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  • Users: Edgar King
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  1. Edgar King

    Find Product Market Fit

    Perhaps one of the most concise and accurate talks about product market fit imo, so thought I'd share. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgaP-tMkJaw
  2. Edgar King

    Why Are These Books So Recommendable? Authors listen up!

    The Millionaire Fastlane How To Win Friends And Influence People The Subtle Art Cashvertising Atomic Habits Scroll any self-improvement thread on any social media platform long enough and you'll eventually come across comments like... "I read x book and it changed my life! Highly...
  3. Edgar King

    How Mark Rober Exemplified Act, Assess, Adjust

    Mark Rober made a video attempting to drop an egg from space. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYVZh5kqaFg&t=11s In it, he goes through many trials to achieve that vision, failing about 4 times before it all worked out (somewhat). He could have given up on the 3rd try but he kept...
  4. Edgar King

    What Really Matters?

    Here's what happened to me for a Tiktok account I was posting on... 1st post: Cost: 15+ minutes to create. Result: A few likes (Even though I thought this had a lot of value). 2nd post: Cost: <1 minute to create. Result: Almost X10 a few likes. What really matters in a strictly business point...
  5. Edgar King

    How I Found And Solved A Problem I Cared About (Probably...)

    Tl;DR Just start helping people in a niche. And try to iterate to a productcracy (regardless of the means). A productcracy is one in which people voluntarily talk about your product positively with others. It all started on day 140 of my 150 execution challenge. "I've wasted so much...
  6. Edgar King

    What I've Learned From 150 Days Of Execution

    Use MJ's 1/5/10 planner: It felt like I woke up. I had a direction now. Refine your Why: This got me moving when I didn't really feel like I wanted to. Plan: It's like learning to code, so learn from the pros. The moment I scrolled through some tiktoks of people building a business and showing...
  7. Edgar King

    The fundamentals of entrepreneurship: How I sold "air"

    I watched this inspiring "Survival" video by Ryan Trahan where he tried to survive on $0.01 for 30 days while crossing America. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEqi3VVLYkg One key moment in the video for me was when he bought a $1 bottle, went to a group of people on the beach who were...
  8. Edgar King

    Are You Action Faking? Here's A Way To Know...

    I always wondered whether what I was doing was really moving the needle forward to my goals, or I was just avoiding what I ought to do. Well, I've come across quite the reliable way to know when you're action faking or wether you're actually moving towards your goals in an efficient way. It's...
  9. Edgar King

    Competition Need Not Apply

    To compete or not compete? I just finished watching this amazing video by a YouTuber called Jake Tran. The topic is highly relevant to business, and talks about the Blue Ocean strategy which I'll link to at the end if you want to watch it. As a naive YouTuber (A lot like the YouTube...
  10. Edgar King

    How To Form A Deeper Bond With Anyone

    Just wanted to post some advice I received from a good friend of mine who's mother networks, I've applied, and found it actually helped create a deeper bond with others. It's my hope that you'll find possibly even better success, for the situations where you wish to get your foot in the door...
  11. Edgar King

    Accountability Partners For Lawn Care Service Business Owners Scaling Their Business

    I've heard networking is important, so here goes my idea... Basically, make more money in half the time, in half the effort in your country or state as a lawn care/landscaping business. You'll be able to meet other lawn care business owners in the process of scaling their business and check in...
  12. Edgar King

    The 6 Levels Of Successful Entrepreneurs To Avoid Being the 87.6% that Failed

    Saw this informative video on the stages to go through to get a successful company and thought to share. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toUEcVKqkLU
  13. Edgar King

    Finding A (Fastlane) Need Is This E A S Y

    So you've read the Millionaire Fastlane, Unscripted, Great Rat Race, even stalked MJ in his backyard to uncover the secret needs formula, but where... is.... that.... KRABBY PATTY FORMULA...I mean...NEED?! You've deep dived through hundreds of forum threads about finding problems and needs in...
  14. Edgar King

    Dummy Guide To VALUE: Craft Million Dollar Offers And Great Relationships (Alex Hormozi: The 100 Million Dollar Man)

    Above All Else… Provide Relative Value. Relative To The Market. Value is helping me move me from point A (Inferno), to point B (Heaven) which I care to be at (Desired Outcome). Introduction And Thanks (You Can Skip This) I wish to start by saying, Hello! My name's Edgar and I'm an avid scribe...
  15. Edgar King

    Ecommerce Vs Agency Vs Freelancing As A Beginner

    Konichiwa! I've never done a proper intro before so here goes... When I was 16, I was introduced to the concept of financial freedom by Hector Quintalla and my friend, the drop shipper. With that initial spark, I went on to read many financial books and stumbled upon the Millionaire Fastlane...
  16. Edgar King

    How You Can Step Into Others Shoes

    How You Can Step Into Others Shoes (At least the way I use) This is for those who are having a really hard time just trying to start to care for others. When I started out way long before the forum I was just focused on making loads of money, and obviously this reflected in my motivation and...
  17. Edgar King

    Should I Launch This Ecommerce Store?

    Hey everyone! I have an idea for an Ecommerce store. I love cereal. If a couple of aliens were to arrive on Earth to take 10% of the people who love cereal, I'd probably be sucked right up. From Lucky charms, to Frosties, to honey loops, to Reese Puffs I love them all. Except oatmeal XD. I...
  18. Edgar King

    You Don't Need 100% Certainty To Do It

    Hey guys! I've recently started on the entrepreneurship route to never have to need to wear a suite and tie again, because I find them itchy by providing value and making the world a better place. But in doing so, I've come across many of my weaknesses and grown along the journey. I'm writing...
  19. Edgar King

    How Many People Should Be Asked In An Industry For Their Problems?

    Hello! Right now I'm using a hybrid of ICK's approach to build a Productorcracy or even start something backed by research and I have a question about finding problems. Here is the thread of my journey so far with the written plan- INTRO - Attempting to Build A Productocracy [Niche > Problem >...
  20. Edgar King

    What Do Gold And Notable Threads Mean

    I know I might sound like a total Newb on this, but I was curious and happily don't mind asking dumb questions. I've also searched the forum and couldn't find a page on it. What do the Gold and notable threads mean? Perhaps I also did not check a certain page, if so please let me know. Thanks in...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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