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  1. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    I don't know how to explain to people who can't hear what I'm saying. 10 pages is nothing. 2 months is nothing. How big is your business? How much did you make today? I'm already in the top 5% of global income. It's more than enough for me to be happy where I'm at. (Edit, make that top .5%...
  2. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Morning Thoughts on Huge and Ambitious Projects I recognize that I have hit the "Intermediate" part of this project. The easy excitement of the beginning has worn off. I know that between "Beginner" and "Advanced" there is a long 'desert of the soul.' I anticipated it. I will pass through it...
  3. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...- More automated Cold Emails will go out on Mon-Thurs of next week, and get more Interviews. Just wanted to remark - as of today, I have *6* completed Interview recordings. That's over 90 minutes of Potential Customers talking about their Needs, Wants, Fears, Challenges, Repetitive Tasks...
  4. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Thursday night - Did another 2 NEED interviews for SaaS Industry A, they went well - still sending cold emails - Insanely busy with Tutoring Biz and some Life stuff Sleep now (posting from bed)
  5. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...interviews. I need to build a mini follow-up sequence for people who miss the interview. Anyway, I've had a couple great interviews as well. *5* more "Industry A" interviews scheduled for the coming week. Not too bad, eh? After the last 4 interviews, I think I have my technical approach...
  6. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...Here's the rundown: 60x Cold Email sequences started on New Prospects. 47x follow-up Emails sent to Prospects who haven't responded yet. *3x* New Customer Interviews Scheduled! 2x other Prospects said "I'd be happy to talk" or "Call me," but haven't scheduled quite yet. *348 New Prospects*...
  7. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...my desk). Why? Because I had another Customer Development Interview just a few moments ago! Hot damn, my adrenaline is still pumping. I learned *so much* in just 15 minutes of Interviewing a Potential Customer. Here's a sampling: Already found a Major NEED that this Prospect would gladly...
  8. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Quick Update from late Sunday night: Busy day of Tutoring Biz and Life; still found several hours to devote to SaaS progress. - 317 Interview Prospects loaded into QuickMail. Using the method recently developed, I added 317 more Interview Prospects into the Cold Email funnel. - Another...
  9. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    For the rest of people reading this thread, sorry for the bad vibes. Will update and respond tonight! At tutoring biz right now.
  10. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    I suppose if that was my purpose, it would bother me.
  11. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Facepalm. Never mind dude, go find another thread. These are questions answered multiple times throughout the thread already.
  12. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...current Conversion Rate (for Interviews Scheduled, not Sales) is about 2.2%, and I think it will rise to 2.5% with followups. 2.5% Conversion of *any* kind from Cold Emailing is not bad at all. I have a decent amount of personal experience with Email Marketing, and getting 2.5 % Conversions...
  13. Young-Gun

    Just got my first freelancing gig!

    Way to go!! It sounds like you know where you want to GET to, and you've started the journey. Super-proud of you, and I'm sure a lot of other people on this forum are, as well. Great job taking action and seeing results. Keep it up :)
  14. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    Holy crap, you will be proud of my Work Ethic for today. - Added *502 Brand-New Prospects* to QuickMail. That's not a typo. Five hundred and two new Human Beings, added by hand to my Prospect / Interview Email list, in one single day of hard-a$$ work. All 502 will be Automatically Emailed (and...
  15. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...to change!! Keep what works, re-do what doesn't work. In relatively short order, you'll have a fully-functioning business on your hands. - Loaded **200** more Prospects into QuickMail. I know I said that 60 per day is my goal. But I was feeling it, and had extra time & energy, so I saw no...
  16. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...keep in mind: The cycle of Email Followups will stack up over time. That means (probably) more and more responses stacking up. So, I shouldn't push *too* fast.. because the response-wave may still be cresting to its peak. At the same time, consider this AWESOME fact: QuickMail stores *all*...
  17. Young-Gun

    Adding Value - It's about them, not you.

    ...can Do the Daily Work, And you WANT to do the Daily Work, And you feel COMPELLED to be the boss, And you can handle stress and work like a MOTHER F**KER every day, And the idea of completely uncapped earnings is DESPERATELY appealing to you, And (temporary) failure does not scare you (because...
  18. Young-Gun

    SaaS Startup Thread, 2nd Time Entrepeneur

    ...Recordings. In a few weeks (4-8 weeks) I should have a nice stack of them. There is so much to learn from these... I can feel it. - Loaded *100* more Prospects into QuickMail. Usually I've been loading 50 Prospects per night, but today I thought... 50 is good, 60 is better. So I decided to...
  19. Young-Gun

    99designs advice

    Great advice, thanks. Working on my SaaS, and at some point (once I have paying customers), I plan to hire a front-end designer to make the web app look pretty. At that point, I may very well be following your exact advice, since I'd prefer not to have the overhead of a full-time designer...
  20. Young-Gun

    Self-Taught "Coder" With 5-Figure MRR SaaS Company

    ...getting warm? If so... If you wanted to make ten times as much Revenue - six figures a month - how would you approach that? Would you.... Do even *more* Great Content, and *more* Content Distribution (perhaps an employee) would get *more* Sales? Use another Marketing route (paid Ads?) to...

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