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  1. Dazed

    Looking for an Accountability Partner? Find One Here...

    Hi, it's your call but I am actually looking for a social buddy rather than an accountability partner.
  2. Dazed

    Looking for an Accountability Partner? Find One Here...

    Hi everyone, I’ve recently moved from a busy work environment managing 10 people to being sat at home myself in a home office. To help me maintain some social contact I’m looking for one or two like minded people to have video calls with once or twice a week. Age/gender/location don’t matter...
  3. Dazed

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Hi I've read TMF too. Thanks for writing it MJ. Unscripted next!
  4. Dazed

    New Amazon SaaS - AMZPromoter. Dominate External Traffic.

    I'm one of your potential customers. How exactly does the email capture tie in with SendGrid/MailCheat(Chimp) and does this differ if I use my own domain? Will you be adding the ability to import customer reviews for social proof? PS the following seems a little disingenuous: Will Amazon remove the...
  5. Dazed

    25 year old Software Developer

    Hi Michael The best way to distinguish which of your ideas will work is to see if customers are interested before investing any money. Get a basic webpage even a coming soon page up, get some Facebook or AdWords ads running, and see how many click through, add to cart, what the cost it, etc.
  6. Dazed

    Need a book cover designed? I'll do it for free.

    I think the problem here is that many customers are happy wth this type of work (see Andrew post earlier). In my experience many designers churn this type of stuff out regularly but as soon as they come across a discerning customer with high standards they get very perplexed and things end...
  7. Dazed

    Need to be in China in 3 weeks ...Where Do I start ?

    Have you considered South Asia (Bangladesh/Pakistan/India) instead? Many big companies use these countries for textiles.
  8. Dazed

    Advice Needed: Facebook likes too expensive

    Great idea, thanks I'm not looking to make full-price sales, they will be at substantially discounted prices. But my advert is for my page not a post so does it still have a relevancy score in the same way?
  9. Dazed

    Advice Needed: Facebook likes too expensive

    Haha thanks for the offer but I'm not in that niche :)
  10. Dazed

    Advice Needed: Facebook likes too expensive

    Good idea but I'm specifically after people from the UK and Ireland. Therefore I'm not sure how I could verify the page's reach and engagement with my target market.
  11. Dazed

    Advice Needed: Facebook likes too expensive

    So message the page admin on Facebook and ask for a post and link? Would you recommend making them an offer or asking how much they would like?
  12. Dazed

    Advice Needed: Facebook likes too expensive

    I did consider that, is it because the page gets more organic likes too or because people can see that it's a popular page and therefore are more likely to like it? At this moment in time it's very broad simply because I've deliberately not made the assumption that someone who, for example...
  13. Dazed

    Advice Needed: Facebook likes too expensive

    Advice needed, I'm trying to create a marketing list to send offers and promotions for my range of products listed on Amazon.co.uk. I'm aiming for just people from the UK and Ireland. What I'm trying currently: I have created a general Facebook page about my niche (eg We Love Dogs) - early...
  14. Dazed

    I'm fed up with freelancing

  15. Dazed

    From Affiliate Marketing To Importing And Ecommerce

    To start off with a small parcel with Royal Mail is only £2.85.
  16. Dazed

    Abandoned Carts and Adwords

    Agreed, if they're adding to cart then it probably is shipping/returns. Free shipping would be ideal but if not then try to make the price clear from the beginning.
  17. Dazed

    Trying to validate an idea

    I've been through every page and I still have no idea how this actually works and what it would do for me. So it's a no from me.
  18. Dazed

    Want to validate a kitchen appliance

    In my opinion if you ask people which features they would like they will want everything. I saw this in my slow lane job recently where some software is being developed in conjunction with users and it's a real confusing mix of stuff and probably won't be ready in time.
  19. Dazed

    UK Meetup

    Leeds/Manchester Meetup One more plus final call Hi guys, we have four of us now. If you would like to join us please reply or message me ASAP. Dazed (Leeds) Geekboy (Manchester) Aimee (Leeds) Eos (Leeds)

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