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  • Users: likeweb
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  1. likeweb

    How do you build your reputation speed in the forum?

    Forum reputations, are somehow like video games, it plays with the idea of personal satisfaction as it motivates you to get a higher score/level with each post you make and the more people you can help. I know it sounds silly, but I've been trying to get rid of my "parked" speed reputation and...
  2. likeweb

    How do I change my avatar picture?

    I already looked under my profile settings, photos, settings, I don't find were can I upload an image....... Is this something I'm not yet supposed to do due to my "Parked" status? if that's the case, I can go and move my car around for a while! lol :rolleyes::driving:
  3. likeweb

    How do you fastlaners organize your goals, time, priorities, family, etc?

    Nobody likes to to end up their days, putting up fires and doing tasks as they along, leaving you wondering where did the day go, and why you didn't have time to do what really matters?. This is my case, and its driving me crazy. In the past I have always used a calendar and set up a ABC order...
  4. likeweb

    Taking advantage of Evernotes functionalities

    I’ve been using Evernote for a couple months, until recently I taught it was a nice place to jot down ideas, you know, an idea came to mind and wrote it down. The problem is that it can get messy really fast, if you don't have some sort organizational or logical system in place (as I was doing...
  5. likeweb

    Not sure if I should really call this an intro or MJ & gang thank you post

    Hi everyone, This is my first and what I would call my introductory post, and the title says it all, but I'm more incline to call it an MJ thank you note. I have not started my journey into the web business world; this is my first step in doing so. As with most of you, after reading MJ's book...

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