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  1. J

    Being a minor fastlaner can be tough... but doesn´t has to be.

    Hey, young Fastlaners, Today, I want to discuss a challenge that many of us face as minors on the Fastlane: the pain of not having a credit card. It's frustrating how numerous online services, essential for setting up a fastlane business, require credit card payments, which we don't have access...
  2. J

    I WANT to know your thoughts on these solutions for this Fastlane problem (hair salons)

    Hey Fastlaners, So I recently came across a very valuable post by the user MTF talking about how to get infinite fastlane ideas through problems. Part of his strategy is e-mailing business owners and asking them formally about their biggest struggles with running their businesses. I sent around...
  3. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    Recently, I discovered a concerning trend on social media, particularly YouTube. Finance YouTubers predict the demise of the middle class within a few years, claiming that non-wealthy individuals will be trapped in lifelong poverty. One big guy, Iman Gadzhi, says that a controlling elite will...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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