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  1. stefanlazar

    Fastlane Lessons: The WADM Framework

    Hey! I needed to use the WADM Framework and I decided to post it here for the people who forgot.
  2. stefanlazar

    Where to learn sales?

    Hey Fastlaners! I want to learn selling, but I don't actually know any good places to do so! I'm thinking of reading some books (If you have any recommendations, please let me know) and I wanted to ask you what you think the best place (online page/books/other) for learning is?
  3. stefanlazar

    In case you forgot: the acronyms in Fastlane.

    While reading the book I had moments when I forgot what some acronyms mean and since there isn't a place where all of them are listed, I did it myself: FIRE = Financial Independence, Retire Early ULL = Uncontrollable Limited Leverage CUL= Controllable Unlimited Leverage WAF= Wealth...
  4. stefanlazar

    15 and full of ambition. Nothing can stop me, not even my country!

    Hello everyone! I just finished Fastlane and now I'm here, glad to meet everyone! I'm 15 years old and live in Romania. Fastlane isn't translated in Romanian, so I had to read it in English. Fortunately I've learnt english at a young age from playing video games (anyone else did this?) Even...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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