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  1. J

    Documenting My Fitness Journey (Skinny-Fat → Aesthetic & Athletic)

    I believe you can do it. One year ago I was like you. Unfit and unathletic (skinny fat and chubby. A bit overweight). While my so-called "friends" were eating McDonald's and Snacks I wasn´t and it did its magic. No, I have six-pack abs. I want to gain more muscle because I´m still a bit skinny...
  2. J

    Being a minor fastlaner can be tough... but doesn´t has to be.

    Hey, young Fastlaners, Today, I want to discuss a challenge that many of us face as minors on the Fastlane: the pain of not having a credit card. It's frustrating how numerous online services, essential for setting up a fastlane business, require credit card payments, which we don't have access...
  3. J

    I WANT to know your thoughts on these solutions for this Fastlane problem (hair salons)

    Hey Fastlaners, So I recently came across a very valuable post by the user MTF talking about how to get infinite fastlane ideas through problems. Part of his strategy is e-mailing business owners and asking them formally about their biggest struggles with running their businesses. I sent around...
  4. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    Find a problem or demand, solve it through a product or service and apply the CENTS model
  5. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    thanks, bro. Great advice
  6. J

    What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    Currently reading 'Meditations' from Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Before that I read 'Traffic Secrets' by Russel Brunson.
  7. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    The story with the chicken is a good anecdote. I think that I was that chicken. The opportunities are there. I just need to find them and work my a$$ off to turn them into a fastlane business.
  8. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    Thanks bro. That really helped me.
  9. J

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I read the book. It´s a masterpiece, but a bit repetitive. But this also helped me remember the lessons better. A must-read for everyone who wants to become financially free
  10. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    He promotes an SMMA (social media marketing agency) as the ultimate business model, where you offer services like copywriting and social media management to local businesses or e-commerce brands. However, this approach doesn't work for most viewers since they lack the necessary skills, like...
  11. J

    Is the oppurtunity to get rich window actually closing?

    Recently, I discovered a concerning trend on social media, particularly YouTube. Finance YouTubers predict the demise of the middle class within a few years, claiming that non-wealthy individuals will be trapped in lifelong poverty. One big guy, Iman Gadzhi, says that a controlling elite will...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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