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  1. Scheltus Croatia

    Luck is for schmucks, THIS is for winners.

    I just read the newsletter about Bill Gates and Zuckerberg having dropped out. That doesn't mean the same to anyone else, because anyone else is not Gates and Zuckerberg. The circumstances (they created by their own initiative previously) made it possible for them to step out of High-end Harvard...
  2. Scheltus Croatia

    I am reading Unscripted. Steve Jobs: 'Love what you do'. It is not the same as the urban legend...

    I am reading Unscripted. Steve Jobs: 'Love what you do'. It is not the same as the urban legend has it, the illusion that the world will love and pay you for what you are passionate about. What's in it for the world? How do I serve the world really? What do I create to give to the world, that...
  3. Scheltus Croatia

    Read fastlane

    Read fastlane
  4. Scheltus Croatia

    Opening my eye to opportunity

    Connecting principles between Fastlane and now reading Unscripted, I can add that on page 96 of unscripted are 5 criteria to fulfill and then one can conclude one is financially free. The clarity of that and the becoming broader inclined to see opportunities also gives a freer feeling. Not to...
  5. Scheltus Croatia

    Opening my eye to opportunity

    Reading the fastlane an insight for me is that an opportunity need not as of necessity be a spectacular innovation. Just a scaleable problem solved. Simple. Is see more opportuniies. Breaths easier also. Fastlane p410
  6. Scheltus Croatia

    On the road to financial health and freedom, to learn it and share it

    Me, Barbara my partner and two children moved from the Netherlands to inland Croatia for a rural life. We followed a long held dream. A vertical learning curve started. And we realize more and more, we had better done to create independent sources of income before the start. We did it anyway and...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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