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  1. thewalkingtemple

    Blog Expertise Needed! How do I get my blog to outperform my medium presence?

    Hey guys, I've been running a science blog (wordpress) for a little over a year now. I have been putting in steady effort into the content (over 200 quality posts this year). The results are mixed; the traffic is poor on the main website. I am currently monetizing the main website only via...
  2. thewalkingtemple

    Is there a market for inventing languages?

    Use Case: What if there was a way to ensure that your private journals remain private? You know, the journals that hold your deepest and darkest secrets? The kind of secrets that would embarass you enough to roll in your grave after your death if someone were to find your journal? What if you...
  3. thewalkingtemple

    A Money System That Is Actually Working For Me

    Hello everyone, I've had a weird journey where I've actually managed to work out an effective money system before I've established a money engine (process) to feed the money system. Regardless, I thought that I would document this journey as a post for anyone to benefit from my knowledge so...

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