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  1. David_GER

    What (part time) Jobs provide real Value?

    Hey Gentlemen, I am looking for your help. I am a 17 years old and still go to school. I wanted to make money online but I figured that I lack in focus, experience and knowledge. I do lots of things to increase my lacks but I have to learn the mentioned things by getting a job. I have never had...
  2. David_GER

    My Journey in Business

    The goal here is to be as honest as I can be. I won’t lie to you or try to sell you something. Just a guy who tells his story in real time. I started this thread to maybe help others and to help me. I am gonna Journal my way in business, maybe I can help you. It’s not going to be anything...
  3. David_GER


  4. David_GER

    What high income skills are well suited?

    I am a 17-year-old boy currently living in Germany. Since I am still doing school, I need to use my time properly by learning a high income skill which I can use when I finish school. What high income skills have you mastered? And how do they influence your life? Feel free to share your advice.

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