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  • Users: TheWiseGuy
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  1. T

    Anxiety Relief Idea: Boo or Yay?

    I've been pondering on ideas that are: 1. Replicable 2. Benefit from Customer Lifetime Value I've thought up a funky concoction of two existing products. In my mind, it actually sounds quite cool. But I'm asking myself "does the world ACTUALLY need something like this?". I'm hoping some of...
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    Thoughts on AirBnB Co-Hosting

    Like many of you, my Instagram algorithm is saturated with these "Get Rich Quick" broccoli haired 17 year olds. Sometimes, these people are awfully believable. I find myself asking "are you ACTUALLY making €XYZ in a day, just for setting appointments?" Then, like the swift shock of cold water...
  3. T

    ____ Is The Root of All Evil...

    We've all heard it - "Money is the root of all evil". And who chants these words the most? Sidewalkers. And I'm here to say: POVERTY is the root of most evil. NOT money. Recently, I've seen more and more cutesy phrases splashed over social media. Things like "most men are so poor, they only...
  4. T

    Missed Marketing Opportunity? Or Strict Business? You Decide...

    So last night I arrived at the train station car park to find my car's battery was dead. With no jumper cables or people around, I walked my way home. This morning, I awoke early with a problem on my mind: I need to get a jump to get my car started because I need to go to work. There's a...
  5. T

    Looking for a like-minded business partner

    Hi all, I'm 24 years old and have been an entrepreneur for the last 2.5 years or so. In my extensive study of business and life, one thing constantly came up-- working with a like-minded individual is crucial. I invite anybody who may be interested in working together to private message me. I...
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    Bottom of Sales Funnel FAILING and I Don't Know Why or How

    So I'm pretty perplexed right now. I'm in the ACT, ASSESS, ADJUST stage and I'm learning a shit-ton about business, marketing, psychology and so fourth. *From here on out, I'll abbreviate Act, Assess, Adjust to "AAA" for simplicity. I've utilised AAA for my product, my site design and my...
  7. T

    Calling All Android Users: Please Help Me!

    Hi everybody, I'm running ads to my website and getting some add to cart action without any conversions. My phone (an older POS) isn't giving me the option to put in my credit card details on checkout. My girlfriend has two Apple devices that do it perfectly. Maybe it's my phone or perhaps...
  8. T

    Scalable (im)personal brands. WTF?

    SCALING - AI - 
    I'm not a businessman. I'm a business, man. Personal brands are all the rage these days. Think of people like Andrew Tate, who can get paid to show his face at some crappy party for 5 mins. Maybe you're launching a new whiskey. Sure thing, Tate will hold it for 5 seconds at a rate of €10k per...
  9. T

    Time to pivot or adjust?

    Okay, so about a month ago I launched my business after 3 months of development. My overhead per month is roughly about €70 (Squarespace + Custom Form App) this doesn't include advertising spend (more on that soon). I've made two sales worth €70, "netting" me about €30 after production. I've...
  10. T

    Get Ready For Post-Launch Depression...

    Desert desertion is real, but let me flip it on its head and prepare fresh entrepreneurs for something they might not expect. Development (construction) in the initial phases is the fun part. For some, it may seem like a slog (hence, desert desertion). The initial phase is the constant pursuit...
  11. T

    Need opinions! Landing page feedback

    I'm planning to start collecting 50 emails before I start working on the back end of my project. I've created a pretty simple landing page to direct ad traffic to. Keep in mind, I'm keeping costs down until the concept is validated (people see my MVP & express interest). I've researched and...
  12. T

    Potentially "firing" my girlfriend

    Okay, the title sounds like I'm some billionaire CEO with employees. In reality, I had a pretty neat business idea that needs to validated by the market through a landing page. My girlfriend is a software developer & I thought it would be good for her to work with me. I've been doing a fair...
  13. T

    Selling internationally & trademarks

    I've had a pretty solid business name I've been using as a placeholder. Now, I'll be operating within Europe BUT selling worldwide via a website. Coincidentally, when checking the US trademark registry, some dude applied to use this name. The registration is "pending" so it's not actually...
  14. T

    Help: Automatic book formating

    Hey guys, Does anybody with experience or expertise know a service that formats text into a printable PDF? I know it's possible to do this manually, but even if my business gets 10 orders, this will be a massive time investment. The big challenge is that every PDF will be different. My...
  15. T

    Am I taking this too far? Idea/personal feedback

    What's up guys.. So I had an idea.. in summary it's an online platform that helps grieving pet owners cope with the death of their pet through narrative therapy. It's similar to "Storyworth" (which was a success) but heavily focuses on the niche of grieving pet owners. The platform will ask...
  16. T

    Having trouble trusting my idea

    So me & my girlfriend done some thorough research on a particular niche we're looking to operate in. We even sent around 100 messages to people in this niche. An overwhelming number of people reacted positively, and those who told us they wouldn't buy always said they may know someone who would...
  17. T

    Stuck while a task is delegated!

    Okay, so me and my girlfriend have a very viable business idea. The business will operate in cyber space 95% of the time, which means it will need a website. We can't use shopify for this specific business model. Luckily, she's a computer science graduate well capable of building a custom...
  18. T

    Shark Tank Affirmed Value Skew...

    if this thread is under the wrong topic, please feel free to remove it or let me know! Before reading "The Millionaire Fastlane" I KNEW that a business was necessary. Like most people, I didn't know where to start. "everything is already being done!" I repeated to myself after crumbling up...
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    My mind is in the fastlane, literally.

    Okay so hear me out.. I've had a business idea/concept that I think is my best. I know, ideas don't mean sh*t until execution . However, I'm still in the very early stages of really connecting the dots & my creative juices are flowing. The concept involves software, which will be delegated to...
  20. T

    Experience with X Monetization?

    Has anybody had success becoming monetized on X? I know there's a certain number of followers you must accrue & you need to subscribe to their blue tick programme. I'm thinking of this; if I consume and scroll endlessly whilst I'm kicking back, why not become the producer with the chance of...

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