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  1. DoWhatWorks

    How do you balance life, your day job and business?

    Hi all, Like many others I work at an office job during the day and focus on my business at night. It's an exciting time as my monthly business revenue exceeds my pay check and if all goes well I'll be in a position to quit employment for good in the next 12 - 24 months. The only problem...
  2. DoWhatWorks

    Documenting my journey to > $10K MRR (Achieved)

    Hi all, I intro'd myself in this post and plan to share my progress every week or so in me scaling my social media management agency from its existing $1,970 a month to $10,000 a month. Quick intro about me: Mid 20's, live in London, work in tech, and started my agency last year. Within 1-2...
  3. DoWhatWorks

    How I made my first four figures online in 32 days...

    Hi all - introducing myself and my story so far... I plan to share (hopefully useful!) experiences and learn from others here too :) TLDR: Been trying & failing at starting businesses for 7 years. Graveyard includes: Affiliate, SaaS, E-book & god knows why Real Estate lol Last year I got fed...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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