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  1. ChickenHawk

    Time Sensitive Post: Health Insurance Open Enrollment – Surprise, Surprise, You May Qualify for Subsidized Insurance Even if You're High-Income

    If you're a productive person in the United States, you already know that our health insurance market is a giant suck-fest where productive people are financially bled to pay for the health care of everyone else. To avoid devolving into a political rant, I'll cut to the chase. I very recently...
  2. ChickenHawk

    Money-Chasing Burns Bestselling Author...*Poof!* His pen name is gone.

    Imagine yourself a bestselling author on Amazon, raking in fame and fortune as a top romance novelist. Now, imagine your brand is gone in an instant, and why? Because you dedicated your energy to cheating, money-chasing, and skirting the rules rather than building a long-term brand. Just this...
  3. ChickenHawk

    ACX - Turning Your Book Into an Audio Book

    Note: Rather than posting this info my progress thread (https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/progress-thread-chickenhawks-self-published-fiction-ebooks.47885/), this seemed to deserve a thread of its own, because it's more of a "how to." As a reader, I love audio books, and listen...
  4. ChickenHawk

    [PROGRESS THREAD] ChickenHawk's Self-Published Fiction EBooks

    To avoid cluttering Held for Ransom's incredible self-publishing thread, https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/self-publishing-writing-authorship/46006-hello-denver-self-publishing-success-21.html#post297921, here's my separate progress thread. The Goal: To Make a Living Through Fiction Writing. To...
  5. ChickenHawk

    Game Show Winnings – Event or Process?

    So, if you win money on a game show, is it an event? Or is the result of a process? You be the judge. A few years ago, I was a contestant on "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." After my episode aired, everyone told me how lucky I was to get on the show and win free money. They all wanted to know...
  6. ChickenHawk

    Socialites Can Sidewalk Too

    Petraeus whistleblower Jill Kelley living large, but is flat broke and drowning in debt with her mansion in foreclosure. She might have multiple properties in foreclosure and $253,437 in unpaid credit card bills, but she still LOOKS rich. And really, isn't that the most important thing...
  7. ChickenHawk

    Press Release 101: Do's and Don'ts.

    Since it's come up on different threads, below are some tips if you're planning to write your own press release with the goal of getting it picked up by traditional media outlets and their Web sites. As the author of too many press releases to count, here's my mental list of do's and don'ts...
  8. ChickenHawk

    Stupid PR and Goat Pictures - Is This REALLY Worth the Risk?

    On an introductory thread, I ran across this comment from a fellow forum member. "Time Nazis suck. Half the time it's a clinically obese HR bitch that starts going off... Probably her husband hasn't got on the troll in a month or two, lol. Let's not forget about all those latest fad diet...
  9. ChickenHawk

    Buying the Dot-Com, Should I buy Net, Biz, Org too?

    I'm developing a series of media products under a new brand that combines two self-help things into one. Let's call this new combination RoboDancing. If I wanted to sell a series of RoboDancing workout DVDs (heaven forbid), these are the URLs I'd buy. RoboDance.com RoboDanced.com...
  10. ChickenHawk

    ChickenHawk Intro - Where I Confess My Failures

    Hi Everyone, here's my intro... I was a full-fledged Slowlaner until a few years ago, when I decided that working a regular job was highly overrated, not because I'm lazy, but due to its limitations -- a lack of control, flexibility, a relative ceiling on earning potential, etc. So, while...

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