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  • Users: ironman150
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  1. ironman150

    an end to the college student loan fiasco?

    This is NOT Fastlane or Unscripted but I think would solve a big problem we have in todays society. Someone poke holes in this please. The idea: On every loan that is needed for higher education, make the colleges themselves be the automatic co-signer on the loan. I believe a few things...
  2. ironman150

    Well hell, lets do this out in the open, shall we?

    Hello All, i had a nice conversation with UnrealCreative after i ranted about an accountability partner (Meetup - Accountability Partner). He suggested an open progress thread on my TMF journey. He also pointed me to Notable! - Manufacturing a FTE (F*ck This Event!) as i have found that my...
  3. ironman150

    How do we use the rep bank?

    I've looked and can't seem to find the rules on the REP BANK. Its neat that i have some $$, but why did i get it and how do i use it and what are the rules about it? any help is greatly appreciated. thank you IM150
  4. ironman150

    Let myself introduce....myself.

    Hello all...47 and just starting to make waves and leave my comfort zone. Have irons in the fire now and working on getting the backbone to follow through. Looking forward to help where i can, learn lots and get in the flow of this forum. :)

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