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  1. Vipron

    24 Yo, Asperger and suicidal, my last hope are to change my life.

    Thanks for your reply... And yes the problem with depression it's that I'm in a constant fight against my-self. But I schedule my day in a smart way for now, and yes I need to focus absolutely on getting my diploma for now before the rest. I'm unstable because at some moment I have the...
  2. Vipron

    24 Yo, Asperger and suicidal, my last hope are to change my life.

    I will... In fact I didn't read it yet I read unscipted and also the last one he did
  3. Vipron

    24 Yo, Asperger and suicidal, my last hope are to change my life.

    Hi. I'm not sure why I post and come here, and I'm not sure what I have to tell precisely about my life, so I will just go with the flow. I'm a 24 years old student living in Belgium, so sorry in advance for my bad english. I'm born in a very catastrophic family. My father abandonned me when...

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