so far but the problem is that I don't want this to impact my service, especially if because of their delays I risk of having to ship two days later. Looking at the worst case scenario (i loose let's say 100€ for the sale, which effectively cost me 20-25€ as luckily I...
  17. BlahBlahBlah

    Paypal payment holds

    Hi, Paypal is applying a "hold" to every transaction over 100€ coming through my e-commerce store (I use WooCommerce via Wordpress), usually payments are released after 24 hours on average. This is very annoying as I cannot ship those orders on the same day as I receive them. So far I probably...
  18. BlahBlahBlah

    Resellers ask me for wholesale catalog and never get back :(

    I am naive. How would that work?
  19. BlahBlahBlah

    Resellers ask me for wholesale catalog and never get back :(

    This is actually a great idea, my only issue here is that on some products I have smaller margin that on others and wouldn't want to go under a certain % of discount. Ie. on Product A I may be willing to give 40% discount, but on Product B max 30%. I am sure I can find a way around that though...
  20. BlahBlahBlah

    Resellers ask me for wholesale catalog and never get back :(

    Won't sell any product or disclose the nature of the business to anyone on this forum, sorry :(

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