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  1. fastlane_dad

    What Do You Wear and Why?

    Living in a warm climate has allowed me to unburden from the constant wardrobe filling / chasing / matching game I used to play (huge pro imho). For the last 20 years 95% of my attire/wardrobe has been wearing a rotation of 10 or so tshirts combined with one of 3 pair of shorts. Sure, I own a...
  2. fastlane_dad

    Why aren't people just copying proven businesses?

    I've never wanted to reinvent the wheel. Take an existing business / idea...throw several value skews on it...set out a budget to test the product / market fit and off to the races. Most of my most 'successful' ventures have gone this way. I have always looked for minimal risk/downside (in time...
  3. fastlane_dad

    When did you start investing with some big bucks?

    I posted a thread on here few years back -- which I still follow and stand by everything I said back then. Do not wait to beef up your mental fortitude, learn to ignore ALL the day-to-day noise, and for gods sake stop 'gambling' your money away. My Investing Thread Following basic principles...
  4. fastlane_dad

    Transform Your (Entrepreneurial) Mindset With Insights From Derek Sivers

    I haven't read this particular book yet - although must say am a huge fan of Sivers and his thoughts. His curious nature / methodologies / way of asking questions is unlike that of many other thinkers I've came across. He definitely has a 'life approach' parallel of the book 'Unscripted'. Many...
  5. fastlane_dad

    Sorry, but the market doesn't care about your passion.

    One example doesn't prove or disprove anything, especially one on some page with a sh*t pathetic sob story. You can go onto making a living off your passion, or not. There are so many examples of each. One thing I've told myself and others - is you have to temper your expectations depending on...
  6. fastlane_dad

    Leaning into rejection: Asking for free coffee.

    Well...asking for a discount is just my 'natural course of doing business!'. I used to do plenty of this in my younger years. Every store I'd walk into with my GF (at the time) - I'd ask for a discount, sometimes going as far as throwing in a 'bluff' of throwing away their 30% off mailer I got...
  7. fastlane_dad

    Leaning into rejection: Asking for free coffee.

    I have many thoughts on this. As an exercise , this is totally OK to me, the other person can say 'NO' and you can build up your rejection quotas or whatever you want to call it. To me, the way I'm programmed - I don't feel like I 'deserve' anything where I'm not giving some value back now or...
  8. fastlane_dad

    What should I do from here and my midlife crisis?

    First of all - getting to 7 figures + is no easy task (easily 1% of earners in the USA). Keep doing what you are doing and as others have said with a bit of planning + saving you could be well on the way to retire in 5+ years. Given that you have been in real estate for 16 YEARS, it is highly...
  9. fastlane_dad

    Lex's Digital/Physical Product Group Accountability Thread

    @Lex DeVille Interesting premise, will be following to see where this goes. There is still definitely opportunity in apparel / tshirt business given the right marketplace and ad placement. I know several who have made fortunes recently through Tshirts. Additionally, I'm sure you probably...
  10. fastlane_dad

    Peak Fulfillment - Life After Exiting The Rat Race

    Awesome topic and thread, and I also echo many of @NeoDialectic sentiments. We are officially 2.5 years out from selling our business. We were at or very close to ‘financially free’ prior to our exit event, so there was no big revelations there. The ironic part is most if not all of our goal...
  11. fastlane_dad

    My mindset is suffering

    @Antifragile has a very well thought out response up above and I agree on everything he says almost to a T. Do you have a job? Consistent form of money coming in? Sure at some point you can start worrying and building up a fastlane business -- but it can take years to make something of it, or...
  12. fastlane_dad

    Defeat Your Nihilism: 3 Simple Steps

    All great points here a few things to keep in mind is the congruence you must achieve between what you are trying to 'achieve' and your identity. Just like you can't half a$$ entrepreneurship (it's a mindset!) - same goes for almost any other task on hand. You yourself must get into the head...
  13. fastlane_dad

    Feeling Stuck and Depressed

    I briefly skimmed this and there is some good advice sprinkled throughout this thread. Here are my 0.2c on your situation … 1 - You are doing extremely well financially. Not sure where you are living (not in USA)? But 150K in USA places you in the top 20% of household incomes. You work remote...
  14. fastlane_dad

    What's Your Best Mindset Advice?

    If you are persevering in failure for years, there are other things that need fine tuning. GRIT to me is one of the toughest to nail down. It's not so obvious to all. Maybe obvious in certain circles, or in a certain demographic. You'd be surprised how often I get inboxed messages and its...
  15. fastlane_dad

    What's Your Best Mindset Advice?

    I'd say one of the most important ones, that usually trumps many other factors is GRIT. Keep trying, failing, trying, getting back up again and pushing forward until it clicks. It can come down to trying different ideas, executing marketing in different ways or scrapping a year or two of work...
  16. fastlane_dad

    Hey 7 figure + club: If you had to do it all over again in 2023...

    All of our businesses were started with investments in that price ballpark (until they self funded them selves). Some went on to make 6 figures. Some ended up being 8 figure businesses. Yet several went dead into the ground. We primarily used physical products / goods, tested the market...
  17. fastlane_dad

    How to learn the things you don't know you should know

    The skill you will have to pick up very soon on is GRIT and PERSISTENCE. Honestly the only two words needed to survive the long term entrepreneurship game. Have you tested your product with any market at all? I'm not sure how much you have invested in your business - but be careful in giving...
  18. fastlane_dad

    Got laid off - start a business or get a new engineering job?

    I suggest getting another job as your skills / experience will be highly valuable and applicable immediately to another employer. I assume you can also match your most recent salary, if not exceed it fairly easily (which is a GREAT place to start based on what you were making). Second to that...
  19. fastlane_dad

    Unpacking My Kettlebell After a 1000-Mile Flight: A Lesson in Urgency

    Great post + reminder as always. I think in order to 'act and move fast' - you need to be OK with some version of imperfect (slop), be OK 'wasting' time and/or money, and acting on incomplete information. It's almost a mindset you have to take on - and when mistakes are looked down upon by you...
  20. fastlane_dad

    Stop wasting time - Choose your advice carefully

    In my mind it almost goes beyond this... What I also pick up on is the topic of 'find work you enjoy and you never will work a day in your life' dogma - or more accurately follow your passion perhaps? Because -- then why would you ever 'retire from your passion'... I've been in camp of...

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