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  1. marfmarkus

    Are you getting stopped by the tiniest hurdles ever?

    I cannot describe how good this thread is because it's the kind that i'd wake up to and read every single day to engrain it into my head with a hot iron. My favourite part
  2. marfmarkus

    Greetings from a sidewalker

    Wow I had no idea you could do that, Oscar gambling? lol
  3. marfmarkus

    What life goals (Outside Money) do you have? No matter how crazy!

    I wanna be the guy who has enough money to work any job he likes without caring about the pay. Help out a hospital or operate farm equipment in a poor country. Secretly own a super car and a couple other fun cars to mess with. But really just enjoy pretending to be like everyone else while...
  4. marfmarkus

    How I turned $20 into $8,500+ in 2 months

    Love how simple and fun it is to just flip regular boring stuff into wealth
  5. 1740318505472.webp


  6. marfmarkus

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    View: https://x.com/johnrushx/status/1893496003912966213 What are your guys thoughts on this
  7. marfmarkus

    What Do You Wear and Why?

    On the average day I wear a pair of jeans, white t shirt (i got 5 of them), half zip sweater and if its cold enough my vest or a whole jacket. In summer it's linen pants instead of jeans. but still a half zip sweater, sometimes a polo shirt if it's hot. For shoes I currently daily fully white...
  8. marfmarkus

    My weird comeback to this forum: Sad lessons I learned the past 3 years

    If I look at the current situation at our company it really feels like you're part of some gig economy. It's not really something I can see myself in long term if the only leverage I can build is though workforce. Especially in a country where salary costs for the employer are like double of the...
  9. marfmarkus

    My weird comeback to this forum: Sad lessons I learned the past 3 years

    To be honest I want to keep this as compact as possible to let it out. But it'll be lengthy I think haha I am turning 23 next month. In 2022 I introduced myself to this forum roughly when I was reading Fastlane and Unscripted. I complained about my apprenticeship or something, nothing new...
  10. marfmarkus

    SW Development Apprentice Here, Trying Real Hard

    Hi I'm Mark, I joined this forum a while back but didn't bother interacting with anybody in here cuz I was busy reading The Millionaire Fastlane and then gave up halfway. Uh long story short I want to build a group of online businesses under a specific name and just throw my content out there...

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