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  1. ajakupi

    You can become a Jedi Master of Persuasion. Here's how:

    Thank you for sharing this. I am looking for ways to create content on social media for my "business", so I can see if there is enough demand to start selling. This "persuasion" technique if not overdone, could be one of the ways we could create content.
  2. ajakupi

    I feel as if I'm not going forward

  3. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    I made the website with Squarespace, I don’t believe I am good with UI. I was just copying other websites components haha
  4. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Thank you. I agree with what you say. If number say it won’t work, then I am moving on but untill then, work…
  5. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Thank you for your constructive feedbcack. I don't mind hearing harsh realities but I mind when someone makes it personal and you didn't. I definetly need to fix something about the whole narrative. And yes, you are correct I fantasize alot. I love the idea of helping others.
  6. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Exactly. I once watched an Shark Tank episode where Mark Cuban said it is one of the hardest industry to compete but I am willing to try and fail. But I'll be damned if I don't try at least.
  7. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Thank you for your feedback. I have some ideas how to fix that. Hmm. Interesting. I will fix it.
  8. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    I agree with you. If the data shows that the market won’t buy and other bad indicators I will drop the idea no matter how attached I am. Can’t be emotional about business but I’ve got to try.
  9. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    “I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.” Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
  10. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Maybe it will maybe it won’t but the thought that I never tried is the burden I can’t live with. I don’t know how familiar you are with tourism but we only work for 6 months, other 6 I am free to work on projects I want. You can’t really optimize the restaurant, ads don’t work because our...
  11. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Glad you liked Croatia. Not sure where you are from but in some places in Croatia you can live very cheaply and the environment is clean as f... haha. Imagine this, OMNI social media accounts never promote the drink only showcase the participants of OMNI events but yet you buy the drink. You've...
  12. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    I am thinking of Adjusting the vision. Creating fathers-sons/friends events where OMNI will be sold and given free for the participants. I know a lot of people who go to running events (Wings for Life, etc..) across Croatia just to compete. I believe I can use these kinds of events to market...
  13. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    It's good to know that there are people with the same kind of vision in the Balkans (the Wild East). I don't think people on this forum know beautiful life in the Balkans is. I didn't manufacture the drink because there is a ton of regulation that the drink need to respect to sell in the EU...
  14. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Bok buraz haha. Let’s continue speaking in English as it looks more professionall. First of all, thank you for your positive feedback. Are you working on some project as well? OMNI is targeted for the beginning for Croatian and Balkan if all goes well. I’ve tried the drink and it is very good...
  15. ajakupi

    Military training instead of bodybuilding: Let's help each others!

    Thank you for sharing the links. Have you done tactical fitness before?
  16. ajakupi

    Military training instead of bodybuilding: Let's help each others!

    I love gym. I've been going to the gym for the last 7 year and I am 21. I watched this YT video because I am a fan of Will I Barely Survived Counter Terrorism Training and got Inspired. I know nothing about military. I haven't experienced war or anything close to it. I never have fought even...
  17. ajakupi

    Stuck. Idk how to market?

    @The-J I would love to personally thank you. Without a doubt, this helps me a lot. You made things so much clear for me. I guess you had to go thru a lot to give an answer this simple. I will take your post as a guide. Sometimes I need people to pinpoint things they say to my case because I...
  18. ajakupi

    Stuck. Idk how to market?

    I read another similar report overview for Croatia for alcoholic beverages and the report says that it is on a decline also. I know for a fact that the alcohol beverage industry in croatia is constantly growing and there is high demand. I still believe in the product because we would be the...
  19. ajakupi

    Stuck. Idk how to market?

    I haven’t read that book. Only unscripted. But I will check it out
  20. ajakupi

    Stuck. Idk how to market?

    I’ll take some time to think about some guerilla ideas. Thank you all

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