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  1. Stefan.was.here

    Is my plan smart?

    Hi everyone! Just to put you in context: - I'm 25 years old - No college degree - Working shit 9 to 5 jobs I'm learning day trading to learn a high-income skill and have a good base. As you know, nowadays any modern wealth creation skill can make you earn 6f per year, which is life-changing...
  2. Stefan.was.here

    How can I meet likeminded people IRL?

    I've been struggling for sooooo much time about this... Is society that F*cked that I can't even find people that think like me? I will rather be alone than be surrounded by idiots, but being alone for so much time sucks. How can I meet fellas that think like me? I feel very lonely, I don't...
  3. Stefan.was.here

    Feeling lost...

    When I was 18 years old I didn't go to college, instead, I moved to another country to pursue my dreams, but I just action-faked, and now, I see myself being 25 years old and still working at a shit job at a warehouse without any other source of income. I made many mistakes during my life and...
  4. Stefan.was.here

    Does anyone know Lauren Tickner and her Impact School program?

    Hey folks! I'm just curious if anyone knows her or if anyone is a student of hers because I'm thinking about enrolling in her program. that's her insta Lauren Tickner • Million Dollar Systems For Coaching Programs (@laurentickner) • Instagram photos and videos
  5. Stefan.was.here

    I don't know what do with my life at the moment

    Hi everyone, I would like to start by letting you know that I love The Millionaire Fastlane & Unscripted (I've read 50% of the book so far, still on it). I'm writing in the forum because I can't find good advice anywhere else... My life sucks at the moment. I live between Spain and Northern...

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