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  • Users: Saint
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  1. Saint

    Manufacturer, Distributor, Service Provider, Retailer

    A friend of mine is a (quite successful) business broker, and he shared a book on the process of buying a business. In the book it said that there are 4 types of businesses: Manufacturing Distribution Service Retail If you go look on BizBuySell or check the proverbial phonebook, that seems to...
  2. Saint

    I go to a lawyer for me legal needs, a CPA for my accounting needs, and a ______ for my marketing/technology needs

    Hoping to get some ideas for what to call what I'm helping people with. Imagine this scenario: Cindy wants to open a bakery. She loves baking and running a baking team, but she hates dealing with technology, marketing and all the digital stuff business requires these days. She has some money...
  3. Saint

    Local Biz, Agency, or Ecommerce - All things being equal, which model is highest leverage?

    I need to find a new product to take to market. As long as it's a good, worthwhile thing, I'm confident I can innovate, value skew and build a trustworthy brand. I'm considering a number of options in each of 3 categories: Agency - One or more of things like website design, outsourced sales...
  4. Saint

    Franchise Development Help?

    Hey guys, does anyone know where I could find a course, playbook, or consultant that would help make a business franchise-able? For instance - whatever Edible Arrangements or Nothing Bundt Cake would do to market, sell, hire, etc. when they launch in a new market (especially before they became...
  5. Saint

    Any coaches worth it?

    Is there any way to find a coach who can help with "hard" business details like marketing, distribution, and scaling strategies? I see that EOS and Emyth have coaches you can hire, for instance. Curious if those programs are worthwhile, or if there is anything like it that is? i.e. entrepreneurs...
  6. Saint

    Slowlane & Monogamy Decisions

    Not sure if this is the right place, but I see a lot about goals and clarity here, and I'm trying to get clarity on this, so I figured I'd share it here. I'm trying to decide (if a decision is even the right thing here) where to focus my time over the coming months. I see a few options centered...
  7. Saint

    Finally getting started!

    After all the family and festivities in December, my wife and I are finally getting started with our bakery! This seems like the right place to share my progress. I'd welcome any feedback along the way. First thing - I got my wife to start reading Fastlane. People have been paying her for...
  8. Saint

    LLC Operating Agreement

    Hey folks, I'm just getting started with my first LLC, and I'm wondering about operating agreements when it's just me and my wife owning and running any business activities. The LLC and a DBA are officially filed, and a business checking account just got activated yesterday. I've been reading...
  9. Saint

    Mind Blown - Ready for Fastlane

    Hey everyone, just finished Unscripted, and finished MFL before that. Couldn’t put them down. I know I'm too long-winded, but here's my intro: I was addicted to the slowlane for the last 10 years. I’ve always known there was issues with many of the premises of that life, but I couldn’t quite...

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