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  • Users: niftyg
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  1. niftyg

    Shameless GoFundMe Plug.. Help, our dog is dying.

    Just wanted to reach out to any fastlaners to see if they could lend a helping hand by sharing, donating, or even buying some high-quality products. My girlfriends dog Luna needs to be treated for a life-threatening virus.. she is extremely sick and there is no way we can afford to treat her...
  2. niftyg

    Need info on Facebook ads.

    Hey guys, Having found great success with Facebook ads for my niche (multiple sales a day) and getting 600 hits a day not spending a ton of money. I knew I wasn't home free yet. I'm struggling to get 200 a day while soaking TONS of money into ads and no matter what I play around with I keep...
  3. niftyg

    Getting on my feet again...

    After a very failed Amazon private label gig I am beginning to stand again...... Working on a project for so long with no money coming in did a lot on me physiologically. Would it even work? Was I just lucky the first time? These things never seem to be talked about but they are so big. We are...
  4. niftyg

    Walking Away From a Million Dollar (or was it?) Project

    You have an absolutely fantastic idea. Everything makes perfect sense - this is going to be very profitable, after all there are only a few others doing it - all who have multi-million dollar businesses. Shortly after working on the project, be it a day, month or year, you talk yourself out of...
  5. niftyg

    Failing Business: Check. 25k Credit Card Debt: Check.

    I started 'successfully' selling a product on Amazon and was doing great. I started up with credit cards, and still had a good chunk of debt laying behind me from previous failed endeavors. As the cash started to flow I was making more than I made at my job, and although saddled with debt, was...
  6. niftyg

    Nobody Tells This to Beginners

    Found this video on the front page of the web design sub reddit. This video is aimed towards artists but I really think it applies to the mindset of anyone trying to "Get there" Enjoy
  7. niftyg

    Little Motivation for Those who Doubt

    Hey everyone. This little message goes out to anyone who feels stuck and like they might never get 'there'. To the people who doubt they will ever be productive and fall into the trap of.. laziness. I'm going to tell you a story about myself. I was one of 'them', and I still am one of them...
  8. niftyg

    Help Me Name My New Product Line! (And win some money while you're at it)

    I call upon my fellow Fastlaners for some help. I am looking for a unique name for my new product, and having a very difficult idea coming up with something that hasn't been taken! The product line will specialize in pet training, specifically dogs, but maybe others in the future. If anybody...
  9. niftyg

    Amazon: How to Remain Exclusive on a Product

    Having an exclusive product on Amazon has caused me trouble since day one. You can slap your own brand name on it, you can have killer marketing copy, but somebody can always slip in there and hijack your product with a lower price. It has made me think, what are some tips that can keep your...
  10. niftyg

    They think I'm an MLM junky

    I've been talking to some friends about how excited I am to go to Houston for C&B (I say entrepreneur gathering / meet up) and everyone seems to think I have been brainwashed by a cult-like MLM group. and they're sad I have sunk this low. I should listen to their ideas (haven't seen success) and...
  11. niftyg

    Direct Pitch Landing Page VS 'Free Sample eBook' Lander for Info Products

    For anybody experienced in online marketing here I was wondering what is generally more successful A landing page going directly to 'the pitch' to buy the product, or sending them a free pdf, maybe a sample of the product with a link to purchase?
  12. niftyg

    Pricing, Market Research & Bad Reactions

    In my quest to getting a product into stores, I have ran into a problem I didn't expect to be as much of a problem. MSRP and pricing. I have contacted a few retail stores trying to research average profit margins on my type of product. My goal is to provide the retailer a better profit margin...
  13. niftyg

    Getting Product into Store Checklist

    I am in the process of launching my first product and getting it right into stores. I have never done anything like this before. After some pilot runs of internet advertising I have come to the conclusion that people want a selection and not a single item, which made me think of the B&M store...
  14. niftyg

    Adult Friendly CPM/CPC... That are not porn.

    I was wondering if anybody knows of any traffic buying websites that are 'adult friendly' that aren't necessarily porn or 'adult' networks. I'm not promoting anything crude, but is classified as adult, stopping me from promoting on Facebook. something that caters to the ladies. Any ideas?
  15. niftyg

    Testing Ideas with Ads.. & WHEN to call it a success or failure.

    I recently stumbled upon a technique that I can't believe I missed or didn't think about (zend***phin's Testing Video). I have a few ideas that would be perfect to be tested this way (as this is the way I would go and get sales) so I go ahead and piece together some ads and a landing page when I...
  16. niftyg

    Burning Your Boat VS Playing it Safe

    The headline says it all, what does everybody think of this topic. There are two groups: Play it Safe: Work your day job and your fast lane on the side, eventually fast lane income exceeds day job and you ease out of it slowly. Burning Boats: Quit, cut ties right now. Go full bore on your...
  17. niftyg

    Wholesale vs Direct

    One decision I have stumbled upon is whether to sell my product direct to consumer, or wholesale to businesses. They both have their own advantages disadvantages. Direct to Consumer: The product price can be kept much lower. I can sell my high quality product at a much lower price than most...
  18. niftyg

    Closing in on Freedom

    Here is some motivation for you guys who haven't started yet. This isn't going to be some golden nugget of information, simply what I have accomplished since joining the TFL forum. Just under three months in my attempt at my first business, I have hit the half way point to match my monthly day...
  19. niftyg

    Learning to pick yourself up: One of the best skills I have learnt.

    This morning I was struggling, trying to think what exactly I want to do with my business. My planning is weak and this is really my first endeavor that I am going to follow through with to the end. I stumble upon some competition: a very successful company I have never heard of. They do all of...
  20. niftyg

    Hustle VS. Job: Discuss!

    As you know know there are a variety of ways to generate money to fund your startup and your livelihood but discussion on this forum generally breaks down to 1. Working an hourly job 2. "Hustle" Use all skills at your disposal to pull in cash Although there is lots of information present on...

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